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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
14 Aug, 2013  [xs_cat] Nested Set content tags Custom Tag Jonathan Guthrie
25 Jul, 2013  [every] Restricts blocks from executing more frequently than the specified number of seconds. Action Ke Carlton
10 Jul, 2013  [image->ishex] Check if an image is a solid colour (specified by a hex value) Image Ke Carlton
09 Jul, 2013  [file->getattr] Get custom attribute from a file Action Ke Carlton
09 Jul, 2013  [file->setattr] Set a custom file attribute File Ke Carlton
22 May, 2013  [mv_fmtnum] Format (serial)numbers Tags Marc Vos
19 May, 2013  [holidayDates] Return an array of holiday dates for one submitted year. French moving dates that depends on Easter day and custom days Date Jean-Pierre Kocherhans
12 Apr, 2013  [valid_routingnumber] Validate bank routing number using ABA check digit algorithm Custom Tag Justin Dennis
26 Mar, 2013  [calc_distance] Calculate distance between two lat/lon points using Haversine formula Utility Tim Taplin
23 Mar, 2013  [json_header] Alternative to content_type('application/json') that fixes MSIE. Utility Jonathan Guthrie
14 Feb, 2013  [clean_lasso_database] Cleans up Lasso 8 SQLite db from dynamically generated tables Administration Marc Vos
11 Feb, 2013  [amtac_fileuploads] Wrapper making file uploads more convenient to handle File Jolle Carlestam
11 Dec, 2012  [lp_client_browser(9)] An experimental port of Bil Cory's lp_client_browser Client Jonathan Guthrie
17 Oct, 2012  [trait_serializable(auto)] Extension to trait_serializable which handles de/serialisation automatically. Session Ke Carlton
11 Oct, 2012  [lp_client_isBot(9)] Experimental port of Bil Cory's lp_client_isBot to Lasso 9 Client Jonathan Guthrie
28 Sep, 2012  [serve_csv] Serves a CSV file. File Jason Huck
26 Sep, 2012  [xs_cat_9] xs_cat tags specific to Lasso 9 Custom Tag Jonathan Guthrie
18 Sep, 2012  [xs_genPwd] Generates a random password Custom Tag Jonathan Guthrie
18 Sep, 2012  [xs_genPwd(9)] Generates a random password, updated for Lasso 9 Action Jonathan Guthrie
17 Sep, 2012  [jc_harvest_meta] Retrieve meta and title content from HTML input Utility Jolle Carlestam
12 Sep, 2012  [jc_eachVisibleFilePathRecursive] Additions to dir to only deal with visible files and directories File Jolle Carlestam
12 Sep, 2012  [l9_header_nocache] A refinement/rework of Bil Cory's lp_header_nocache, this works natively with Lasso 9's web_response object Utility Jonathan Guthrie
31 Aug, 2012  [stdin_hidden] Short term tag to hidden password input when using lasso cli. Action Ke Carlton
06 Aug, 2012  [regexp->forEachMatch] A simple eacher for regular expression matching String Brad Lindsay
18 Jun, 2012  [object_generation] Create a type object from a mySQL table Utility Richard Moore
Showing 26 - 50 of 471

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