Link | lp_client_browser(9) |
Author | Jonathan Guthrie |
Category | Client |
Version | 9.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 11 Dec 2012 |
Updated | 11 Dec 2012 |
More by this author... |
Experimental port - more details to come soon.
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define lp_client_browser(user_agent = void, ...) => { // // // // // // // // // // /* Browser types: B = Browser (Desktop) C = Link/Bookmark/Server Checker D = Download/FTP tool E = Email Reader F = Feed Reader L = Library M = Mobile Browser O = Offline Browsing P = Proxy, Web filter R = Robot/Crawler/Spider S = Spam Harvester, Bad Bot U = Unknown V = HTML/CSS/JS Validator X = Suspected Robot/Crawler/Spider */ if(local_defined('user_agent')) local(client_browser = #user_agent) else local(client_browser = client_browser) /if #client_browser->trim if(#client_browser->size == 0) return map('browser' = 'No User Agent Provided', 'version' = '', 'os' = '', 'type' = 'Suspected Robot/Crawler/Spider', 'typecode' = 'X') /if local('return' = map('browser' = '', 'version' = '', 'os' = '', 'type' = '', 'typecode' = '')) //------------------------------------------------------------------- // browser //------------------------------------------------------------------- if(#client_browser->beginswith('mozilla/')) iterate(_lp_client_browser_mozilla, local(browser)) if(#client_browser->contains(#browser->name)) #return->insert('browser' = #browser->value->get(1)) #return->insert('typecode' = #browser->value->get(2)) // browser version local(version = #client_browser->substring(#client_browser->find(#browser->name) + #browser->name->size, 255)) #version = string_findregexp(#version, -find = '\\d[^\\s;()\\]]*') if(#version->size) #return->insert('version' = #version->get(1)) /if loop_abort /if /iterate if(#return->find('browser')->size == 0) /// keep trying // handle mozilla and old netscape versions, the problem children if(!#client_browser->contains('compatible') && !#client_browser->contains('http') && !#client_browser->contains('@') && !#client_browser->contains('www')) local(mozver = string_findregexp(#client_browser, -find = '\\d')) if(#mozver->size) #mozver = integer(#mozver->get(1)) if(#mozver < 5 && #client_browser->contains('[')) // old Netscape #return->insert('browser' = 'Netscape') #return->insert('typecode' = 'B') // browser version local(version = #client_browser) #version = string_findregexp(#version, -find = '\\d[^\\s;()\\]]*') if(#version->size) #return->insert('version' = #version->get(1)) /if else(#mozver == 5 && #client_browser->contains('gecko/') && #client_browser->contains('rv:')) if(#client_browser->split('gecko/')->last->split(' ')->size == 1) // mozilla #return->insert('browser' = 'Mozilla') #return->insert('typecode' = 'B') // browser version local(version = #client_browser->substring(#client_browser->find('rv:') + 'rv:'->size, 255)) #version = string_findregexp(#version, -find = '\\d[^\\s;()\\]]*') if(#version->size) #return->insert('version' = #version->get(1)) /if /if /if /if /if // handle msie if(#client_browser->contains('compatible; MSIE') && !#client_browser->contains('http') && !#client_browser->contains('@') && !#client_browser->contains('www') && !#client_browser->contains('.com')) if(#client_browser->split(')')->last->size == 0) #return->insert('browser' = 'Internet Explorer') #return->insert('typecode' = 'B') // browser version local(version = #client_browser->substring(#client_browser->find('MSIE') + 'MSIE'->size, 255)) #version = string_findregexp(#version, -find = '\\d[^\\s;()\\]]*') if(#version->size) #return->insert('version' = #version->get(1)) /if /if /if /if else // lots of possibilities iterate($_lp_client_browser_other->find(#client_browser->get(1)), local(browser)) if(#client_browser->beginswith(#browser->name)) #return->insert('browser' = #browser->value->get(1)) #return->insert('typecode' = #browser->value->get(2)) // browser version local(version = #client_browser->substring(#client_browser->find(#browser->name) + #browser->name->size, 255)) #version = string_findregexp(#version, -find = '\\d[^\\s;()\\]]*') if(#version->size) #return->insert('version' = #version->get(1)) /if loop_abort /if /iterate /if // special handling of version info for newer versions of Safari and Opera if(#return->find('browser') == 'Safari' || #return->find('browser') == 'Opera') local(version = #client_browser->find('Version/')) if(#version != 0) #version = #client_browser->substring(#version + 7, 255) #version = string_findregexp(#version, -find = '\\d[^\\s;()\\]]*') if(#version->size) #return->insert('version' = #version->get(1)) /if /if /if //------------------------------------------------------------------- // os //------------------------------------------------------------------- local(os = array('android' = 'Android', 'blackberry' = 'Blackberry', 'ipad' = 'iPad', 'iphone' = 'iPhone', 'ipod' = 'iPod', 'palm' = 'PalmOS', 'symbian' = 'Symbian', 'windows ce' = 'WinCE', 'windows' = 'Windows', 'win16' = 'Windows', 'win32' = 'Windows', 'win64' = 'Windows', 'win95' = 'Windows', 'win98' = 'Windows', 'winNT' = 'Windows', 'macintosh' = 'Macintosh', 'darwin' = 'Macintosh', 'panther' = 'Macintosh', 'leopard' = 'Macintosh', 'osx' = 'Macintosh', 'os x' = 'Macintosh', 'powerpc' = 'Macintosh', 'linux' = 'Linux', 'kanotix' = 'Linux', 'ubuntu' = 'Linux', 'mepis' = 'Linux', 'debian' = 'Linux', 'suse' = 'Linux', 'redhat' = 'Linux', 'red hat' = 'Linux', 'slackware' = 'Linux', 'mandrake' = 'Linux', 'gentoo' = 'Linux', 'fedora' = 'Linux', 'solaris' = 'Unix', 'unix' = 'Unix', 'bsd' = 'Unix', 'sun' = 'Unix', 'irix' = 'Unix', 'irix' = 'Unix', 'hpux' = 'Unix', 'hp-ux' = 'Unix', 'aix' = 'Unix', 'sco' = 'Unix', 'mpras' = 'Unix', 'reliant' = 'Unix', 'dec' = 'Unix', 'sinix' = 'Unix', 'nintendo' = 'Nintendo', 'wii' = 'Nintendo', 'playstation' = 'PlayStation', 'risc' = 'RISC OS', 'amiga' = 'Amiga', 'beos' = 'BeOS', 'os2' = 'OS/2', 'os/2' = 'OS/2', 'webtv' = 'WebTV', 'xbox' = 'Xbox')) iterate(#os, local(o)) if(#client_browser->contains(#o->name)) #return->insert('os' = #o->value) loop_abort /if /iterate //------------------------------------------------------------------- // if still unknown, see if it has a bot keyword //------------------------------------------------------------------- if(#return->find('typecode') == 'U' || #return->find('typecode') == '') local(bots = array('agent', 'archive', 'bot', 'check', 'crawl', 'creep', 'feed', 'fetch', 'find', 'get', 'grub', 'index', 'info', 'leech', 'libwww', 'link', 'manage', 'proxy', 'robo', 'search', 'scrub', 'seek', 'siphon', 'site', 'slurp', 'spider', 'url', 'valid', 'worm')) iterate(#bots, local(bot)) if(#client_browser->contains(#bot)) #return->insert('browser' = 'Suspected Bot "' + #bot + '"') #return->insert('typecode' = 'X') loop_abort /if /iterate /if //------------------------------------------------------------------- // check if mobile browser //------------------------------------------------------------------- // if('Android,Blackberry,iPad,iPhone,iPod,PalmOS,Symbian,WinCE' >> #return->find('OS')) #return->insert('typecode' = 'M') else(client_headers >> 'vnd.wap' || client_headers >> 'HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE' || client_headers >> 'HTTP_PROFILE' || client_headers >> 'UA-pixels' || client_headers >> 'X-OperaMini') #return->insert('typecode' = 'M') /if //------------------------------------------------------------------- // assign the type based on the typecode //------------------------------------------------------------------- select(#return->find('typecode')) case('B') #return->insert('type' = 'Browser') case('C') #return->insert('type' = 'Link/Bookmark/Server Checker') case('D') #return->insert('type' = 'Download/FTP tool') case('E') #return->insert('type' = 'Email Reader') case('F') #return->insert('type' = 'Feed Reader') case('L') #return->insert('type' = 'Library') case('M') #return->insert('type' = 'Mobile Browser') case('O') #return->insert('type' = 'Offline Browsing') case('P') #return->insert('type' = 'Proxy, Web filter') case('R') #return->insert('type' = 'Robot/Crawler/Spider') case('S') #return->insert('type' = 'Spam Harvester, Bad Bot') case('U') #return->insert('type' = 'Unknown') case('V') #return->insert('type' = 'HTML/CSS/JS Validator') case('X') #return->insert('type' = 'Suspected Robot/Crawler/Spider') case #return->insert('type' = 'Unknown') #return->insert('typecode' = 'U') /select return #return } // browsers with user agents that begin with "mozilla/" define _lp_client_browser_mozilla => { array( // mobile browsers 'iemobile' = array('MSIE Mobile','M'), 'Mobile Safari' = array('Mobile Safari','M'), 'Opera Mini' = array('Opera Mini','M'), 'Opera Mobi' = array('Opera Mobi','M'), // Other browsers 'icab' = array('iCab','B'), 'oregano' = array('Oregano','B'), 'amigavoyager' = array('AmigaVoyager','B'), 'ibrowse' = array('IBrowse','B'), // email readers 'thunderbird' = array('Thunderbird','E'), 'Mnenhy' = array('Mnenhy Thunderbird Plug-in','E'), // proxies 'BorderManager' = array('Novell BorderManager','P'), // link checkers '' = array('','C'), '' = array('','C'), 'ZyBorg' = array('ZyBorg','C'), // offline 'MSIECrawler' = array('MSIE Offline Favorites','O'), // robots 'AbiLogicBot' = array('AbiLogicBot','R'), 'AnyApexBot' = array('AnyApexBot','R'), 'Arachmo' = array('Arachmo','R'), 'Ask Jeeves' = array('Ask Jeeves','R'), 'BecomeBot' = array('BecomeBot','R'), 'B-l-i-t-z-B-O-T' = array('BlitzBOT','R'), 'BlitzBOT' = array('BlitzBOT','R'), 'B_L_I_T_Z_B_O_T' = array('BlitzBOT','R'), 'Cerberian Drtrs' = array('Cerberian Drtrs','R'), 'FDSE robot' = array('FDSE robot','R'), 'Fluffy the spider' = array('','R'), 'FurlBot' = array('FurlBot','R'), 'Girafabot' = array('Girafabot','R'), 'Googlebot' = array('Googlebot','R'), 'grub-client' = array('','R'), 'HTTrack' = array('HTTrack offline browser utility','O'), 'Larbin' = array('Larbin','R'), 'MojeekBot' = array('MojeekBot','R'), 'MuscatFerret' = array('MuscatFerret','R'), 'Paros' = array('Paros','R'), 'scan4mail' = array('scan4mail anti-spam