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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
06 Sep, 2006  [lp_date_toOffset] Returns the date at a specified timezone offset given a date in either UTC/GMT or local server timezone. Date Bil Corry
06 Sep, 2006  [lp_date_offsetToUTC] Returns the date at UTC/GMT given a date with a specified timezone offset. Date Bil Corry
06 Sep, 2006  [js_timer] Custom type to handle page timers Utility Johan Solve
06 Sep, 2006  [encode_url_encoding] encode_url that follows the current page encoding Encoding Johan Solve
06 Sep, 2006  [setHTTPstatus] Custom tag to set HTTP status Technical Johan Solve
06 Sep, 2006  [client_host] Returns the Host from the request header Client Johan Solve
06 Sep, 2006  [unique_id] Shorter unique ID string Utility Johan Solve
06 Sep, 2006  [fulltext] Emulates FileMaker's convenient fulltext search behavior with MySQL Database Johan Solve
05 Sep, 2006  [applescript] Run AppleScript Technical Johan Solve
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_trimPath] Returns a sanitized path that will never specify from harddisk root. File Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_listdirectory] Returns directory listing given a web path, similar to file_listdirectory except you do not need file tag permissions. File Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_display_filesize] Returns the file size formatted for display given the number of bytes. Utility Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_file_findPath] Returns the web path (or null) to the first found file or directory that matches the given name starting from the current path up to the webroot. File Bil Corry
02 Sep, 2006  [lp_math_degToDMS] Returns Degrees:Minutes:Seconds given an angle in degrees. Math Bil Corry
29 Aug, 2006  [gf_lowalo] Returns the first char of a text in uppercase String Gaetano Frascolla
26 Aug, 2006  [lp_header_xPoweredBy] Via header, sets the X-Powered-By header. Custom Tag Bil Corry
26 Aug, 2006  [lp_header_noPrefetch] Aborts the page if the page is prefetched by a browser. Utility Bil Corry
24 Aug, 2006  [lp_client_isPrefetch] Returns true if client is doing a prefetch. Bytes Bil Corry
27 Jul, 2006  [isJPEG] Returns true if a file is a JPEG image file Image Kyle Jessup
21 Jul, 2006  [feedburner_mgmtapi] Lasso implementation of the FeedBurner Management API. Utility Jason Huck
20 Jul, 2006  [yahoo_news] Retrieves the specified feed data from Yahoo! News. Utility Jason Huck
14 Jul, 2006  [gf_lowtext] Return text truncated to specified chars without truncate words String Gaetano Frascolla
12 Jul, 2006  [pk_validxml] establishes if data is valid xml XML Pier Kuipers
12 Jul, 2006  [pk_unixtimestamp] returns the current unix timestamp Date Pier Kuipers
11 Jul, 2006  [quoteoftheday] Returns a Quote of the Day from the feed. Utility Jason Huck
Showing 276 - 300 of 471

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