Link | Admin_AssignDatabaseToGroup |
Author | Adam Randall |
Category | Administration |
Version | 8.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 27 Apr 2007 |
Updated | 29 Apr 2007 |
More by this author... |
This tag will take the provided database and all it's tables and grant the provided group access to both the database and it's tables. Will return true if it was successful in performing the operation.
AssignDatabaseToGroup('database name', 'group name');
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/** This tag will take the provided database and all it's tables and grant the provided group access to both the database and it's tables. Will return true if it was successful in performing the operation. AssignDatabaseToGroup('database name', 'group name'); @param string #database the name of the database you wish to grant access to @param string #group the name of the group you wish to allow access to the database @return always returns true unless an error was thrown @author Adam Randall @version 1.0.0 */ define_tag('AssignDatabaseToGroup', -namespace = '_global_Admin_', -required = 'database', -required = 'group'); admin_reloaddatasource('MySQLDS'); fail_if(!admin_currentgroups->find('ADMINISTRATORS')->size, -9960, 'Must be run as the global admin'); fail_if(!#database->size, -9956, 'Invalid Database Name'); fail_if(!#group->size, -9956, 'Invalid Group Name'); local( 'i', 'id_host' = 0, 'id_db' = 0, 'id_group' = 0, 'ids_table' = array); inline(-database = 'lasso_internal'); // fine the ID of the specified database name or database alias inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_datasource_databases', -sql = '\ select \ id, \ id_host from \ security_datasource_databases \ where \ (\ name like \'' encode_sql92(#database) '\' and \ (alias = \'\' or alias is null)\ ) or \ alias like \'' encode_sql92(#database) '\''); if(found_count); #id_db = integer(field('id')); #id_host = integer(field('id_host')); /if; /inline; // check to see if we found the database fail_if(#id_db <= 0, -9956, 'The specified database name/alias was not found'); // find the ID of the specified group inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_groups', -sql = '\ select \ id \ from \ security_groups \ where \ name like \'' encode_sql92(#group) '\''); found_count ? #id_group = integer(field('id')); /inline; // check to see if we found the group fail_if(#id_group <= 0, -9956, 'The specified group was not found'); // find the group host permissions inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_group_host_map', -sql = 'select * from security_group_host_map where id_group = ' #id_group ' and id_host = ' #id_host); // if found, add Q to the allow field if(found_count); if(field('allow') !>> 'Q'); inline( -log = 'none', -sql = 'update security_group_host_map set allow = ' (field('allow')->size ? ',Q' | 'Q') ' where id = ' field('id')); fail_if(error_code != 0, error_code, 'Updating Host Group Permissions: ' error_msg); /inline; /if; else; // if not found, add the new host record with Q in the Allow field inline( -log = 'none', -sql = 'insert into security_group_host_map values (null, ' #id_host ', ' #id_group ', Q, null)'); fail_if(error_code != 0, error_code, 'Inserting Host Group Permissions: ' error_msg); /inline; /if; /inline; // delete existing group db permissions inline( -log = 'none', -sql = 'delete from security_group_db_map where id_group = ' #id_group ' and id_database = ' #id_db); fail_if(error_code != 0, error_code, 'Deleting DB Group Permissions: ' error_msg); /inline; // insert new group db permissions inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_group_db_map', -sql = 'insert into security_group_db_map values (null, ' #id_db ', ' #id_group ', \'I,S,A,U,D,X,Q\', null, null)'); fail_if(error_code != 0, error_code, 'Insert DB Group Permissions: ' error_msg); /inline; // find all existing group table ids that are bound to our db id inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_group_table_map', -sql = '\ select \ as id, \ as id_table \ from \ security_group_table_map as a \ left join security_database_tables as b on (a.id_table = \ where \ a.id_group = ' #id_group ' and \ b.id_database = ' #id_db, -maxrecords = 'all'); records; #ids_table->insert(field('id')); /records; /inline; // delete found group table ids if(#ids_table->size); inline( -log = 'none', -sql = 'delete from security_group_table_map where id in (' #ids_table->join(',') ')'); fail_if(error_code != 0, error_code, 'Deleting Table Group Permissions: ' error_msg); /inline; /if; // find all table ids inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_database_tables', -sql = 'select id from security_database_tables where id_database = ' #id_db, -maxrecords = 'all'); records; // add the new table permissions inline( -log = 'none', -table = 'security_group_table_map', -sql = 'insert into security_group_table_map values (null, ' field('id') ', ' #id_group ', \'I,S,A,U,D,Q\', null, null)'); fail_if(error_code != 0, error_code, 'Insert Table Group Permissions: ' error_msg); /inline; /records; /inline; /inline; admin_refreshsecurity; return(true); /define_tag;
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