tool','C'), 'ScoutJet' = array('ScoutJet','R'), 'Scrubby' = array('Scrubby','R'), 'SEOChat::Bot' = array('SEOChat::Bot','R'), 'Shoula robot' = array('Shoula robot','R'), 'slurp@inktomi' = array('','R'), 'Teoma' = array('Ask Jeeves','R'), 'VoilaBot' = array('VoilaBot','R'), '' = array('','R'), '' = array('','R'), 'Yahoo! Slurp' = array('Yahoo!','R'), 'YahooSeeker' = array('Yahoo!','R'), 'Zealbot' = array('Zealbot','R'), // spam bots 'Indy Library' = array('Delphi/C++ library used mostly by Asian spammers','S'), // Gecko browsers 'iceweasel' = array('Iceweasel','B'), 'flock' = array('Flock','B'), 'epiphany' = array('Epiphany','B'), 'beonex' = array('Beonex','B'), 'camino' = array('Camino','B'), 'chimera' = array('Chimera','B'), 'galeon' = array('Galeon','B'), 'k-meleon' = array('K-Meleon','B'), 'k-ninja' = array('K-Ninja','B'), 'kazehakase' = array('Kazehakase','B'), 'kapiko' = array('Kapiko','B'), 'iceape' = array('Iceape','B'), 'multizilla' = array('MultiZilla','B'), 'netscape' = array('Netscape','B'), 'seamonkey' = array('SeaMonkey','B'), 'bonecho' = array('Firefox','B'), 'firebird' = array('Firefox','B'), 'phoenix' = array('Firefox','B'), 'granparadiso' = array('Firefox','B'), 'minefield' = array('Firefox','B'), 'firefox' = array('Firefox','B'), // netscape and mozilla handled below // MSIE browsers 'america online' = array('AOL','B'), 'aol' = array('AOL','B'), 'opera' = array('Opera','B'), 'avant' = array('Avant','B'), 'crazy browser' = array('Crazy Browser','B'), 'maxthon' = array('Maxthon','B'), 'netcaptor' = array('NetCaptor','B'), 'myie2' = array('MyIE2','B'), // msie handled as special case // KHTML browsers 'konqueror' = array('Konqueror','B'), 'shiira' = array('Shiira','B'), 'omniweb' = array('OmniWeb','B'), 'cheshire' = array('Cheshire','B'), 'netnewswire' = array('NetNewsWire','B'), 'sunrise' = array('Sunrise','B'), 'chrome' = array('Chrome','B'), 'safari' = array('Safari','B') ) } // browsers with user agents that don't begin with "mozilla/" define _lp_client_browser_other => { map( '!' = array( '!Susie' = array('!Susie','C'), ), '(' = array( '(DreamPassport' = array('DreamCast DreamPassport browser','B'), '(Privoxy' = array('Privoxy web proxy','P'), '(Robots.txt Validator' = array('SearchEngineWorld\'s robots.txt validator','C'), ), '*' = array( '*/Nutch' = array('Unknown Yahoo robot','R'), ), '+' = array( '+SitiDi' = array(' search (Germany) robot','R'), ), '-' = array( '-DIE-KRAEHE' = array('Die Kraehe Meta-Search-Engine (Germany) link checking','R'), ), '1' = array( '123spider' = array(' (Germany) web directory link checking','C'), '' = array(' - UK web directory','R'), '1st ZipCommander' = array('1st ZipCommander Net - IE based browser','B'), ), '2' = array( '2Bone' = array('2Bone online link checker','C'), ), '4' = array( '' = array('4Anything robot','R'), ), '8' = array( '8484 Boston Project' = array('Unknown guestbook spamming or harvesting tool from diff. IPs','S'), ), ':' = array( ':robot' = array('neofonie search robot Germany','R'), ), 'a' = array( 'A-Online' = array(' robot - now Jet2Web Search','R'), 'A1 Keyword' = array('A1 Keyword Research - search engine and keyword optimization software','C'), 'A1 Sitemap' = array('MiggiBot website crawler engine - A1 Sitemap Generator','R'), 'ABACHOBot' = array('ABACHOBot','R'), 'ABCdatos' = array('ABCdatos - Castilian program & tutorial directory','R'), 'Aberja' = array('Aberja Hybridsuchmaschine (Germany) link checking','R'), 'abot' = array('Nameprotect copyright search robot (24.177.134.x)','R'), 'About' = array('About robot','R'), 'Accelatech' = array('Accela Technology RSS feed crawler','F'), 'accoona' = array('Accoona Search robot','R'), 'Ace Explorer' = array('Ace Explorer - IE based browser','B'), 'Ack' = array('Ackerm search robot','R'), 'AcoiRobot' = array('Acoi picture finder robot','R'), 'Acoon' = array(' robot','R'), 'Acorn' = array('Acorn Search Project','R'), 'ActiveBookmark' = array(' Active Bookmark HTML page creator','C'), 'Activeworlds' = array('Activeworlds 3D homepage browser','B'), 'Ad Muncher' = array('Ad Muncher - banner killer','P'), 'Adaxas' = array('website directory adaxas link checking','C'), 'Advanced Browser' = array('Avant Browser - IE based browser','B'), 'AESOP' = array('Aesop robot','R'), 'agadine' = array('Agada search (Germany) robot','R'), 'Agent-Shareware' = array('SharewarePlaza link checking','R'), 'AgentName' = array('Linkomatic submission verifier','R'), 'AIBOT' = array(' (China) robot (','R'), 'AideRSS' = array('AideRss - Postrank RSS and Blog filtering','C'), 'aipbot' = array('Nameprotect copyright search robot (24.177.134.x)','R'), 'Aladin' = array('Aladin robot','R'), 'Aleksika' = array('Aleksika Danmark - Search engine optimization spider','R'), 'AlkalineBOT' = array('Vestris robot','R'), 'Allesklar' = array(' robot','R'), 'Alligator' = array('Alligator download manager','D'), 'AltaVista' = array('Altavista robot','R'), 'Amaya' = array('Amaya','R'), 'Amfibibot' = array('Amfibibot','R'), 'amibot' = array('amibot - Amidalla search engine robot (62.241.33.xx)','R'), 'Amiga-AWeb' = array('AWeb Amiga browser','B'), 'AmigaVoyager' = array('Voyager - Amiga browser','B'), 'amzn_assoc' = array(' robot for checking their affiliate sites','C'), 'AnnoMille' = array('Annomille Italian historical oriented robot','R'), 'annotate_google' = array('annotate Google - Firefox extension for annotating Google search results','B'), 'Anonymized by ProxyOS' = array('Megaproxy user','P'), 'Anonymizer' = array('','P'), 'AnswerBus' = array('AnswerBus','R'), 'AnswerChase' = array('AnswerChase','R'), 'ANTFresco' = array('ANT Fresco Browser','B'), 'antibot' = array('Antibot (discontinued) robot','R'), 'AnzwersCrawl' = array('Anzwers (Yahoo) Australia robot','R'), 'Apexoo Spider' = array('Apexoo Search spider','R'), 'Aplix HTTP' = array('JavaOS app. for SEGA Saturn Internet and Sanyo Internet-TV','B'), 'Aplix_SANYO_browser' = array('JavaOS app. for Sanyo Internet-TV','B'), 'Aplix_SEGASATURN_browser' = array('JavaOS app. for SEGA Saturn Internet','B'), 'Aport' = array('Aport robot','R'), 'Appie' = array('Appie','R'), 'Apple iPhone' = array('iPhone','M'), 'ArabyBot' = array('Araby search - Arabia','R'), 'Arachnoidea' = array('Euroseek spider','R'), 'aranhabot' = array(' robot for checking their affiliate sites','C'), 'ArchitextSpider' = array('Excite spider','R'), '' = array('Heritrix - The Internet Archive\'s open-source crawler (','R'), 'Argus' = array('Simpy Bookmarklet crawler (69.55.233.xx)','C'), 'Arikus' = array('Arikus inContext search engine software','R'), '' = array('','R'), 'Asahina-Antenna' = array('ASAHINA Antenna information detecting agent','R'), '' = array('Ask 24x Info robot','R'), 'AskAboutOil' = array('Ask About Oil - Petroleum related search ( using Nutch','R'), 'asked' = array('askEd! / Inferret search (Japan) robot using Nutch','R'), 'ASPSeek' = array('ASPSeek search engine software -Yahoo-Inc. / Telecom Canada robot','R'), 'ASSORT' = array('Associative Sort robot','R'), 'asterias' = array('Singingfish media spider ( via AOL search','R'), 'AtlocalBot' = array('Atlocal local business search robot','R'), 'Atomz' = array('Atomz robot','R'), 'atSpider' = array('atSpider (ceased) email harvester / spambot','S'), 'Attentio' = array('Attentio social media monitoring and analysing','R'), 'AU-MIC' = array('Samsung SPH-A660 phone with Sprint software','B'), 'augurfind' = array('Augurnet Swiss (was search robot','R'), 'augurnfind' = array('Augurnet Swiss (was search robot','R'), 'autoemailspider' = array('Auto Email Pro Email harvester','S'), 'autohttp' = array('Linkscan tool from Elsop','C'), 'AV Fetch' = array('Altavista robot ??','R'), 'Avant Browser' = array('Avant Browser - IE based browser','B'), 'AVSearch' = array('National Research Council Canada robot','R'), 'AWeb' = array('AWeb Amiga browser','B'), 'axadine' = array('Axada search Germany robot','R'), 'AxmoRobot' = array('Axmo search robot','R'), 'Azureus' = array('Azureus Java BitTorrent Client','D'), ), 'b' = array( 'BaboomBot' = array('BaBoom Web Portal (ODP) robot (66.98.254.xx)','R'), 'BackStreet Browser' = array('BackStreet Browser - Offline browser / website downloader','D'), 'Baiduspider' = array('Baiduspider','R'), 'BanBots' = array('Project BanBots Perl script robot','C'), 'Barca' = array('Barca Pro email & PIM software','B'), 'BDFetch' = array('Brandimensions Brand Protection robot','R'), 'BDNcentral' = array('Bdncentral Sitesearch robot','R'), 'BeamMachine' = array('beammachine web directory (Germany) link checking','R'), 'beautybot' = array('Beauty robot for Cosmoty - German beauty and wellness search','R'), 'BebopBot' = array('A Passion for Jazz music related search robot','R'), 'BeebwareDirectory' = array('LinkcheckerBeepware (site is down) web directory link checking','C'), 'Big Brother' = array('Big Brother link checking tool','C'), 'Big Fish' = array(' link popularity checking','C'), 'BigClique' = array('BigClique Search robot','R'), 'BIGLOTRON' = array('Biglotron search (France) robot','R'), 'Bigsearch' = array(' search robot','R'), 'Bilgi' = array(' (Beta) search robot - Turkey','R'), 'Bimbot' = array('Bimbot','R'), 'Bitacle' = array('Bitacle Blog Search Archive robot','R'), 'Biyubi' = array('Biyubi Navigator - Mexican browser for Fenix OS','B'), 'BlackBerry7520' = array('Blackberry Wireless Internet browser via Google WAP Proxy','P'), 'BlackWidow' = array('BlackWidow web site scanner / downloading tool','D'), 'Blaiz-Bee' = array('Blaiz Enterprises RawGrunt search','R'), '' = array('Blitzsuche Germany robot','R'), 'BlitzBOT' = array('BlitzBOT','R'), 'BlockNote' = array('BlockNote web page editor','B'), 'BlogBot' = array('blogdex robot from','R'), 'BlogBridge' = array('BlogBridge RSS reader','B'), 'Bloglines' = array('Bloglines','F'), 'BlogMap' = array('FeedMap / BlogMap geo coding service','C'), 'Blogpulse' = array('Intelliseek\'s BlogPulse blog search','R'), 'blogsearchbot' = array('Art of Computing blog search project','R'), 'BlogSearch' = array('IceRocket Web search robot','R'), 'BlogsNow,' = array('BlogsNow