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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_integer_toUnsigned] Returns the base10 unsigned integer value given a signed base10 integer. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_integer_bits] Returns the number of bits the given integer is comprised of. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_integer_bytes] Returns the number of bytes the given integer is comprised of. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_decimal_precisionSet] Returns a decimal number formatted to the specified precision. Math Bil Corry
05 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_split] Similar to ->split except -limit=n limits split to just n elements. String Bil Corry
04 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_median] Returns the median average value given an array of values. Math Bil Corry
04 Dec, 2005  [lp_math_mean] Returns the mean average value given an array of values. Math Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_integer_odd] Returns true if given integer is odd. Math Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_integer_even] Returns true if given integer is even. Math Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_date_leapyear] Given a year (or date), it returns true if it is a Gregorian leap year, or false if it is not. Date Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_linefeedGet] Returns the line ending in a string. String Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_string_linefeedSet] Standardizes the line endings in a string. String Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_protect_break] Allows you to skip a section of code, just place [protect] around the part to skip over. Error Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2005  [lp_logical_in] Evaluates if a value is contained within a list of elements. Returns true or false. Conditional Bil Corry
02 Dec, 2005  [lp_page_timer] Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds. Utility Bil Corry
02 Dec, 2005  [lp_date_monthLastDay] Returns the last day of a given month. Date Bil Corry
02 Dec, 2005  [lp_array_join] Similar to array->join, but with more options. Array Bil Corry
29 Nov, 2005  [show_mySQLvars] Utiltity to view your MySQL system variables Database Alex Pilson
16 Nov, 2005  [PK_ByteSize] Returns a size in readable fromat, e.g. Bytes Pier Kuipers
16 Nov, 2005  [go_HTTP] Change current link action to non SSL realm Response Alex Pilson
24 Oct, 2005  [array_shuffle] Returns the given array in a new, random order. Array Jason Huck
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