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AuthorBil Corry
LicensePublic Domain
Posted05 Dec 2005
Updated05 Dec 2005
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Returns the base10 unsigned integer value given a signed base10 integer.  The octet remains unchanged, only the decimal representation is converted.

Requires [lp_integer_bits], [lp_math_dectobin]

Sample Usage

lp_integer_toUnsigned: -93; // returns 163
'; lp_integer_toUnsigned: -1; // returns 255 '
'; lp_integer_toUnsigned: -128; // returns 128

Source Code

Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.


	-description='Returns the base10 unsigned integer value given a signed base10 integer.  The octet remains unchanged, only the decimal representation is converted.',

	#signed = integer: #signed;

	if: #signed >= 0;
		return: #signed;
		local:'ibits' = (lp_integer_bits: (math_abs: #signed));
		local:'bits' = (math_ceil: (decimal:#ibits) / (decimal:8));
		if: #ibits % 8 == 0 && (lp_math_dectobin: 128)->(removetrailing:'0') & ->size > 1;
			#bits += 1;
		#bits *= 8;

		return: (integer:(math_pow: 2, #bits)) + #signed;




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