realtime link tracker robot','R'), 'blogWatcher' = array('blogWatcher robot from Okumura Group Tokyo (','R'), 'BlogzIce' = array('IceRocket Web search robot','R'), 'Bloodhound' = array('Balihoo - Search Engine for Advertising Media','R'), 'bluefish' = array('Bluefish HTML-editor for Linux','B'), 'BMLAUNCHER' = array('Bookmark Express bookmark manager','C'), 'boitho' = array('Boitho search (Norway) robot via 80.202.212.xx / 80.80.111.xx','R'), 'Bookdog' = array('Bookdog - Mac bookmark manager','C'), 'Bookmark Buddy' = array('Bookmark Buddy - favorite bookmark manager','C'), 'Bookmark Renewal' = array('Favourites managing program','C'), 'BravoBrian' = array('BravoBrian bSTOP parental control','P'), 'BruinBot' = array('Webarchive Project Bruinbot crawler','R'), 'BSDSeek' = array('Inktomi (Hotbot-Lycos NBCi) robot','R'), 'BStop' = array('BravoBrian bSTOP parental control','P'), 'btbot' = array('btbot','R'), 'BuildCMS' = array('BuildCMS crawler - market monitoring project of BuildCMS','R'), 'Bulkfeeds' = array('Bulkfeeds: RSS directory link checking','C'), 'BullsEye' = array('BullsEye/Intelliseek robot','R'), 'BunnySlippers' = array('Microsoft server information robot (see link)','C'), 'BurstFind' = array('BurstFind search crawler (64.34.172.xx)','R'), 'Buscaplus' = array('Buscaplus (Spain) robot','R'), 'BW-C' = array('Logitech Desktop Managers (LDM) Backweb (BW) update check','D'), ), 'c' = array( 'carleson' = array('Cosmix project crawler (204.14.48.x /','R'), 'Carnegie_Mellon' = array('Carnegie Mellon University WebBOT','R'), 'Catall Spider' = array(' search & web directory (Germany)','R'), 'CazoodleBot' = array('UIUCs Cazoodle search based on MetaQuerier','R'), 'ccubee' = array('Empyreum Ccubee (Czech) search engine solution','R'), 'CE-Preload' = array('Cisco Content Engine','P'), 'Ceramic Tile' = array(' robot (link ckecking ??)','R'), 'cfetch' = array('Cosmix project crawler (204.14.48.x /','R'), 'Charon' = array('Charon Amiga download manager','D'), 'Checkbot' = array('Checkbot link validation','C'), 'CheckLinks' = array('Checklinks - Perl link checker','C'), 'CheckWeb' = array('CheckWeb link validation','C'), 'China Local' = array('Unknown spam bot from (','S'), 'ChristCRAWLER' = array(' Christcrawler (was','R'), 'CipinetBot' = array('CipinetBot -Cipinet Search Engine Web Crawler','R'), 'CJ Spider' = array('Commision Junction link checking spider','C'), 'CJB.NET' = array('CJB Net anonymous socks proxy service (216.194.70.x)','P'), 'ClariaBot' = array('Claria (ex Gator) SearchScout robot (64.152.73.xx)','R'), 'Claymont' = array('Claymont Search robot','R'), 'CloakDetect' = array('Seznam Search (Czech Republic) robot','R'), 'Clushbot' = array('Clush clustered search robot','R'), 'CoBITSProbe' = array('Proposed Content-Based Image Tracking System (CoBITS) P2P crawler','R'), '' = array('','R'), 'ColdFusion' = array('Cold Fusion server used by various IPs i.e.: - NetWORLD web catalogue link checking','L'), 'collage.cgi' = array('WebCollage Syndicator graphics crawler/collector','R'), 'combine' = array('Combine harvesting & indexing robot','R'), 'cometrics' = array('cometrics Web Content Mining solution - Germany','R'), 'Commerce Browser Center' = array('Wildsoft Germany (closed) Internet client system user-agent (was','B'), 'complex_network_group' = array('UCLA Complex Networks Groups Complex Network Analysis','C'), 'Computer_and_Automation' = array('Hungarian Academy of Sciences data mining search','R'), 'Comrite' = array('ComRite Chinese Search Engine for Oversea Web Sites (69.248.26.xx)','R'), 'ContactBot' = array('Probably E-Mail harvesting robot - same as LMQueueBot','S'), 'Contact' = array('Probably E-Mail harvesting robot','S'), 'ContentSmartz' = array('ContentSmartz e-mail harvesting tools','S'), 'contype' = array('Internet Explorer versions 4.x and 5 plugin content','B'), 'Convera' = array('Converas RetrievalWare Internet Spider (63.241.61.x)','R'), 'CoolBot' = array('Suchmaschine21 (Germany) robot','R'), 'CoralWeb' = array('Coral Content Distribution Network','P'), 'cosmos' = array('cosmos','R'), 'Coteo' = array(' - local French directory link checking','C'), 'CougarSearch' = array(' robot','R'), 'Cowbot' = array('Naver Japan / Korea robot','R'), 'CrawlConvera' = array('Converas RetrievalWare Internet Spider','R'), 'Crawler' = array(' / Abacho robot','R'), '' = array('Alexa crawler','R'), 'CrawlerBoy' = array('Pinpoint WAP search robot','R'), 'Crawler' = array('Cometsystems Comet Search robot via Findwhat (now Miva)','R'), 'Crawllybot' = array('Crawlly Beta search - Germany (','R'), 'CreativeCommons' = array('Creatice Commons using Nutch open source robot','R'), 'CrocCrawler' = array('Croccrawler robot','R'), 'csci_b659' = array('Web mining project from CSCI 659 (computer science course) at Indiana Univerity','R'), 'CSE HTML' = array('CSE HTML Validator','V'), 'CSSCheck' = array('CSSCheck','V'), 'Cuam' = array('Cuam - IE based browser','B'), 'Cuasarbot' = array('Cuasar (Spain) music / ringtone search spider','R'), 'curl' = array('Curl file transferring tool','D'), 'CurryGuide' = array('CurryGuide UK link check robot','R'), 'Custo' = array('Custo web site spidering tool (link checking)','C'), 'Custom Spider' = array('Bisnisseek (was robot','R'), 'Cyberdog' = array('Cyberdog Mac Browser (was','B'), 'CyberSpyder' = array('CyberSpyder Link Test software','C'), 'CydralSpider' = array('Cydral image & site search spider','R'), 'Cynthia' = array('Cynthia','V'), ), 'd' = array( 'DA' = array('Downloadaccelerator download manager','D'), 'DataCha0s' = array('Unknown bot from Kornet Korea ( scans for Perl Awstats','S'), 'DataFountains' = array('INFOMINE/iVia Scholary Internet Resource Collections robot','R'), 'DataparkSearch' = array('DataparkSearch','R'), 'DataSpear' = array('DataSpear Directory robot (24.109.29.xx)','R'), 'DatenBot' = array('Sicher-durchs-Netz German security related search (','R'), 'DaviesBot' = array('Wholeweb robot','R'), 'daypopbot' = array('Daypop blog - weblog - online mag search spider','R'), 'dbDig' = array('dbDig search engine','R'), 'DBrowse' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs i.e.: - ( - (','S'), 'DC-Sakura' = array('DC-Sakura download manager','D'), 'dCSbot' = array('unknown divine/ robot','R'), 'DDD' = array('some (website) downloading tool','D'), 'de.searchengine' = array(' (Germany) submission checking / robot (84.73.57.xx)','R'), 'DeadLinkCheck' = array('DLC Perl HTTP link checking','C'), 'Deep Link' = array('Sootle Web Directory deep link checker','C'), 'deepak' = array('deepak-USC/ISI robot from USC/Information Science Institute','R'), 'DeepIndex' = array('Deepindex robot','R'), '' = array(' picture robot for thumbnail preview via Yahoo','D'), 'DeleGate' = array('DeleGate application level gateway / proxy server','P'), 'Demo Bot' = array('Some site scanning tool from 68.154.96.xx (','S'), 'Denmex' = array('Denmex Websearch robot/link checking','R'), 'Der gro' = array('DataBecker Bilder Sauger (discontinued) web graphics downloader','D'), '' = array(' robot (','R'), 'DiaGem' = array('DiaGem Japan web crawler','R'), 'DiamondBot' = array('DiamondBot','R'), 'Diamond' = array('Claria (ex Gator) SearchScout robot (64.152.73.xx)','R'), 'Digger' = array('Diggit! robot','R'), 'DigOut4U' = array('OpenPortal4U robot','R'), 'DIIbot' = array(' (site is offline) / Digital-Integrity robot','R'), 'dillo' = array('Dillo','B'), 'DISCo Pump' = array('DISCo Pump offline browser / website ripper','D'), 'DittoSpyder' = array('Ditto picture search robot','R'), 'dlman' = array('some download agent','D'), 'dloader' = array('Naver Japan / Korea robot','R'), 'DoCoMo' = array('NTT DoCoMo (Japan) robot','R'), 'DocZilla' = array('DocZilla - Mozilla-based SGML/XML/HTML- browser','B'), 'dodgebot' = array('unknown robot from AGMLAB Information Technologies (Information retrieval system ?)','R'), '' = array(' MetaCrawler','R'), 'DonutP' = array('Donut P - Japanese IE based browser','B'), 'Download Demon' = array('Download Demon/Netzip download manager','D'), 'Download Druid' = array('Download Druid IE plugin download manager','D'), 'Download Express' = array('Download Express download manager','D'), 'Download Master' = array('Download Master download manager','D'), 'Download Ninja' = array('Download Ninja download manager (Japan)','D'), 'Download Wonder' = array('Download Wonder download manager','D'), 'Download-Tipp' = array('Download-Tipp Germany link checking','R'), 'Download.exe' = array('download.exe .NET based downloading tool','D'), 'Dragonfly' = array('Dragonfly CMS - Open Source content management system','B'), 'Drecombot' = array('Drecom Japan ( - Blog search ??','R'), 'Drupal' = array('Drupal - open source content management platform','C'), 'DSurf' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs i.e.: - ( - (','S'), 'DTAAgent' = array('DTAAgent Java object for data collecting','R'), 'dtSearchSpider' = array('dt Search Spider software','R'), 'Dual Proxy' = array('Fourelle Venturi proxy server','P'), 'Dumbot' = array(' robot','R'), ), 'e' = array( 'e-sense' = array('Vigiltech e-Sense user research robot (website is offline)','R'), 'e-SocietyRobot' = array('e-Society Project (Japan) crawler (133.9.238.xx)','R'), 'EARTHCOM' = array('Earthcom (Czech Republic) search robot (194.108.39.xx)','R'), 'EasyDL' = array('Keywen Encyclopedia Bot','R'), 'EBrowse' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs i.e.: - (','S'), 'eCatch' = array('eCatch (now Wysigot) offline browser','D'), 'EchO!' = array(' robot','R'), 'Educate Search' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs i.e.: - (','S'), 'egothor' = array('Xdefine text search engine robot - based on Egothor open source crawler','R'), 'EgotoBot' = array('Egoto Search robot','R'), 'ejupiter' = array('eJupiter searcg robot (206.191.49.xx)','R'), 'EldoS TimelyWeb' = array('TimelyWeb web page monitoring tool','C'), 'elfbot' = array('Elftales crawler for uChoose theme based search (Germany)','R'), 'ELI' = array('DAUMOA - RSS search robot of Daum','R'), 'elinks' = array('ELinks','B'), 