Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
29 Apr, 2007 | [Admin_AssignDatabaseToGroup] | Allows you to quickly assign a database and it's tables to a specific group | Administration | Adam Randall |
16 Apr, 2007 | [fletcher] | Displays a random picture of the elusive Fletcher Sandbeck | Tags | Greg Hemphill |
01 Apr, 2007 | [weatherbug_getLocation] | Returns the location information of the given zip code. | Utility | Shelane French |
29 Mar, 2007 | [string_wrap] | Wraps a string to the specified length. | String | Jason Huck |
26 Mar, 2007 | [rss] | A basic type for working with RSS feeds. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
23 Mar, 2007 | [jina_encode_apos] | Escapes apstrophes in text strings | Encoding | Jolle Carlestam |
16 Mar, 2007 | [compiler_nocache] | Immediately removes the current page from the compiler cache after processing. | Technical | Jason Huck |
15 Mar, 2007 | [yahoo_search] | Returns search results via Yahoo! | Utility | Jason Huck |
08 Mar, 2007 | [lp_site_restart] | Restarts the current Lasso site. | Utility | Bil Corry |
08 Mar, 2007 | [lp_site_isStarting] | Returns true when the site starting up. | Utility | Bil Corry |
04 Mar, 2007 | [site_refresh] | Alternate method for restarting the current Lasso Site programmatically. | Administration | Jason Huck |
03 Mar, 2007 | [include_global] | Include variant that looks for target file outsode of root | File | Johan Solve |
27 Feb, 2007 | [directory_tree] | Creates nested unordered lists of files/folders within the given path. | File | Jason Huck |
27 Feb, 2007 | [response_header] | A type to get and set HTTP response header values. | Response | Jason Huck |
05 Feb, 2007 | [server_type] | Returns the type of web server as reported in the HTTP response header. | Utility | Jason Huck |
29 Jan, 2007 | [IDcrypt] | Encrypts or Decrypts integer values | Encryption | Pier Kuipers |
28 Jan, 2007 | [pk_stringtointeger] | Converts a string to an integer based on numeric characters in the string | String | Pier Kuipers |
24 Jan, 2007 | [found_rows] | Returns proper found count also when using -uselimit | Database | Johan Solve |
16 Jan, 2007 | [string_removehtml] | Strips HTML from the given string. | String | Jason Huck |
27 Dec, 2006 | [smtp_send8] | Adds bounce control to [email_send] | Johan Solve | |
21 Dec, 2006 | [xs_isError] | xs_isError handles error reporting in a one-line fashion. | Error | Jonathan Guthrie |
29 Nov, 2006 | [error_reset] | Shortcut to reset the current error message and code. | Error | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_groupassignpath] | Assigns the given path to the given group. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_groupassigndatabase] | Assigns the specified database to the specified group. | Administration | Jason Huck |
21 Nov, 2006 | [admin_groupassignhost] | Assigns the specified host to the specified group. | Administration | Jason Huck |
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