Link | xs_cat |
Author | Jonathan Guthrie |
Category | Custom Tag |
Version | 8.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 14 Aug 2013 |
Updated | 14 Aug 2013 |
More by this author... |
The tags are constantly being added to and improved.
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- MUST be used ONLY with MySQL 4.1+ as it requires subqueries
- $gv_sql must be defined appropriately, it is the full connection string of format:
var('gv_sql' = (Array: -Database='mydb', -Username='iam', -Password='veryveryverysecret', -maxRecords='all' ) );
- cattable will be required to be passed in all operations
Member tags:
Adds an entry AFTER specified item, at the same depth
Adds a child to the specified item.
Usually employed when there is no existing child.
Self-descriptive... DELETES the node and all it's child nodes.
Self-descriptive... MOVES the node and all it's child nodes in the specified direction.
Returns the SQL required to extract the full tree.
Returns the SQL required to extract the tree branching from a specified node.
Returns the SQL that will extract the linear path from the root to the node.
Returns a map with the parent id and name
CREATE TABLE `nestedset` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`lft` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`rgt` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`status` int(2) NOT NULL default '1',
xs_cat->(addSibling(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-txt= 'Hello World' ,-id=10)); xs_cat->(addChild(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-txt= 'Hello World' ,-id=10)); xs_cat->(deleteNode(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-id=10)); xs_cat->(moveNode(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-id=10)); xs_cat->(fullCatSQL(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-xtraReturn= ',column1, column2' ,-xtraWhere= 'SQL statement here' )); xs_cat->(subTreeSQL(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-depth=2,-relative=true,-xtraReturn= ',column1, column2' ,-xtraWhere= 'SQL statement here' )); xs_cat->(showPathSQL(-cattable= 'nestedset' ,-xtraReturn= ',column1, column2' ,-xtraWhere= 'SQL statement here' )); |
Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.
<!--?LassoScript // ----------------------------------------------------------- /* VERSION 2007-06-02 NOTE: - MUST be used ONLY with MySQL 4.1+ as it requires subqueries - $gv_sql must be defined appropriately - -cattable will be required to be passed in all operations DESCRIPTION addSibling Adds an entry AFTER specified item, at the same depth addChild Adds a child to the specified item. Usually employed when there is no existing child. addRoot Adds a node at the root - at the end deleteNode Self-descriptive... DELETES the node and all it's child nodes. moveNode Self-descriptive... MOVES the node and all it's child nodes in the specified direction. moveNodeTo Moves given node + nested nodes to inside a given node's id. fullCatSQL Returns the SQL required to extract the full tree. subTreeSQL Returns the SQL required to extract the tree branching from a specified node. showPathSQL Returns the SQL that will extract the linear path from the root to the node. getParent Returns a map, id and parentname getURLpath Returns the url page like /hello/world/ from an id USAGE: xs_cat--->(addSibling(-cattable='category',-txt='Hello World',-id=10)); xs_cat->(addChild(-cattable='category',-txt='Hello World',-id=10)); xs_cat->(deleteNode(-cattable='category',-id=10)); xs_cat->(moveNode(-cattable='category',-id=10)); xs_cat->(fullCatSQL(-cattable='category',-xtraReturn=',column1, column2',-xtraWhere='SQL statement here')); xs_cat->(subTreeSQL(-cattable='category',-depth=2,-relative=true,-xtraReturn=',column1, column2',-xtraWhere='SQL statement here')); xs_cat->(showPathSQL(-cattable='category',-xtraReturn=',column1, column2',-xtraWhere='SQL statement here')); CHANGES: 2006-06-17 Added order to fullcatSQL */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- if :!(Lasso_TagExists: 'xs_cat' ); define_type( 'cat' , -Priority= 'replace' , - namespace = 'xs_' , -prototype); define_tag( 'addSibling' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'txt' , -Optional= 'othersmap' , -Required= 'id' ); // ADDS ENTRY AFTER ANOTHER CHILD, SAME LEVEL local( 'xtraFields' = string); local( 'xtraValues' = string); if (local_defined( 'othersmap' ) && local( 'othersmap' )->(IsA( 'Map' ))); iterate(#othersmap,local( 'temp' )); #xtraFields += ',' +#temp->name; (#temp->value == 'NOW()' )? #xtraValues += ',NOW()' | #xtraValues += ',"' +#temp->value+ '"' ; /iterate; / if ; local( 'uniqueSeed' = lasso_uniqueid); local( 'sSQL' = ' LOCK TABLE '+#cattable+' WRITE; SELECT @myRight := rgt FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt + 2 WHERE rgt > @myRight; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE lft > @myRight; INSERT INTO '+#cattable+' (name, lft, rgt '+#xtraFields+' ,uniqueSeed) VALUES( "'+(encode_sql(#txt))+'" , @myRight + 1, @myRight + 2 '+#xtraValues+' , "'#uniqueSeed'" ); UNLOCK TABLES; '); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); xs_iserror; inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL= 'SELECT id FROM ' #cattable ' WHERE uniqueSeed = "' #uniqueSeed '" LIMIT 1' ); records; return (field( 'id' )); /records; /inline; /inline; /define_tag; define_tag( 'addChild' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'txt' , -Optional= 'othersmap' , -Required= 'id' ); // ADDS ENTRY NESTED INSIDE CAT WHERE NO CHILD EXISTS local( 'xtraFields' = string); local( 'xtraValues' = string); if (local_defined( 'othersmap' ) && local( 'othersmap' )->(IsA( 'Map' ))); iterate(#othersmap,local( 'temp' )); #xtraFields += ',' +#temp->name; (#temp->value == 'NOW()' )? #xtraValues += ',NOW()' | #xtraValues += ',"' +#temp->value+ '"' ; /iterate; / if ; local( 'uniqueSeed' = lasso_uniqueid); local( 'sSQL' = ' LOCK TABLE '+#cattable+' WRITE; SELECT @myLeft := lft FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt + 2 WHERE rgt > @myLeft; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE lft > @myLeft; INSERT INTO '+#cattable+' (name, lft, rgt '+#xtraFields+' ,uniqueSeed) VALUES( "'+(encode_sql(#txt))+'" , @myLeft + 1, @myLeft + 2 '+#xtraValues+' , "'#uniqueSeed'" ); UNLOCK TABLES; '); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); xs_iserror; inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL= 'SELECT id FROM ' #cattable ' WHERE uniqueSeed = "' #uniqueSeed '" LIMIT 1' ); records; return (field( 'id' )); /records; /inline; /inline; /define_tag; define_tag( 'addRoot' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'txt' , -Optional= 'othersmap' ); // ADDS ROOT NODE AT END local( 'xtraFields' = string); local( 'xtraValues' = string); if (local_defined( 'othersmap' ) && local( 'othersmap' )->(IsA( 'Map' ))); iterate(#othersmap,local( 'temp' )); #xtraFields += ',' +#temp->name; (#temp->value == 'NOW()' )? #xtraValues += ',NOW()' | #xtraValues += ',"' +#temp->value+ '"' ; /iterate; / if ; local( 'uniqueSeed' = lasso_uniqueid); local( 'sSQL' = ' LOCK TABLE '+#cattable+' WRITE; SELECT @myRight := rgt FROM '+#cattable+' ORDER BY rgt DESC LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO '+#cattable+' (name, lft, rgt '+#xtraFields+' ,uniqueSeed) VALUES( "'+(encode_sql(#txt))+'" , @myRight + 1, @myRight + 2 '+#xtraValues+' , "'#uniqueSeed'" ); UNLOCK TABLES; '); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); xs_iserror; inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL= 'SELECT id FROM ' #cattable ' WHERE uniqueSeed = "' #uniqueSeed '" LIMIT 1' ); records; return (field( 'id' )); /records; /inline; /inline; /define_tag; define_tag( 'deleteNode' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' ); // DELETE A NODE local( 'sSQL' = ' LOCK TABLE '+#cattable+' WRITE; SELECT @myLeft := lft, @myRight := rgt, @myWidth := rgt - lft + 1 FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; DELETE FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE lft BETWEEN @myLeft AND @myRight; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt - @myWidth WHERE rgt > @myRight; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft - @myWidth WHERE lft > @myRight; UNLOCK TABLES; '); // $gv_feedback += #sSQL; inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); xs_iserror; /inline; /define_tag; define_tag( 'moveNode' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' ); /* 1 Calculate the branch width of the branch you want to move. 2 Update all lft and rgt values on the branch you want to move by multiplying them by -1. 3 Update all values on the tree as though the branch you just negated was deleted. 4 Update all lft values that are greater than the rgt value of the node you want to move the branch to by adding the branch width + 2 to them. 5 Update all rgt values that are greater than or equal to the rgt value of the node you want to move the branch to by adding the branch width + 2 to them. 6 Find the greatest negative lft value in the table, which will be the top of the branch that you are moving, multiply it by -1 and call it x. 7 Find the lft value of the node that you want to attach the branch to, and call it y. 8 Calculate (y - x + 1) = z . Update all negative values in the table by subtracting z from them. 9 Update all negative values in the tree by multiplying them by -1. */ local( 'id2' = 0); // get immediate prior sibling local( 'sSQL' = ( ' SELECT,, ( COUNT ( - (sub_tree.depth + 1)) AS depth, node.lft, node.rgt FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent, '+#cattable+' AS