'emailsiphon' = array('EmailSiphon','S'), 'EmailWolf' = array('Trellian EMailWolf E-mail collector','S'), 'EmeraldShield' = array(' WebBot','R'), 'EMPAS_ROBOT' = array('Empas search Korea robot (','R'), 'endo' = array('endo - Mac news site and blog aggregator','B'), 'Enfish' = array('Enfish Personal search tool','R'), 'enigma' = array('Enigma','B'), 'Enterprise_Search' = array('Enterprise Search engine software (','R'), 'envolk' = array('Envolk Web Search robot','R'), 'EroCrawler' = array('EroCrawler adult search robot','R'), 'ES.NET' = array('Enterprise Search engine software (','R'), 'eseek-larbin' = array('ExactSEEK (Jayde Online) robot','R'), 'ESISmartSpider' = array('ESI Smart-Spider toolkit','R'), 'EsperanzaBot' = array('EsperanzaBot','R'), 'eStyleSearch' = array('e-Style ISP search (Russia) robot (','R'), 'ESurf' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs','S'), 'EuripBot' = array(' - European Internet Portal robot','R'), 'EvaalSE' = array('Evaal Search Engine robot','R'), 'eventax' = array('Eventax event search (Germany)','R'), 'Everest-Vulcan' = array('Vulcan Inc. Everest crawler (in development)','R'), 'everyfeed-spider' = array('everyfeed-spider','F'), 'Exabot' = array('Exabot','R'), 'ExactSearch' = array('eXact Search Bar for IE','B'), 'exactseek' = array('ExactSEEK (Jayde Online) robot (','R'), 'Exalead' = array('Exalead (France) search robot (193.47.80.xx)','R'), 'Excalibur' = array('Excalibur (now Convera) spider software','R'), 'Execrawl' = array('Execrawl software search using nutch','R'), 'ExperimentalHenrytheMiragoRobot' = array('Mirago UK Robot','R'), 'Expired Domain Sleuth' = array('Expired Domain Sleuth domain name tool','R'), 'Express WebPictures' = array('Express Web Pictures image browser','D'), 'ExtractorPro' = array('Extractor Pro e-mail collector','S'), 'Extreme Picture' = array('Exisoftware image grabber and downloading tool','D'), 'EyeCatcher' = array('Download-Tipp Germany robot','R'), ), 'f' = array( 'Factbot' = array('Factbites search robot','R'), 'FaEdit' = array('FaEdit Professional - Japanese bookmark manager','C'), 'FairAd' = array('FairAd user','P'), 'FANGCrawl' = array(' web filtering service','P'), '' = array('Drew Curtis\' link checking','C'), 'Fast Crawler' = array('FAST Crawler','R'), 'FAST Enterprise' = array('FAST Crawler','R'), 'FAST FirstPage' = array('FAST Crawler','R'), 'FAST MetaWeb' = array('FAST Crawler','R'), 'Fast PartnerSite Crawler' = array('Fast/Alltheweb crawler (66.151.181.xx)','R'), 'FAST-WebCrawler' = array('FAST Crawler','R'), 'fastbot' = array('Fastbot search Germany crawler (','R'), 'FastBug' = array('Ay-Up geo sync search robot','R'), 'FastCrawler' = array('Fast/Alltheweb crawler (66.151.181.xx)','R'), 'FastSearch' = array('Fast/Alltheweb crawler used by','R'), 'FavIconizer' = array('FavIconizer - IE favorites icons refreshing tool','D'), 'favicon finder' = array(' - Visual Surf Engine','R'), 'favicon monitor' = array(' - Visual Surf Engine','R'), '' = array(' (Germany) search robot','R'), 'FavOrg' = array('ZD\'s FavOrg favourites managing program','C'), 'Favorites Sweeper' = array('Favorites Sweeper bookmark checker','C'), 'Faxobot' = array('FaXo Search robot (69.152.89.xx)','R'), 'FDM' = array('Free Download Manager (FDM) download accelerator','D'), 'Feed Seeker' = array('RSS Feed Seeker bot (','R'), 'Feed24' = array('Feed24 news feed and blog search','R'), 'Feed::Find' = array('Feed::Find - Syndication feed (RSS/Atom) auto-discovery','D'), 'Feedable' = array('Feedable beta web based RSS service','B'), 'FeedChecker' = array('Unknown robot from the University of Tokyo (157.82.157.xx)','R'), 'Feedfetcher-Google' = array('Google Feedfetcher - RSS and Atom feed crawler','R'), 'FeedForAll' = array('FeedForAll RSS feed robot','C'), 'Feedshow' = array('FeedShow online RSS feed reader','B'), 'Feedster Crawler' = array('Feedster RSS feed search','R'), 'FeedZcollector' = array('FeedZcollector - Feed (RSS, ATOM and RDF) capturing software','B'), 'Felix' = array('MixCat robot','R'), 'fetch libfetch' = array('FreeBSD download tool','D'), 'FFC Trap' = array('Frequent Finders spider via','R'), 'Filangy' = array('Filangy search and bookmark service','R'), 'fileboost' = array('File Boost Network link checking','R'), 'FileHound' = array('FileHound download manager','D'), 'FindAnISP' = array('Find An ISP robot','R'), 'Findexa' = array(' business search (Norway) via Findexa','R'), 'FindLinks' = array('FindLinks','R'), 'FineBot' = array('Finesearch robot','R'), 'Finjan' = array('Finjan Vital Security Web Appliance security solution','P'), 'Firefly' = array(' robot','R'), 'Firefox' = array('Unknown robot from Czech Technical University Prague (147.32.141.xx)','R'), 'FirstGov' = array('AT&T/Fast Search robot for FirstGov (U.S.Government) portal','R'), 'firstsbot' = array('Firstsfind Germany robot / link checking','R'), 'Flapbot' = array('Flaptor information retrieval solutions robot','R'), 'FlashGet' = array('JetCar/FlashGet download manager','D'), 'FLATARTS' = array('FlatArts Favorites Icon Tool','C'), 'FlickBot' = array(' Movie Find robot','R'), 'flunky' = array('Metacarta / Cogent robot','R'), 'flyindex' = array('FLY Index Metasearch link checking','C'), 'FocusedSampler' = array('IBM\'s Almaden Research robot','R'), 'Fooky' = array('Fooky search Scorpionbots robot (','R'), 'Francis' = array('Neomo Search (Germany) robot (','R'), 'Franklin Locator' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'free-downloads' = array('Free Downloads shareware directory link checking','C'), 'FreeFind' = array(' robot','R'), 'FreshDownload' = array('Fresh Download download manager','D'), 'FreshNotes' = array('FreshNotes - music related artist search (72.3.225.xx)','R'), 'FSurf' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs','S'), 'Full Web Bot' = array('Some site scanning tool from diff. IPs i.e.: - 66.28.240.xx ( - 68.5.174.xx (','S'), 'FunnelWeb' = array('FunnelWeb','R'), 'FuseBulb' = array('FuseBulb search','R'), 'FyberSpider' = array('FyberSpider','R'), ), 'g' = array( 'g2crawler' = array('g2crawler','R'), 'Gagglebot' = array('Some user from ( using an Innerprise robot tool','R'), 'GAIS Robot' = array('Seed Search robot','R'), 'Gaisbot' = array('Gaisbot','R'), 'GalaxyBot' = array('Galaxy robot (','R'), 'Gallent' = array('Gallent Search directory (UK)','R'), 'gamekitbot' = array('Gamekit game search engine - Germany','R'), 'Gamespy' = array('GameSpyHTTP/1.0','D'), 'GammaSpider' = array('GammaWare GammaSpider','R'), 'gazz' = array(' / robot','R'), 'Generic Mobile Phone' = array('Google Mobile Search crawler','R'), 'Generic' = array('Unknown','R'), 'geniebot' = array(' search','R'), 'GeonaBot' = array('Geona Search robot / link checking','R'), 'geourl' = array('GeoURL ICBM Address Server - a location-to-URL reverse directory','C'), 'GetBot' = array('Getbot web downloading tool / site grabber','D'), 'GetRight' = array('GetRight download manager','D'), 'GetWeb' = array('GetWeb - web page to email service','D'), 'GhostRouteHunter' = array('Sixxs Ghost Route Hunter','C'), 'gigabaz' = array('GigaBaz Brainbot (Germany) robot','R'), 'Gigabot' = array('Gigabot','R'), 'GNODSPIDER' = array(' spider','R'), 'Go!Zilla' = array('Go!Zilla download manager','D'), 'Go-Ahead-Got-It' = array('GotIt web accelerator (discontinued)','P'), 'Goblin' = array('GoGuides.Org (195.226.137.xx) robot','R'), 'GoForIt' = array('GoForIt Search robot','R'), 'GoGuides' = array(' directory & search link checking','C'), 'GoldenFeed' = array(' - RSS search engine','C'), 'Goldfire' = array('Invention Machines Goldfire Server','P'), 'gonzo1' = array(' German local search robot','R'), 'Google Talk' = array('Google instant messenger','B'), 'Googlebot' = array('Googlebot','R'), 'GoogleEarth' = array('GoogleEarth','B'), 'GrapeFX' = array('Grapeshot web search system API','R'), 'GreatNews' = array('GreatNews 1.0 Beta RSS reader','B'), 'GreenBrowser' = array('GreenBrowser - IE based browser (China)','B'), 'Gregarius' = array('Gregarius','F'), 'gridwell' = array('search gridwell favicon display','D'), 'GrigorBot' = array('Grigor Search bot','R'), 'Gromit' = array('Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) robot','R'), 'grub' = array('Grub open source crawler','R'), 'gsa-crawler' = array('Google Search Appliance robot (216.239.xx.xx)','R'), 'GSiteCrawler' = array('GSiteCrawler','R'), 'Guestbook Auto Submitter' = array('Guestbook spamming tool','S'), 'Gulliver' = array('Northernlight robot','R'), 'Gulper Web Bot' = array('Yuntis Collaborative Web Resource Categorization and Ranking Project robot','R'), 'GurujiBot' = array('guruji : the Indian search engine robot','R'), ), 'h' = array( 'HappyFunBot' = array('Happy Fun Search robot','R'), 'Harvest-NG' = array('Harvest-NG web crawler used by','R'), 'Haste' = array('Haste - web mapping and monitoring system','R'), 'Hatena Antenna' = array('Hatena::Antenna Japan robot','R'), 'Hatena Mobile Gateway' = array('Hatena Japan proxy for handheld/mobile clients','P'), 'Hatena Pagetitle Agent' = array('Hatena Japan robot','R'), 'Hatena RSS' = array('Hatena Japan RSS feed robot','R'), 'HatenaScreenshot' = array('Hatena::Diary (Japan) web page screenshot robot','R'), 'HeinrichderMiragoRobot' = array('Mirago Germany robot','R'), 'Helix' = array('Helix - The SiteSearch (Canada) web crawler','R'), 'HenriLeRobotMirago' = array('Mirago France robot','R'), 'HenrytheMiragoRobot' = array('Mirago search (UK) robot','R'), 'Hi! I\'m CsCrawler' = array('University of Kassel Germany CsCrawler using the HTTPClient library','R'), 'HiDownload' = array('HiDownload download manager','D'), 'Hippias' = array('Hippias robot','R'), 'HitList' = array('Pilot Hitlist web analytics solution','R'), 'Hitwise' = array('Hitwise spider','R'), 'hl_ftien_spider' = array('hl_ftien_spider','R'), 'holmes' = array(' (Poland) search robot','R'), 'HomePageSearch' = array('HomePageSearch robot','R'), 'Homerbot' = array('Homerweb search robot','R'), 'Honda-Search' = array(' - Honda cars related search robot','R'), 'HooWWWer' = array('HooWWer - Next Generation Information