Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
05 Nov, 2010 | [SHp_prowl_9] | Lasso 9 Wrapper for the Prowl iPhone notification API | Custom Tag | Jonathan Guthrie |
05 Nov, 2010 | [gravatar_9] | Lasso 9 version of the gravatar tag | Utility | Jonathan Guthrie |
05 Nov, 2010 | [string_truncate9] | L9 version of String_Truncate | String | Jonathan Guthrie |
02 Nov, 2010 | [paypal_nvpapi] | Wrapper for the PayPal Web Payments Pro NVP API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
11 Oct, 2010 | [xml_tree] | Extends and simplifies the built-in XML type. | XML | Jason Huck |
29 Sep, 2010 | [url_normalize_9] | This tag can be used to convert a relative URL into an absolute one. Accepts two parameters: a base URL to compare against (representing the path to the file that calls the relative URL), and a relative URL to convert. | String | Jonathan Guthrie |
29 Sep, 2010 | [Shell_9] | Adaptation of Jason Huck's Shell tag for Lasso 8.5 | Technical | Jonathan Guthrie |
07 Sep, 2010 | [mf_datetime] | Returns the given date in the datetime design pattern microformat. | String | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [gravatar] | Retrieves the Gravatar for the given email address. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [google_analyticsdataexport] | Wrapper for the Google Analytics Data Export API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [google_clientlogin] | Implements the Client Login method to retrieve authentication tokens for Google Data APIs. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [facebook] | Wrapper for the Facebook API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [notifo] | Send push notifications to mobile devices via the notifo API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
27 Aug, 2010 | [mv_findThread] | Look for a runnig thread | Threads | Marc Vos |
12 Aug, 2010 | [jina_validatephone] | Validate an input to check that it looks like a phone number | Utility | Jolle Carlestam |
21 Jun, 2010 | [lsd_string_replacemultiple] | Replaces values in a string using an array of pairs for search, replace | String | Brad Lindsay |
04 Jun, 2010 | [time] | Allows formatting of time values in the same way that | Date | Jolle Carlestam |
28 May, 2010 | [email_pop] | Modification to [email_pop] for Compatibility with Gmail POP Access | Justin Dennis | |
23 Apr, 2010 | [laposte] | Calculate shipping cost for La Poste, french postal service | Custom Tag | Dominique Guardiola Falco |
01 Apr, 2010 | [LEAP_geoPlugin] | This Lasso 9 data type uses the JSON Webservice of to geolocate IP addresses. | Output | Jonathan Guthrie |
02 Mar, 2010 | [mp_validHexColor] | Validates input string determining if it is a valid hex color (returns TRUE/FALSE). | String | Marc Pinnell |
01 Mar, 2010 | [date_age(9)] | Expansion of the date type adding an age method | Date | Jolle Carlestam |
01 Mar, 2010 | [age] | Returns the age as years calculated between to dates. | Date | Jolle Carlestam |
19 Jan, 2010 | [stripSpChars] | Strip bad characters out from a string | String | Stiti Samantaray |
06 Jan, 2010 | [lp_smallMonthlyCalendar] | Date picker or drop down calendar menu | Calendar | Stiti Samantaray |
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