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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_creategroup] Adds a new group to Lasso Admin. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_createdatabase] Creates a new database on the selected host and enables it in SiteAdmin. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [admin_listhosts] Returns an array of all enabled hosts. Administration Jason Huck
21 Nov, 2006  [host_id] Returns the id for the given host name or alias. Administration Jason Huck
18 Nov, 2006  [podcast] Set of tags to generate podcast feeds. XML Jason Huck
18 Nov, 2006  [dictionary] A basic dictionary type. Data Type Jason Huck
17 Nov, 2006  [Inc_Serial_No] increments a string ending with a series of number respecting leading zero padding String Marc Lucke
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_date_serverDST] Returns true if a date is within Daylight Savings Time (Spring to Fall) for the TIMEZONE SETTING OF THE SERVER! Date Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_date_stringToDate] Converts a date string to a date type. Date Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_client_param] Returns the value of a client GET/POST parameter. Client Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_protect] Similar to [protect] but allows errors to extend outside protect block. Error Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_array] Use in place of [array] - has additional useful member tags. Array Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_var_unpack] Unpacks variables that were lp_var_pack. Optionally can decrypt data. Variable Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_error_clearError] Resets error_currenterror to noerror. Error Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_string_trimHTML] Returns HTML with unneeded whitespace removed. String Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_page_isAtEnd] Returns true when called within [define_atEnd]. Utility Bil Corry
30 Oct, 2006  [lp_page_trim] Removes unneeded whitespace from page being served to client browser. Utility Bil Corry
29 Oct, 2006  [colGenerator] Generates text column with custom spacing after paragraphs and auto-insertion of new pages from template PDF PDF Nikolaj de Fine Licht
13 Oct, 2006  [FormatAccounting] Displays any decimal number in standard accounting format. (like Excel) String Justin Dennis
05 Oct, 2006  [yahoo_wordoftheday] Returns the Word of the Day from Yahoo! Education. Utility Jason Huck
05 Oct, 2006  [ldap_validuser] Returns true if the given account is valid for the given LDAP host. LDAP Jason Huck
05 Oct, 2006  [flashchart] Generates XML config files for use with XML/SWF Charts. Data Type Jason Huck
07 Sep, 2006  [lp_var_pack] Packs variables into compact, ASCII-safe bundles. Optionally can encrypt data. Variable Bil Corry
06 Sep, 2006  [lp_date_localtoUTC] Converts a date from server timezone to UTC/GMT timezone. Date Bil Corry
06 Sep, 2006  [lp_date_UTCtoLocal] Converts a date from UTC/GMT timezone to server timezone. Date Bil Corry
Showing 251 - 275 of 471

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