Retrieval robot','R'), 'HotJava' = array('HotJava browser plus HTML Component 1.1.x','B'), 'Hotzonu' = array('Hotzuno - Japanese BBS reader client','B'), 'HPL/Nutch' = array('Unknown robot from HP Labs','R'), 'htdig' = array('htdig','R'), 'Html Link Validator' = array('Lithops Software link validation tool','C'), 'HTML2JPG' = array('HTML2JPG webpage to image converter','D'), 'HTMLParser' = array('HTMLParser','V'), 'HTTP Retriever' = array('PHP HTTP client to access Web servers','D'), '' = array('Anonymous web proxy service','P'), 'http://Ask.24x.Info' = array('Ask 24x Info (Germany) DMOZ related robot','R'), '' = array('IBM Almaden Research Center','R'), '' = array(' search robot','R'), '' = array('Monogol - German open source search engine project (','R'), '' = array('TrendTech Search Engine (Denmark) robot','R'), 'HTTP::Lite' = array('HTTP::Lite - Standalone Perl module for retreiving HTTP documents','D'), 'httpget' = array('httpget','D'), 'HTTPResume' = array('HTTPResume Amiga download manager','D'), 'httpunit' = array('HttpUnit - Java browser behavior simulation tool','B'), 'HyperEstraier' = array('Hyper Estraier full-text search system','D'), ), 'i' = array( 'i1searchbot' = array('i1search robot','R'), 'ia_archiver' = array('Alexa / The Internet Archive (','R'), 'IAArchiver' = array('Alexa / The Internet Archive (','R'), 'iaskspider2' = array('Iask search / Sina portal robot (China)','R'), 'ibrowse' = array('IBrowse','B'), 'icab' = array('iCab','B'), 'ICC-Crawler' = array('Knowledge Clustered Group ICC-Crawler (University of Tokyo - Japan)','R'), 'iCCrawler' = array('ICJobs - Intelligence Competence Center (Germany) robot','R'), 'ICE Browser' = array('ICE Java browser','B'), 'ichiro' = array('ichiro','R'), 'IconSurf' = array(' - Visual Surf Engine / favicon finder','R'), 'ICOO Loader' = array('icooLoader download manager','D'), 'ICRA_label' = array('ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association) label spider','R'), 'icsbot' = array('ICS Robot Search Engine (International Christian school of Seoul)','R'), 'IDA' = array('Internet Download Accelerator','D'), 'ideare' = array('Janas ( / robot','R'), 'IEFav' = array('Some bookmark manager','C'), 'iGetter' = array('iGetter download manager','D'), 'IIITBOT' = array('Webkhoj - Indian language search engine','R'), 'ilial' = array('Ilial Knowledge Search robot','R'), 'IlseBot' = array('Ilse Netherlands robot (62.69.178.xx)','R'), 'IlTrovatore' = array('Il Trovatore - Italian search engine robot','R'), 'ImageVisu' = array('ImageVisu image and graphics viewer - display files from the Web (HTTP and ECWP)','B'), 'IncyWincy' = array(' robot using IncyWincy search engine','R'), '' = array('Index the Web (69.57.134.xx) crawler','R'), 'Industry Program' = array('Spam bot from diff. IPs','S'), 'InelaBot' = array('','R'), 'Inet library' = array('Inet Library Resource Center robot','R'), '' = array(' search - Italia','R'), 'infoConveraCrawler' = array('Converas RetrievalWare Internet Spider (63.241.61.x)','R'), 'InfoFly' = array(' Ingelin spider','R'), 'InfoLink' = array('InfoLink link checking tool','C'), 'INFOMINE' = array('INFOMINE Scholary Internet Resource Collection crawler','R'), 'InfoSeek' = array('Infoseek robot','R'), 'InfoWizards' = array('Reciprocal Link System PRO','C'), 'INGRID' = array('Ilse Netherlands robot (62.69.178.xx)','R'), 'Inktomi' = array('Inktomi (Hotbot-Lycos NBCi etc.) robot','R'), 'InnerpriseBot' = array('Enterprise Search engine software (','R'), 'Insitor' = array('Insitor Search robot (','R'), 'InstallShield DigitalWizard' = array('download manager','D'), 'Interarchy' = array('Interarchy file transfer software - SFTP/FTP client for Mac OS X','D'), 'Internet Ninja' = array('Dream Train (Japan) Internet search robot','R'), 'InternetArchive' = array('Heritrix - The Internet Archive\'s open-source crawler based on Nutch (','R'), 'InternetLinkAgent' = array('Internet Link Agent - link checking tool','C'), 'InternetSeer' = array('Internetseer Web site monitoring / Claymont robot','R'), 'intraVnews' = array('intraVNews - Feed reader & RSS aggregator for Outlook','B'), 'IP2LocationBot' = array('IP2Location - Reverse lookup geographical data and ISP by IP','R'), 'IP2MapBot' = array('IP2Map - geographical IP mapping','R'), 'IPiumBot' = array('Laurions Ipium robot','R'), 'IpselonBot' = array('Ipselon Web Search robot','R'), 'Iria' = array('Iria download manager','D'), 'IRLbot' = array('IRLbot','R'), 'Irvine' = array('Irvine downloading tool','D'), 'ISC Systems' = array('Unknown spambot / harvester from diff. IPs','S'), 'iSiloX' = array('iSiloX document converter for iSilo reader','B'), 'IssueCrawler' = array('IssueCrawler','R'), 'isurf' = array('Unknown University of Alberta link-checking ?','C'), 'IUPUI' = array('Some spam bot from 66.139.78.xx(x)','S'), 'iVia' = array('iVia robot - Open source Internet portal & virtual library system software','D'), 'IWAgent' = array('BD BrandProtect - brand, company or trademarks online monitoring','R'), ), 'j' = array( 'J-PHONE' = array('Proxy message from','P'), 'Jabot' = array('ODIN Directory Japan robot (163.138.95.xx)','R'), 'Jack' = array('German Domanova (offline since Feb.02) robot','R'), 'Jakarta Commons-HttpClient' = array('Jakarta Commons (Java based) HTTP client','B'), 'Jambot' = array('JamBot search robot (70.146.82.xx)','R'), 'java' = array('Java','L'), 'Jayde' = array('Jayde B2B Search robot (66.28.139.xx)','R'), 'JBH Agent' = array('some site downloading tool ? via','D'), 'jBrowser' = array('WAP 2.0 / jBrowser for handhelds','B'), 'JCheckLinks' = array('JCheckLinks Java hyperlink validator','C'), 'Jeode' = array('Insignias Jeode (PDA) Java platform','B'), 'Jetbot' = array('JetEye Search robot ( /','R'), 'JetBrains' = array('Omea RSS - Atom - newsgroups web page reader','B'), 'JetCar' = array('JetCar / Flashget download manager','D'), 'jigsaw' = array('W3C_CSS_Validator','V'), 'JoBo' = array('Jobo website downloading program','D'), 'JobSpider' = array(' - German (213.61.218.xx) job search JobRoboter','R'), 'JOC Web Spider' = array('Jocsoft Web Spider - website downloading tool','D'), 'JordoMedia' = array('Jordo Media RSS / Atom feed directory link checking','C'), 'Journster' = array(' RSS/Atom aggregator','C'), 'JRTS Check' = array('Check Favorites bookmark checking','C'), 'JRTwine' = array('Check Favorites bookmark checking','C'), 'Jyxobot' = array('Jyxobot','R'), ), 'k' = array( 'K-Meleon' = array('K-meleon browser - Windows 2000','B'), 'k2spider' = array('Verity K2 Spider ( Network search software)','R'), 'KakleBot' = array('Kakle ranked metasearch robot','R'), 'Kapere' = array('Kapere site grapper / web downloader','D'), 'Kazehakase' = array('Kazehakase - Gecko based browser (Japan)','B'), 'KDDI' = array('Google WAP Proxy (216.239.33.x)','P'), 'KE_' = array(' robot','R'), 'Kenjin Spider' = array('Kenjin Spider search agent','R'), 'Kevin' = array(' Kevin crawler (link checking ?) via 68.39.148.xx (','R'), 'Kevin' = array('Website AlertsKevin crawler (website monitoring) via 68.39.148.xx (','R'), 'KFSW-Bot' = array('Some Perl search script from KFSW (Germany)','R'), 'kinja' = array('kinja weblog search robot','R'), 'KIT-Fireball' = array('Fireball search (Germany) robot','R'), 'Klondike' = array('Klondike WAP Browser','B'), 'KnowItAll' = array('University of Washington KnowItAll - web information extraction','R'), '' = array('The (ODP) directory robot','R'), 'Kontiki' = array('Kontiki Client download manager','D'), 'Krugle' = array('Krugle source code search engine for developers (','R'), 'KSbot' = array('KnowledgeStorm technology industry crawler for','R'), 'kuloko' = array('Kuloko contextual search robot','R'), 'kulturarw' = array('National Library of Sweden Heritage Project robot','R'), 'KummHttp' = array('Link or server checking from Sanoma Budapest (','C'), ), 'l' = array( 'Lachesis' = array('Intels Lachesis web site response time monitoring tool','C'), 'LapozzBot' = array('LapozzBot','R'), 'Larbin' = array('Larbin','R'), 'lawinfo' = array('LawInfo - Lawyer and attorney directory','R'), 'LECodeChecker' = array('Linkexchange crawler','R'), 'LeechGet' = array('Leechget download manager','D'), 'LEIA' = array(' (site is offline) robot','R'), 'LetsCrawl' = array('Maybe logfile spamming for Lets crawl! search (Germany)','S'), 'LexiBot' = array('Lexibot (exMataHari) search software','R'), 'LG' = array('LG 8138 Mobile Phone browser','M'), 'Libby' = array(' robot','R'), 'libcurl-agent' = array('libcurl\'s (multiprotocol file transfer library) standard user-agent name','D'), 'LibertyW' = array('LibertyW search for mobile (France)','R'), 'libWeb' = array('Korea Telecom Search robot','R'), 'libwww-perl' = array('libwww-perl','L'), 'Liferea' = array('Liferea - Linux feed reader','B'), 'LightningDownload' = array('Lightning Download manager','D'), 'Lincoln State' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'Link Valet' = array('Link Valet','C'), 'Link Validity Check' = array('Link Validity Check','C'), 'link_check' = array('link check 3 - Perl HTML link checker (from Perl for Web Site Management)','C'), 'LinkAlarm' = array('Linkalarm link validation','C'), 'Linkbot' = array('Linkbot Pro link checking software','C'), 'LinkCheck' = array('Linkcheck - linkchecking tool for Unix/Linux','C'), 'LinkLint' = array('Linklint - Perl html link checker','C'), 'linknzbot' = array('Linknz - The Kiwi Search Engine (New Zealand)','R'), 'LinkPimpin' = array('Link-Pimp web directory link checking','C'), 'LinkProver' = array('TafWeb link checking program','C'), 'links (' = array('Links','B'), 'Links - http://gossamer' = array('Gossamer Links','C'), 'Links 2.0 (http://gossamer' = array('Gossamer Links','C'), 'Links SQL' = array('Links SQL directory management program','R'), 'Links4US,' = array('Links4us ODP based directory link checking','C'), 'LinkScan' = array('Shareware robot from (used by Indiafocus/Indiainfo and others)','R'), 'LinksManager' = array('','C'), 'LinkSonar' = array('LinkSonar (Japan) link checking tool','C'), 'LinkSweeper' = array('Left Side Software\'s