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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
15 Feb, 2008  [mysql_fields] For MySQL, returns details about the table used in the current inline. Database Jason Huck
08 Feb, 2008  [js_flattenparams] Flattens arrays passed to custom tags so they look like regular parameters Technical Johan Solve
05 Feb, 2008  [lp_header_nocache] Via http header, sets the content to immediately expire, no caching. Technical Bil Corry
05 Feb, 2008  [jina_weekNum] Returns correct ISO week number for a given date Date Jolle Carlestam
02 Feb, 2008  [get_set_options] Returns an array of the possible values for a SET Database Chris Corwin
01 Feb, 2008  [Valid_Phone] Check a phone number for validness. Utility Chris Corwin
14 Jan, 2008  [lp_demo_fullname] Returns a random American name (first middle last). Utility Bil Corry
04 Jan, 2008  [string_truncate2] Truncates the given string to the given number of characters. String Jason Huck
04 Jan, 2008  [Google_Checkout] Simple integration of Lasso with Google Checkout. Utility Fletcher Sandbeck
12 Dec, 2007  [shp_FlickrAPI] API to get Flickr information into Lasso Custom Tag Pieter Claerhout
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_client_isAJAX] Returns true if client is an AJAX (XHR) request. Client Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_date_UTCtimestamp] Returns number of seconds since 1/1/1970 for UTC/GMT timezone. Date Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_session_vars] Returns all session vars in an array, or if a session name is specified, just the vars for that session name. Session Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_session_id] Retrieves all current Session IDs and returns them as HTML s, URL strings or an array of pairs. Session Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_include_directory] Includes every file found in a given directory with the extension .lasso, .las, .inc, .incl. Include Bil Corry
03 Dec, 2007  [lp_string_chr] Returns a character given an integer octet or an array of integer octets. String Bil Corry
20 Nov, 2007  [results_table] Generates a basic HTML results table. Results Jason Huck
20 Nov, 2007  [results_navigation] Generates links for found-set navigation. Results Jason Huck
24 Oct, 2007  [gf_include_random] Returns a random element included in a determined directory Include Gaetano Frascolla
22 Oct, 2007  [C_Compare] Replacement of the built-in comparators that works with all types of arrays. Comparator Göran Törnquist
10 Oct, 2007  [alphasorter] Comparator for proper Swedish sorting of arrays Array Johan Solve
03 Oct, 2007  [lp_color_random] Returns a random 6 digit hexadecimal string. Utility Ken Wallace
28 Sep, 2007  [Content_Expires] Sets the current page to expire from the client cache at a specific time. Technical Daniel Logue
19 Sep, 2007  [paypal_wsapi] Implements version 2.0 of PayPal's Web Services API in Lasso. Utility Jason Huck
18 Sep, 2007  [delicious] Implements the API v1. Utility Jason Huck
Showing 176 - 200 of 471

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