sub_parent, ( SELECT, ( COUNT ( - 1) AS depth FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND = ( SELECT FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND = '+#id+' AND != '+#id+' ORDER BY parent.lft DESC LIMIT 1 ) GROUP BY ORDER BY node.lft )AS sub_tree WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.lft BETWEEN sub_parent.lft AND sub_parent.rgt AND = GROUP BY HAVING depth = 1 ORDER BY node.lft ASC;' )); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); records; if (integer(field( 'id' )) != #id); #id2 = integer(field( 'id' )); else ; loop_abort; / if ; /records; /inline; if (#id2 == 0); // here we are trying to ascertain if it's a root node! #sSQL = ' SELECT,, ( COUNT ( - 1) AS depth FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND = '+#id+' GROUP BY ORDER BY node.lft'; inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); records; if (integer(field( 'depth' )) == 0); // yay, it's a root node!!! #sSQL = ' SELECT,, ( COUNT ( - 1) AS depth FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY HAVING depth = 0 ORDER BY node.lft '; inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); records; if (integer(field( 'id' )) != #id); #id2 = integer(field( 'id' )); else ; loop_abort; / if ; /records; /inline; / if ; /records; /inline; / if ; if (#id2 > 0); #sSQL = (' LOCK TABLE '+#cattable+' WRITE; -- 1 SELECT @myLeft := lft, @myRight := rgt, @myWidth := rgt - lft + 1 FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id2+' ; -- 2 UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = (rgt*-1), lft = (lft*-1) WHERE lft BETWEEN @myLeft AND @myRight; -- 3 UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt - @myWidth WHERE rgt > @myRight; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft - @myWidth WHERE lft > @myRight; -- 4a SELECT @myLeft2 := lft, @myRight2 := rgt, @myWidth2 := rgt - lft + 1 FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; -- 4 & 5 UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt + @myWidth WHERE rgt > @myRight2; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft + @myWidth WHERE lft > @myRight2; -- 6 -- SELECT @x := (@myRight2 + 1) - (lft * -1) FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; SELECT @x := lft FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; SELECT @y := rgt FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; -- 8 UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = (rgt - (@y - @x + 1)) WHERE rgt < 0; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = (lft - (@y - @x + 1)) WHERE lft < 0; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt * -1 WHERE rgt < 0; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft * -1 WHERE lft < 0; UNLOCK TABLES; '); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); /inline; / if ; /define_tag; define_tag( 'moveNodeTo' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' , -Required= 'newparent' ); local( 'sSQL' = string); if (#newparent > 0 && #id > 0); #sSQL = (' LOCK TABLE '+#cattable+' WRITE; -- 1 , get boundaries of chunk to move SELECT @myLeft := lft, @myRight := rgt, @myWidth := rgt - lft + 1 FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#id+' ; -- 2 , make chunk negative (ie move outta da way) UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = ((rgt-@myRight)-1), lft = ((lft-@myRight)-1) WHERE lft BETWEEN @myLeft AND @myRight; -- 3 , collapse UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt - @myWidth WHERE rgt > @myRight; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft - @myWidth WHERE lft > @myRight; -- 4, get boundaries of new parent SELECT @myRight2a := rgt FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#newparent+' ; -- 5 , expand new parent + others to hold content UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = rgt + @myWidth WHERE rgt >= @myRight2a; -- note >= is new addition UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = lft + @myWidth WHERE lft > @myRight2a; -- 6, get boundaries of new parent SELECT @myLeft2 := lft, @myRight2 := rgt, @myWidth2 := rgt - lft + 1 FROM '+#cattable+' WHERE id = '+#newparent+' ; -- 8, take all less than 0 and ad myRight2, puts it automagically in teh right pos UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET rgt = (rgt + @myRight2) WHERE rgt < 0; UPDATE '+#cattable+' SET lft = (lft + @myRight2) WHERE lft < 0; UNLOCK TABLES; '); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); xs_iserror; /inline; / if ; /define_tag; define_tag( 'fullCatSQL' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Optional= 'xtraReturn' , -Optional= 'xtraWhere' , -Optional= 'orderby' , -Optional= 'depth' ); (!(local_defined( 'xtraReturn' ))) ? local( 'xtraReturn' = string); (!(local_defined( 'xtraWhere' ))) ? local( 'xtraWhere' = string); if (!