LinkSweeper (ceased) bookmark utility','C'), 'LinkWalker' = array('LinkWalker','C'), 'ListBidBot' = array(' / link checking ?','R'), 'Llaut' = array('llaut robot - Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)','R'), 'LMQueueBot' = array('E-Mail harvesting robot - same as ContactBot','S'), 'lmspider' = array('lmspider','R'), 'LNSpiderguy' = array('Lexis-Nexis robot','R'), 'LocalBot' = array('LocalBot company information collector','R'), 'LocalcomBot' = array(' local search robot (','R'), 'Lockstep' = array('Lockstep (website content protection tool) user agent','R'), '' = array('GlobalQueue spider (','R'), 'Lotus-Notes' = array('Lotus Notes browser','B'), '' = array(' (Linux Wiki) link checking','C'), 'Lunascape' = array('Lunascape IE based browser (Japan)','B'), 'lwp-trivial' = array('lwp-trivial','L'), 'LWP::Simple' = array('Perl LWP:Collective module','L'), 'Lycos' = array('Lycos spider','R'), 'lynx' = array('Lynx','B'), ), 'm' = array( 'mabontland' = array('mabontland','R'), 'Mac Finder' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'Mackster' = array('UKWizz search robot','R'), 'MagicWML' = array('All Magic/Wap wml service for mobile devices','P'), 'MagpieRSS' = array('Magpie RSS - PHP RSS Parser','B'), 'Mail.Ru' = array(' search','R'), '' = array('Unknown Bea robot','R'), 'mammoth' = array('SLI Systems mammoth robot','R'), 'MantraAgent' = array('Looksmart robot','R'), 'MapoftheInternet' = array('Map of the Internet visual search engine index robot','R'), 'Mariner' = array(' robot','R'), 'Marketwave' = array('Pilot Hitlist web site analysis','R'), 'MARTINI' = array('Looksmart directory page analysis','R'), 'Marvin' = array('Marvin Medhunt robot','R'), 'MaSagool' = array('Sagool search Japan robot','R'), 'Mass Downloader' = array('Mass Downloader download manager','D'), 'MasterSeek' = array('Masterseek (Scandinavia) Beta business search ?','R'), 'Mata Hari' = array('Lexibot (exMataHari) search software','R'), 'Matrix S.p.A.' = array('Virgilio Italy robot ( using Fast Enterprise Search','R'), 'maxomobot' = array('Maxomo multimedia search robot','R'), 'Media Player Classic' = array('Substitute for Windows Media Player','B'), 'MediaCrawler' = array('Media Find crawler','R'), 'Mediapartners-Google' = array('Mediapartners-Google','R'), 'MediaSearch' = array(' Media Search','R'), 'MegaSheep' = array('Search UK robot','R'), 'Mercator' = array('Mercator crawler software (used by Altavista)','R'), 'Metaeuro' = array(' Clustering Web Search Engine crawler','R'), 'MetaGer' = array('MetaGer search robot (Germany)','R'), 'MetagerBot' = array('MetaGer search robot (Germany)','R'), 'MetaProducts Download Express' = array('Download Express download manager','D'), 'Metaspinner' = array('Metaspinner search robot - Germany','R'), 'metatagsdir' = array(' directory index spider','R'), 'MFC Foundation Class Library' = array('Microsoft Foundation Class Library - i.e. used for e-mail harvesting from 68.154.96.xx (','S'), 'MFHttpScan' = array('Advanced Site Crawler web site ripper and extractor','D'), 'MicroBaz' = array('GigaBaz Brainbot (Germany) robot (213.139.152.xx)','R'), 'Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Cache Manager' = array('MS Office 2000 acting as WebDAV client','P'), 'Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV' = array('MS Office 2000 acting as WebDAV client','B'), 'Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery' = array('MS Office 2000 acting as WebDAV client','C'), 'Microsoft Log Parser' = array('Microsoft Log Parser text query tool','D'), 'Microsoft Small Business Indexer' = array('MS Small Business Server content indexer','R'), 'Microsoft URL Control' = array('user agent looks for form-mail components (spam-bot)','S'), 'Microsoft_Internet_Explorer_5.00.438' = array('Secure Computing SmartFilterWhere / Bess web filter (192.55.214.xx)','P'), 'MIIxpc' = array(' HTTP server message','P'), 'Mindjet MindManager' = array('The Mindjet blog MindManager category','D'), 'miniRank' = array('mini- Rank website popularity tool','C'), 'Missauga Locate' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'Missigua Locator' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'Missouri College Browse' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'Mister Pix' = array('Mister PiX picture finding software','D'), 'Misterbot' = array('Misterbot search France robot','R'), 'Miva' = array('Miva / ex search robot (','R'), 'Mizzu' = array('Some spam bot from Jasmine Internet - Bangkok (203.147.0.xx)','S'), 'MJ12bot' = array('Majestic-12 Web Crawler','R'), 'Mnogosearch' = array('Mnogosearch','R'), 'Mo College' = array('Unknown bad bot - maybe guestbook spamming or email harvesting','S'), 'moget' = array('Goo Japan / Inktomi robot (210.173.179.xx)','R'), 'mogimogi' = array('mogimogi','R'), 'moiNAG' = array('moiNag - generator','R'), 'MojeekBot' = array('MojeekBot','R'), 'Mojoo' = array('Mojoo','C'), 'monkeyagent' = array('Greasemonkey Firefox extension','D'), 'MoonBrowser' = array('Moonbrowser - IE based browser (Japan)','B'), 'Moreoverbot' = array('Moreover / FeedDirect RSS feed robot','C'), 'Morning Paper' = array('Morning Paper','R'), 'Morris' = array('MixCat robot s. also Felix','R'), 'Motoricerca' = array('Robots.txt online checker','C'), 'Mouse-House' = array('MPRM Group Ltd. Spider Monkey robot','R'), 'MovableType' = array('Movable Type web-based personal publishing system','B'), 'mozdex' = array('mozdex','R'), 'Mozilla (' = array(' robot','R'), 'MQbot' = array('MetaExplorer project\'s MetaQuerier robot','R'), 'MQBOT/Nutch' = array('MetaExplorer project\'s MetaQuerier robot','R'), 'MSFrontPage' = array('MS Frontpage 4.x','B'), 'MSIECrawler' = array('MSIE Offline Favorites','O'), 'msnbot' = array('MSN Search Web Crawler','R'), 'MSNPTC' = array('MSN Search robot - -','R'), 'msproxy' = array('MS Proxy','P'), 'MSRBot' = array('Microsoft Research web crawler','R'), 'Mulder' = array('StreamBox VCR user agent','D'), 'multiBlocker' = array('Multiblocker (Fantomaster) anonymity software user','P'), 'multicrawler' = array('MultiCrawler for DERI Galway\'s Semantic Web Search Engine cluster','R'), 'MultiText' = array('Virginia Tech Digital Library Research Laboratory robot','R'), 'MusicWalker' = array('SoMusical! musical directory link checking','R'), 'MVAClient' = array('MVAClient','S'), 'MyGetRight' = array('GetRight download manager','D'), 'Mylinea' = array('Mylinea France web catalogue crawler','R'), 'mylinkcheck' = array('VDOG - SEO webdirecory (Germany) link checking','C'), ), 'n' = array( 'Naamah' = array('Blogbot (Germany) robot','R'), 'NABOT' = array('Naver Japan / Korea robot','R'), 'naoFavicon4IE' = array('naoFavicon4IE','D'), 'NASA Search' = array('Unknown spambot / harvester from diff. IPs','S'), 'NationalDirectory' = array('Nationaldirectory spider','R'), 'NaverBot' = array('Naver Japan / Korea robot','R'), 'NavissoBot' = array('Navisso closed beta robot (','R'), 'NCSA Beta' = array('Vias Information Archival robot','R'), 'Nebullabot' = array(' distributed crawler (Germany)','R'), 'NEC Research' = array('NEC Researchindex robot - now CiteSeer.IST scientific document index','R'), 'NetAnts' = array('NetAnts download manager','D'), 'NETCOMplete' = array('NetComplete IE browser package','B'), 'NetinfoBot' = array(' search (Bulgaria) robot','R'), 'NetLookout' = array('Netlookout internet notifier','R'), 'Netluchs' = array('Netluchs (Germany) search (193.164.8.xx)','R'), 'NetMechanic' = array('NetMechanic link checker','C'), 'NetNewsWire' = array('NewsGator NetNewsWire - Mac RSS feed reader','B'), 'NetNoseCrawler' = array('unknown InCom (216.0.107.xx) robot','R'), 'Netprospector' = array('Netprospector metasearch software','R'), 'NetPumper' = array('Netpumper download manager','D'), 'NetResearchServer' = array('NetResearchServer','R'), 'NetSprint' = array('Wirtualna Polska / Netsprint search (Poland) robot','R'), 'NetWhatCrawler' = array('NetWhat Search crawler (','R'), 'NetZippy' = array('Netzippy robot','R'), 'NewsGator' = array('NewsGator online RSS reader','B'), 'NextGenSearchBot' = array('Eliyon Crawler for Business People Search','R'), 'NextopiaBOT' = array('Nextopia crawler','R'), 'NG' = array('Exalead (France) search robot (193.47.80.xx)','R'), 'nicebot' = array('nicebot','R'), 'NICO' = array('NicoZone childsafe search robot','R'), 'NITLE Blog' = array('Experimental LSI (?) robot from 140.233.69.xx (','R'), 'Nitro Downloader' = array('Download manager','D'), 'Noago Spider' = array('Noago spider','R'), 'Nokia-WAPToolkit' = array('Google WAP robot','R'), 'Nokia7110' = array('Google WAP proxy','P'), 'NokodoBot' = array('Nokodo public beta search robot (67.18.222.xx)','R'), 'Norbert the Spider' = array(' UK Search Engine robot','R'), 'noxtrumbot' = array('noxtrumbot','R'), 'noyona' = array('Noyona job search (preview)','R'), 'NP' = array('Nameprotect copyright search robot (24.177.134.x)','R'), 'Nsauditor' = array('Nsauditor Network Security Auditor','S'), 'NSPlayer' = array('NetShow Media Player = Windows Media Player 10','B'), 'nttdirectory' = array('NTT Directory robot','R'), 'Nucleus SiteList' = array('Nucleus CMS SiteList link managing plugin','C'), 'Nusearch Spider' = array('Nusearch Spider','R'), 'Nutch' = array('Nutch open source robot','R'), ), 'o' = array( 'obidos-bot' = array('Weblog bookwatch robot','R'), 'ObjectsSearch' = array('Objects Search robot','R'), 'obot' = array('obot','R'), 'Ocelli' = array('GlobalSpec Engineering Search robot (','R'), 'Octopus' = array('Octopus download manager','D'), 'Octora' = array('Octora blog or RSS information crawler - beta (66.228.114.xx)','R'), 'oegp' = array('oegp','S'), 'Offline Explorer' = array('Offline Explorer','O'), 'OliverPerry' = array('Claymont robot / Internetseer Web Site Monitoring','R'), 'OmniExplorer' = array('OmniExplorer_Bot','R'), 'onCHECK' = array(' German web directory link checking','C'), '' = array(' Szukaj (Search) robot (','R'), 'online link validator' = array('Online Link Validator','C'), 'Online24' = array('Online24 shopping portal (Germany) link checking','C'), 