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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
16 Jan, 2006  [file_pathfromroot] Converts a relative path to a root path. File Jason Huck
28 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_radToDeg] Returns degress given radians. Math Bil Corry
28 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_degToRad] Returns radians given degrees. Math Bil Corry
28 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_root] Returns the nth root a number; square root is default. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_percentage] Returns the percentage value given the part and the total. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_antilog] Returns the natural antilog of a number. Optionally can choose any base. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_CtoF] Returns Fahrenheit temperature given Celsius. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_FtoC] Returns Celsius temperature given Fahrenheit. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_log] Returns the natural log of a number. Optionally can choose any base. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_pi] Returns the value of Pi. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_e] Returns the value of e. Math Bil Corry
23 Dec, 2005  [lp_decimal_precisionGet] Returns the precision (aka number of significant digits) of a decimal. Math Bil Corry
07 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_ucs] Returns the UCS decimal value of a given character. String Bil Corry
07 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_random] Returns a string of random alphanumeric characters. String Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_regexp_encode] Returns regexp hex-encoded text. Technical Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_binToHex] Returns a base16 string given a base2 string. Math Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_hexToBin] Returns a base2 string given a base16 string. Math Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_date_date1970] Returns a date given the number of days since 1/1/1970. Date Bil Corry
06 Dec, 2005  [lp_date_days1970] Returns number of days since 1/1/1970. Date Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_hexToDec] Returns a base10 integer given a base16 string. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_decToHex] Returns a base16 string given a base10 integer. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_binToDec] Returns a base10 integer given a base2 string. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_pad] Returns a padded string. String Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_logical_between] Evaluates if a value is inclusively between a high and low value. Returns true or false. Conditional Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_decToBin] Returns a base2 string given a base10 integer. Math Bil Corry
Showing 426 - 450 of 471

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