Link | flashchart |
Author | Jason Huck |
Category | Data Type |
Version | 8.x |
License | |
Posted | 26 Apr 2006 |
Updated | 05 Oct 2006 |
More by this author... |
This custom type will generate an XML configuration file for use with XML/SWF Charts [more info | download]. The instance variables match the node and attribute names given in the online reference. Nodes with attributes but no children are generated from maps. Nodes with children are generated from arrays. This covers all items except series_switch, which is a boolean.
There is only one member tag, ->output, which returns the data in XML format. Be sure to switch the content type of the serving page to text/xml when using this type.
[flashchart_embed] provides a shortcut for generating the HTML code to display the flash movie and include the XML file.
var ( 'myChart' ) = flashchart; $myChart ->chart_type = '3d column' ; $myChart ->chart_value = map( 'position' = 'top' ); $myChart ->axis_value = map( 'max' = 100, 'steps' = 5 ); $myChart ->chart_transition = map( 'type' = 'dissolve' , 'delay' = 1, 'duration' = 2, 'order' = 'series' ); var ( 'chartData' ) = array ( array ( null, 'Column A' , 'Column B' , 'Column C' ), array ( 'Row 1' , 20, 40, 60 ), array ( 'Row 2' , 10, 30, 50 ) ); $myChart ->chart_data = $chartData ; content_type( 'text/xml; charset=utf8' ); $myChart ->output; |
Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.
define_type( 'flashchart' , -prototype, -description= 'Creates a Flash chart.' ); local( 'axis_category' = map, 'axis_ticks' = map, 'axis_value' = map, 'axis_value_text' = map, 'chart_border' = map, 'chart_data' = array , 'chart_grid_h' = map, 'chart_grid_v' = map, 'chart_pref' = map, 'chart_rect' = map, 'chart_transition' = map, 'chart_type' = array , 'chart_value' = map, 'chart_value_text' = array , 'draw' = array , 'legend_label' = map, 'legend_rect' = map, 'legend_transition' = map, 'license' = string, 'link' = array , 'link_data' = map, 'live_update' = map, 'series_color' = array , 'series_explode' = array , 'series_gap' = map, 'series_switch' = boolean ); define_tag( 'onCreate' ); iterate(self->properties->first, local( 'i' )); local_defined(#i->first) ? self->(#i->first) = #i->second; /iterate; /define_tag; define_tag( 'output' ); local( 'out' = '<chart>\n' ); iterate(self->properties->first, local( 'i' )); select(#i->first); case ( 'chart_data' ); if (#i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<chart_data>\n' ); iterate(#i->second, local( 'row' )); #tmp += '\t\t<row>\n' ; iterate(#row, local( 'field' )); select(true); case (#field == '' || #field == null); #tmp += '\t\t\t<null>\n' ; case (#field->isa( 'string' )); #tmp += '\t\t\t<string>' + encode_xml(#field) + '</string>\n' ; case ((: 'integer' , 'decimal' ) >> #field->type); #tmp += '\t\t\t<number>' + #field + '</number>\n' ; /select; /iterate; #tmp += '\t\t</null></row>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t</chart_data>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; case ( 'chart_type' ); if (#i->second->isa( 'string' )); #out += '\t<chart_type>' + encode_xml(#i->second) + '</chart_type>\n' ; else (#i->second->isa( 'array' )); if (#i->second->size == 1); #out += '\t<chart_type>' + encode_xml(#i->second->first) + '</chart_type>\n' ; else ; local( 'tmp' ) = '\t<chart_type>\n' ; iterate(#i->second, local( 'j' )); #tmp += '\t\t<string>' + encode_xml(#j) + '</string>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t</chart_type>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; / if ; case ( 'chart_value_text' ); if (#i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<chart_value_text>\n' ); iterate(#i->second, local( 'row' )); #tmp += '\t\t<row>\n' ; iterate(#row, local( 'field' )); select(true); case (#field == null); #tmp += '\t\t\t<null>\n' ; case (#field->isa( 'string' )); #tmp += '\t\t\t<string>' + encode_xml(#field)->replace( '\r\n' , '\r' )&replace( '\n' , '\r' )& + '</string>\n' ; /select; /iterate; #tmp += '\t\t</null></row>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t</chart_value_text>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; case ( 'draw' ); if (#i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<draw>\n' ); iterate(#i->second, local( 'row' )); #tmp += '\t\t<' + #row->first + ' ' ; iterate(#row->second->keys, local( 'j' )); #tmp += #j + '="' + encode_xml(#row->second->find(#j)) + '" ' ; /iterate; #tmp += '/>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t</draw>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; case ( 'license' ); local( 'tmp' = '\t<license>' + #i->second + '</license>\n' ); #out += #tmp; case ( 'link' ); if (#i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<link>\n' ); iterate(#i->second, local( 'row' )); #tmp += '\t\t<area ' ;= "" iterate(#row-= "" >keys, local( 'j' )); #tmp += #j + '="' + encode_xml(#row->second->find(#j)) + '" ' ; /iterate; #tmp += '/>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; case ( 'series_color' ); if (#i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<series_color>\n' ); iterate(#i->second, local( 'row' )); #tmp += '\t\t<color>' + #row + '</color>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t</series_color>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; case ( 'series_explode' ); if (#i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<series_explode>\n' ); iterate(#i->second, local( 'row' )); #tmp += '\t\t<number>' + #row + '</number>\n' ; /iterate; #tmp += '\t</series_explode>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; case ( 'series_switch' ); if (#i->second != null && #i->second->type == 'boolean' ); #out += '\t<series_switch>' + string(#i->second) + '</series_switch>\n' ; / if ; case ; if (#i->second->isa( 'map' ) && #i->second->size); local( 'tmp' = '\t<' + #i->first + ' ' ); iterate(#i->second->keys, local( 'j' )); #tmp += #j + '="' + encode_xml(#i->second->find(#j)) + '" ' ; /iterate; #tmp += '/>\n' ; #out += #tmp; / if ; /select; /iterate; #out += '</chart>\n' ; return (@#out); /define_tag; /define_type; |
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