'OntoSpider' = array('OntoSpider - Dutch robot for a research project. (195.11.244.xx)','R'), 'Openbot' = array(' robot','R'), 'Openfind' = array(' robot','R'), 'OpenISearch' = array('open i search robot - search engine in development','R'), 'OpenTaggerBot' = array('Opentagger social bookmarking system','R'), 'OpenTextSiteCrawler' = array('OpenText crawler','R'), 'OpenWebSpider' = array('OpenWebSpider - Open Source web search engine','R'), 'opera' = array('Opera','B'), 'OpidooBOT' = array('Opidoo Search Belgium robot (','R'), 'Oracle Application Server Web Cache' = array('Oracle Application Server cache','P'), 'Oracle iMTCrawler' = array('Oracle interMedia Text - Text and web documents indexing','D'), 'Oracle Ultra Search' = array('Oracle Search','R'), 'OrangeSpider' = array('Orangeslicer semantic search (Beta) Germany (','R'), 'Orbiter' = array('Orbiter','R'), 'Orca Browser' = array('Avant Browser - IE based browser','B'), 'OSSProxy' = array('Marketscore (was Netsetter) internet accelerator','P'), 'Overture-WebCrawler' = array('Overture/Fast/Alltheweb crawler (','R'), 'ozelot' = array('Ozelot - Flying Cat\'s search engine robot (Germany)','R'), ), 'p' = array( 'P3P Validator' = array('P3P Validator','V'), 'page_verifier' = array('Secure Computing SmartFilter Tools - malware crawler','R'), 'PageBitesHyperBot' = array('PageBitesHyperBot','R'), 'Pagebull' = array('Pagebull visual search engine','R'), 'PagmIEDownload' = array('Downloadmanager ?','D'), 'parallelContext' = array('CFC crawler used by Italian academic and research network (GARR)','R'), 'ParaSite' = array(' robot','R'), 'Patwebbot' = array('Patsearch (Germany) robot','R'), 'pavuk' = array('Pavuk web downloading program for Unix','D'), 'PBrowse' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs- i.e.: - (','S'), 'pd02' = array(' / robot','R'), 'pear' = array('PEAR','L'), 'PEERbot' = array('Peerbot - favicon search robot','R'), 'PEval' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs','S'), 'php' = array('PHP','L'), 'PicoSearch' = array('Pico Search robot','R'), 'Piffany' = array('Piffany targeted search web spider','R'), 'PigeonBot' = array('Whois Source domain name information robot (66.249.26.xx)- s.also: - SurveyBot','R'), 'PingALink' = array('PingALink website monitoring','R'), 'Pingdom' = array('Pingdom web site monitoring','C'), 'pipeLiner' = array('pipeline search (DMOZ based) search robot (24.106.39. xxx)','R'), 'Pita' = array('Pita crawler','R'), 'Pizilla Ver' = array('Private user-agent via Hurricane Electric Internet Services','?'), 'PJspider' = array('Portaljuice spider','R'), 'Plagger' = array('Plagger - pluggable RSS/Atom feed aggregator written in Perl','B'), 'PlantyNet' = array('Plantynet web filtering services - Blacklist DB robot','R'), 'PluckFeedCrawler' = array('Pluck RSS feed crawler','R'), 'Pluggd' = array('Pluggd Podcast search engine','R'), 'Pockey' = array('Yutaka Endo\'s Pockey / GetHTML / GetHTMLW - some downloading tool from Japan','D'), 'Poirot' = array('ThePlanet/ Google Adsense refferer spam bot from 70.85.116.* / /','S'), 'polybot' = array('polybot','R'), 'Pompos' = array('Pompos','R'), 'Popdexter' = array('Popdex - web site popularity crawler','R'), 'Port Huron Labs' = array('Unknown spam bot / harvester (63.223.10.***)','S'), 'PortalBSpider' = array('PortalB (now Alacra search) spider','R'), 'portalmmm' = array('portalmmm IMode mobile browser','M'), 'PostFavorites' = array('Yahoo ( / 216.109.121.xx) favorites tracking robot','C'), 'potbot' = array('Potbot A simple IRC bot written in Perl','R'), 'PrivacyFinder' = array('CUPS robot for AT&T Privacy Bird Privacy Preferences (P3P) enhancements','R'), 'Privoxy' = array('Privoxy web proxy','P'), 'Production Bot' = array('Some site scanning tool from diff. IPs- i.e.: - 67.99.33.x (','S'), 'Program Shareware' = array('Some spam bot','S'), 'Project XP5' = array('XP5 robot','R'), 'PROve AnswerBot' = array('Answerchase PROve Answerbot','R'), 'ProWebGuide' = array('ProWebguide robot','R'), 'psbot' = array('psbot','R'), 'PSurf' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs- i.e.: -QWest Net','S'), 'psycheclone' = array('Unknown website grabbing / ripping for unknown purposes from 208.66.195.x - Russia','S'), 'puf' = array('Parallel URL Fetcher downloading tool','D'), 'pulseBot' = array('WebarooBot - Webaroo web site search / theme based downloading tool (','R'), 'PureSight' = array('PureSight Internet content filter','P'), 'PuxaRapido' = array('Puxa Rapido download manager','D'), 'PycURL' = array('PycURL','L'), 'Python-urllib' = array('Python-urllib','L'), ), 'q' = array( 'Qango' = array(' Web Directory robot','R'), 'QPCreep' = array('Quepasa!com (Latin American search) robot','R'), 'QuepasaCreep' = array('Quepasa!com (Latin American search) robot','R'), 'QueryN' = array('QueryN Metasearch robot','R'), 'QuickTime' = array('Quicktime for Macintosh','B'), 'Qweery' = array('Qweerybot for the Qweery search engine (in development) - Netherland','R'), ), 'r' = array( 'rabaz' = array('gigaBaz - the brainbot (Germany) robot','R'), 'RaBot' = array('Daum Korea robot (','R'), 'ramBot' = array(' (was robot (Germany)','R'), 'RAMPyBot' = array('RAMPyBot','R'), 'Rank Exec' = array('Rank Exec reciprocal link checking','C'), 'Rational SiteCheck' = array('Innova/IBM Rational SiteCheck - Rational robot','R'), 'ReadABlog' = array('Read A Blog - RSS feed and blog search engine','C'), 'RealDownload' = array('RealDownload download manager','D'), 'Reaper' = array('Reaper robot for SiteSearch','R'), 'REBOL View' = array('REBOL/View - machine independent internet client application','B'), 'Rebusnet' = array('Rebusnet software site - link / submission checking','R'), 'reciprocal links checker' = array('Online reciprocal link checker','C'), 'RedBot' = array(' search link checking','C'), 'RedCarpet' = array('RedCarpet crawler for Pronto price comparison search(','R'), 'RedCell' = array('Der Bot for\'s security related search (','R'), 'RedKernel' = array('RedKernel Softwares robot','R'), 'REL Link Checker' = array('REL Link Checker','C'), 'Rewebber' = array('Rewebber proxy service','P'), 'rico' = array('Applied Semantics Auto-Categorizer for QWestDex Direct','R'), 'RixBot' = array('RixBot Rebol Indexer for the RIX - Rebol related search (195.204.121.xx)','R'), 'RMA' = array('Real Media server acting as client','P'), 'RoboCrawl' = array('Canadian Content search crawler','R'), 'RoboPal' = array('FindPal Australia metasearch robot (61.68.139.xx)','R'), 'Robot/' = array('PopJapanSearch robot','R'), 'Robot: NutchCrawler- Owner:' = array('Experimental robot using Wget via','R'), 'Robot@SuperSnooper.Com' = array('Supersnooper robot','R'), 'Robozilla' = array('Netscape Directory / DMOZ Open Directory link crawler','R'), 'Rotondo' = array(' robot','R'), 'RPT-HTTPClient' = array('different IPs using the HTTPClient library (mostly link checking)','C'), 'RRC' = array(' ( robot','R'), 'RssBandit' = array('RSS Bandit RSS/Atom reader for .NET framework','B'), 'RSSMicro' = array('RSS Micro Search - RSS feed search engine','R'), 'RSSOwl' = array('RSSOwl embedded RSS feed reader','B'), 'RssReader' = array('Ykoon RssReader news feed reader','B'), 'RSurf15a' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs- i.e.: - ( -','S'), 'Rubbot' = array('rubhub blog spider','C'), 'RufusBot' = array('RufusBot','R'), 'RX Bar' = array('RX (Reflexive Search) Bar for IE','B'), ), 's' = array( 'S&L Spider' = array('Search & Links directory spider','C'), 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.' = array(' link checking ?','C'), 'SafariBookmarkChecker' = array('SafariBookmarkChecker for Mac OS X','C'), 'SandCrawler' = array('SandCrawler','R'), 'savvybot' = array('WebSavvy Directory robot','R'), 'SBIder' = array('SBIder','R'), 'SBL-BOT' = array('Softbyte Labs Black Widow web site ripper','D'), 'ScanWeb' = array('ScanWeb - regular expression based web page searching tool','R'), 'ScholarUniverse' = array('ScholarUniverse - Scholarly experts search robot','R'), '' = array('URL Spider Pro ("USP") used by German Schwarzmann GmbH','R'), 'Science Traveller' = array('1X Web Browser','B'), 'ScollSpider' = array('WebWobot UK search engine robot (','R'), 'Scooter' = array('Altavista robot','R'), 'Scope' = array('Scope Navigator mobile browser (Japan)','M'), 'ScoutAbout' = array('Some robot using Research Republic ScoutAbout Research Tool','R'), 'scoutmaster' = array('ScoutMaster information retrieval software','R'), 'Scrubby' = array('Scrubby','R'), 'Search' = array('URL Search+ search software','R'), 'Search-Engine-Studio' = array('Xtreem Search Engine Studio - SE software','R'), '' = array(' robot','R'), 'searchbot' = array('Unknown robot / website grabber from Chinatelecom (','S'), 'SearchByUsa' = array('SearchByUSA robot (','R'), 'SearchdayBot' = array('Searchday (Germany) search robot','R'), 'SearchExpress' = array('Searchexpress spider','R'), 'SearchGuild' = array('Searchguild forum & directory robot (','R'), 'Searchit-Now' = array('Searchit robot (69.93.107.xx)','R'), 'Searchmee!' = array('Searchmee! Search Engine (prototype) robot by','R'), 'SearchSight' = array('SearchSight','R'), 'Searchspider' = array('SearchSpider robot','R'), 'SearchTone' = array('Janas ( / robot','R'), 'Seekbot' = array('Seekbot','R'), '' = array('Lookseek search robot / link checking','R'), '' = array(' web filtering software','P'), 'Semager' = array(' (was NG-Search) semantic search - Germany','R'), 'semanticdiscovery' = array('semanticdiscovery','R'), 'Sensis' = array('Sensis Web Crawler','R'), 'SeznamBot' = array('Seznam Search (Czech Republic) robot','R'), 'Shareaza' = array('Shareaza P2P peer-to-peer download client','D'), 'SharewarePlazaFileCheckBot' = array('SharewarePlaza File Check Bot - link checking','R'), 'Shim Crawler' = array('Chikayama-Taura Lab Shim-Crawler used for The Kototoi Project (Japan) - (133.11.36.xx)','R'), 'Shim-Crawler' = array('Shim-Crawler','R'), 'ShopWiki' = array('ShopWiki','R'), ' Crawler' = array('Shoula Search Engine crawler','R'), 'SietsCrawler' = array('Siets Crawler - Web based