(local_defined( 'depth' ))); local( 'depthComp' = string); else (string(#depth) != '' ); local( 'depthComp' = 'HAVING depth <= ' +#depth); else ; local( 'depthComp' = string); / if ; if (!(local_defined( 'orderby' ))); local( 'orderComp' = 'node.lft' ); else ; local( 'orderComp' = #orderby); / if ; /* Returns full category list incl depth. To specify additional columns returned use xtraReturn parameter To specify additional restrictions in WHERE clause, use xtraWhere parameter An example of xtraReturn is as follows: ', ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM asset, category AS subc WHERE asset.category_id = AND subc.lft BETWEEN node.lft AND node.rgt )AS chqty, ( SELECT COUNT( FROM asset WHERE asset.category_id = )AS qty, ( SELECT COUNT(*) - 1 FROM category AS nnode WHERE nnode.lft BETWEEN node.lft AND node.rgt )AS nchild' */ return (' SELECT,, ( COUNT ( - 1) AS depth '+#xtraReturn+' FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt '+#xtraWhere+' GROUP BY '+#depthComp+' ORDER BY '+#orderComp); /define_tag; define_tag( 'subTreeSQL' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' , -Optional= 'depth' , -Optional= 'relative' , -Optional= 'xtraReturn' , -Optional= 'xtraWhere' , -Optional= 'usage' ); (!(local_defined( 'usage' ))) ? local( 'usage' = string); (!(local_defined( 'xtraReturn' ))) ? local( 'xtraReturn' = string); (!(local_defined( 'xtraWhere' ))) ? local( 'xtraWhere' = string); (!(local_defined( 'relative' )) || (local( 'relative' ) == false)) ? local( 'relative' = '1' ) | local( 'relative' = '(sub_tree.depth + 1)' ); if (!(local_defined( 'depth' ))); local( 'depthComp' = string); else (integer(#depth) > 0); local( 'depthComp' = 'HAVING depth <= ' +#depth); else ; local( 'depthComp' = string); / if ; //(sub_tree.depth + 1) - makes the depth relative to the one requested //HAVING depth <= 1 - limits how many subs it pulls in /* ================================================================================ From Pier 23/05/2006 16:26 Added to the nested SELECT so that we can replace [...] = [...] with [...] = [...] ================================================================================ */ local( 'out' = 'SELECT' ); #usage != 'in' ? #out += ',, (COUNT( - ' +#relative+ ') AS depth ' +#xtraReturn; #out += ' FROM ' +#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent, '+#cattable+' AS sub_parent, ( SELECT,, ( COUNT ( - 1) AS depth FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND = '+#id+' GROUP BY ORDER BY node.lft )AS sub_tree WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND node.lft BETWEEN sub_parent.lft AND sub_parent.rgt AND = '+#xtraWhere+' GROUP BY '+#depthComp; #usage != 'in' ? #out += 'ORDER BY node.lft;' ; return (#out); /define_tag; define_tag( 'showPathSQL' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' , -Optional= 'xtraReturn' , -Optional= 'xtraWhere' ); (!(local_defined( 'xtraReturn' ))) ? local( 'xtraReturn' = string); (!(local_defined( 'xtraWhere' ))) ? local( 'xtraWhere' = string); local( 'out' = 'SELECT,, (COUNT( - 1) AS depth ' +#xtraReturn+' FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent, ( SELECT sub.lft AS sublft, sub.rgt AS subrgt FROM '+#cattable+' AS sub WHERE = '+#id+' ) AS sub WHERE node.lft <= sub.sublft AND node.rgt >= sub.subrgt AND node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt '+#xtraWhere+' GROUP BY ORDER BY node.lft ;'); return (#out); /define_tag; define_tag( 'getParent' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' , -Optional= 'xtraWhere' ); // -Optional='xtraReturn', (!(local_defined( 'xtraReturn' ))) ? local( 'xtraReturn' = string); (!(local_defined( 'xtraWhere' ))) ? local( 'xtraWhere' = string); local( 'out' = map); local( 'sSQL' = 'SELECT, '+#xtraReturn+' FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt AND = '+#id+' AND != '+#xtraWhere+' ORDER BY parent.lft DESC LIMIT 1'); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); records; #out->insert( 'id' =field( 'id' ), 'parentname' =field( 'name' )); /records; /inline; return (#out); /define_tag; define_tag( 'getURLpath' , -Required= 'cattable' , -Required= 'id' , -Description= 'Returns the url page like /hello/world/ from an id' ); local( 'out' = '/' ); local( 'sSQL' = ' SELECT, node.page_url, ( COUNT ( - 1) AS depth FROM '+#cattable+' AS node, '+#cattable+' AS parent, ( SELECT sub.lft AS sublft, sub.rgt AS subrgt FROM '+#cattable+' AS sub WHERE = '+#id+' ) AS sub WHERE node.lft <= sub.sublft AND node.rgt >= sub.subrgt AND node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt GROUP BY ORDER BY node.lft'); inline( $gv_sql ,-SQL=#sSQL); records; #out += field( 'page_url' ) + '/' ; /records; /inline; return (#out); /define_tag; /define_type; / if ; ?> |
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Missing ID value in subtreeSQL sample