site crawling application','R'), 'Siigle Orumcex' = array('Siigle search (Turkey) robot','R'), 'silk' = array('silk','R'), 'SimpleFavPanel' = array('SimpleFavPanel - IE newsfeed panel plugin','B'), 'Simpy' = array('Simpy bookmarking and personal search engine','R'), 'Sirketcebot' = array('Sirket?e search - Turkey','R'), 'SiteBar' = array('SiteBar','C'), 'sitecheck.internetseer' = array('Internetseer Web Site Monitoring / Claymont robot','R'), 'SiteRecon' = array('SiteRecon website monitoring spider at xx minute intervals','R'), 'SiteSnagger' = array('PC Magazin web site downloadmanager','D'), 'SiteSpider' = array('Site Spider robot (66.249.17.xx)','R'), 'SiteSucker' = array('SiteSucker Mac website downloading tool','D'), 'SiteTaggerBot' = array(' bookmark organizer','C'), '' = array('SiteTruth - Automatic site legitimacy rating system','R'), 'SiteWinder' = array(' (217.146.159.xx) internet filter','P'), 'SiteXpert' = array('Xtreeme SiteXpert sitemap & search engine builder','R'), 'Skampy' = array(' directory link checker','R'), 'Skimpy' = array(' directory link checker','R'), 'Skywalker' = array('Visvo distributed website crawler based on Nutch','R'), 'Slarp' = array(' robot','R'), 'Sleipnir' = array('Sleipnir - Japanese Explorer based browser & search bar','B'), 'Slider_Search' = array('Slider Search directory robot (','R'), 'SlimBrowser' = array('Slim Browser (IE based browser) - uses this user agent for favicon.ico only','B'), 'Slurp' = array('Inktomi (Hotbot-Lycos-NBCi) robot','R'), 'SlySearch' = array('Slysearch robot (now Turnitin robot)','R'), 'SmartDownload' = array('Netzip/Smartdownload download manager','D'), 'smartwit' = array('Loop Improvements NRS Enterprise search (69.44.155.xx[x])','R'), 'SmiffyDCMetaSpider' = array('SmiffyDCMetaSpider - Robot to check the retro-adding of Dublin Core metadata','R'), '' = array('Unknown bot from ( also as Snapbot/1.0','S'), 'Snapbot' = array('Unknown bot from ( - also as','S'), 'Snappy' = array('Snappy','R'), 'Snarfer' = array('Snarfer RSS reader','B'), 'snoopy' = array('Snoopy','L'), 'SnykeBot' = array(' France robot','R'), 'SocSciBot' = array('Link crawler for the social sciences','R'), 'SoftBank' = array('NetFront browser on Softbank mobile phone','M'), 'SoftHypermarketFileCheckBot' = array('Soft Hypermarket link checking','R'), 'Softizerbot' = array(' software directory link checking','C'), 'sogou spider' = array('sogou spider','R'), 'Sogou web spider' = array('Unknown UA from Chinanet ( faking Sogou search robot','S'), 'sohu agent' = array('Unknown UA from Chinanet ( faking Sogou search robot','S'), 'sohu-search' = array('Sohu (Search Fox) search robot China (','R'), 'Space Bison' = array('Default Proxomitron (discontinued) filtering proxy user agent identifier','P'), 'SpeedDownload' = array('Speed Download (Mac) download manager','D'), 'speedfind' = array(' robot','R'), 'Speedy Spider' = array('Entireweb search robot','R'), 'Speedy_Spider' = array('Entireweb search robot','R'), 'Sphider' = array('Sphider - a lightweight search engine in PHP','R'), 'Spida' = array(' robot','R'), 'Spider-Sleek' = array('Search-Info ODP/DMOZ spider','R'), 'spider.batsch' = array('Batsch robot','R'), 'Spider.TerraNautic' = array('TerraNautic spider for Schnellsuchen touristic search (Germany)','C'), 'spider.yellopet' = array('Yellopet spider','R'), 'Spider/' = array('Maxbot .gov .mil .edu indexing robot','R'), 'SpiderKU' = array('Unknown robot from CPE at Kasetsart University (','R'), 'SpiderMan' = array('Yahoo Search user agent or spider (','R'), 'SpiderMonkey' = array('SpiderMonkey Canada robot','R'), 'Spinne' = array(' robot','R'), 'Spock Crawler' = array('Spock - people search application - via Amazon web services','R'), 'sportsuchmaschine' = array('Sportsuchmaschine (German sports related search) link checking / robot','R'), 'sproose' = array('Sproose personalized search (38.100.225.xx)','R'), 'SQ Webscanner' = array('SQ Webscanner Mac download manager','D'), 'Squid-Prefetch' = array('Simple page-prefetch for Squid web proxy','P'), 'squidclam' = array('Squidclam is a replacement for SquidClamAV-Redirector','P'), 'SquidClamAV_Redirector' = array('SCAVR - Squid helper script for scanning download URLs for viruses','P'), 'Sqworm' = array('Sqworm','R'), 'SSurf15a' = array('Some site scanning tool via diff. IPs i.e.: - ( - (216.108.198.xx)','S'), 'StackRambler' = array('StackRambler','R'), 'Stamina' = array('Stamina download manager','D'), 'Star Downloader' = array('Star Downloader download manager','D'), 'StarDownloader' = array('Star Downloader download manager','D'), 'stat' = array('Experimental search engine spider from','R'), 'Steeler' = array('Steeler crawler','R'), 'Strategic Board Bot' = array('Strategic Board blogs and news aggregator robot','R'), 'Submission Spider' = array('Surfsafely submission verifier','R'), 'suchbaer' = array(' (Germany) search robot','R'), 'suchbot' = array('Suchbot Germany robot','R'), 'Suchknecht' = array('Suchknecht Austria robot','R'), 'suchpadbot' = array('suchpad search Germany robot (213.239.194.xx)','R'), 'Sunrise' = array('Sunrise XP web sites and newsfeeds converter and handheld reader','B'), 'SuperBot' = array('SuperBot','O'), 'Superdownloads' = array('Ubbi Superdownloads (Brazil) link checking','C'), 'SURF' = array('SurfControl Web Filtering','P'), 'SurferF3' = array('Wanadoo Rechereche robot','R'), 'SurfMaster' = array('Maskbit Surfmaster bookmark tool','C'), 'SurveyBot' = array('SurveyBot','R'), 'suzuran' = array('Yokogao Search Engine robot (Kanazawa University)','R'), 'SWB' = array('HP Secure Web Browser for OpenVMS','B'), 'Swooglebot' = array('Swooglebot Swoogle\'s semantic web crawler','R'), 'SWSBot' = array('SWSBot - SmartWareSoft (85.186.255.xx) software search engine created for','R'), 'SygolBot' = array('Sygol Search (Italy) robot','R'), 'Sylera' = array('Sylera browser (Japan)','B'), 'SyncIT' = array('SyncIT link validation','C'), 'Syndirella' = array('Syndirella desktop information aggregator (beta)','B'), 'SynoBot' = array('Synomia (France) robot','R'), 'SynooBot' = array('SynooBot','R'), 'Syntryx' = array('Syntryx Solution Suite - domain / keyword crawler (216.7.179.xx)','R'), 'Szukacz' = array(' (Polish search) robot','R'), ), 't' = array( 'T-Online Browser' = array('German T-Online browser & internet suite','B'), 'tags2dir' = array(' directory index','R'), 'Tagword' = array('TAGword DMOZ survey - ODP link checking robot','R'), 'Talkro' = array('Daumsoft Talkro IR robot','R'), 'TAMU_CS' = array('Texas A&M University - Dept. of Computer Science crawler (server or link checking ?)','R'), 'targetblaster' = array('Targetblaster user link validation ?','R'), 'TargetYourNews' = array('Target Your News - user submitted links','C'), 'TCDBOT' = array('Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) TCDBOT','R'), 'TECOMAC' = array('Tecomac Gmbh (Germany) crawler software - now Arexera Information Technologies','R'), 'Tecomi' = array('Tecomi (Germany) beta / test robot (','R'), 'Teleport' = array('Teleport (website) downloading tool','D'), 'Teoma' = array('Teoma crawler (65.214.36.xx[x])','R'), 'Teradex Mapper' = array('Teradex Directory robot','R'), 'TeragramCrawler' = array('Teragram multilingual text & data processing software','D'), 'terraminds-bot' = array('Terraminds blog search (Germany)','R'), 'TerrawizBot' = array('TerrawizBot','R'), 'Test spider' = array('Noceans Information Portfolio Manager (66.35.69.x)','R'), 'TestCrawler/Nutch' = array('Balihoo - Search Engine for Advertising Media','R'), 'The Expert HTML Source Viewer' = array('Expert HTML online source viewer','D'), 'TheSuBot' = array('TheSuBot','R'), 'Thumbnail.CZ' = array('Thumbnail.CZ','R'), 'thumbshots-de-Bot' = array('ThumbShots website thumbnail service (Germany) robot','D'), 'timboBot' = array('Breaking Blogs timbo bot blog robot','R'), 'TimelyWeb' = array('TimelyWeb web page monitoring tool','C'), 'tivraSpider' = array('Tivra spider from AT&T Labs Research','R'), 'TJG/Spider' = array('Tjgroup spider','R'), 'Tkensaku' = array('Tkensaku Search (Japan) robot from (','R'), 'Topodia' = array('Topodia search engine and personal information assistant (in development)','R'), 'TOPOS robot' = array('Topos search (Russia) robot','C'), 'Toutatis' = array('Hoppa robot (','R'), 'traazibot' = array('Traazi! search (Germany) robot','R'), 'Trampelpfad-Spider' = array('Trampelpfad Webkatalog spider','R'), 'tricosMetaCheck' = array('Tricos meta tag validation','C'), 'TSurf15a' = array('some bad user agent','S'), 'TulipChain' = array('Tulip Chain browser / link checker for directory','C'), 'TurnitinBot' = array('TurnitinBot','R'), 'Turnpike Emporium' = array('TurnPike Emporium Directory (207.67.198.x) link checking','R'), 'TutorGig' = array('TutorGig tutorial search robot','R'), 'Tutorial Crawler' = array('TutorGig tutorial search robot','R'), 'Twiceler' = array('Twiceler experimental web crawler','R'), 'Twisted PageGetter' = array('File downloading component from Twisted Python','D'), 'Twotrees' = array('Twotrees content filter','P'), 'TygoBot' = array('Tygo Search robot','R'), 'TygoProwler' = array('Tygo Search robot','R'), ), 'u' = array( 'UCmore' = array('UCMore - IE navigation and search plugin','B'), 'UdmSearch' = array('UdmSearch / MySearch (now mnoGoSeach) offline browser/search client','R'), 'UIowaCrawler' = array('University of Iowa Crawler- possibly MySpiders','R'), 'UKWizz' = array('UKWizz search robot','R'), 'Ultraseek' = array('Infoseek robot','R'), 'Under the Rainbow' = array('Unknown mail harvester/spambot from (','S'), 'UP.Browser' = array('Mobile phone browser','M'), 'UP.Link' = array('Mobile phone browser','M'), 'updated' = array('updated','R'), 'UPG1' = array('Handspring (PalmOS powered cellphone) Treo Blazer browser','M'), 'Uptimebot' = array(' online link popularity check','R'), 'URI::Fetch' = array('URI::Fetch - client for fetching HTTP pages and syndication feeds (RSS Atom)','D'), 'URL Spider Pro' = array('Innerprise URL Spider Pro (now ES.NET) web indexing / site searching tool','R'), 'URLBase' = array('URLBase - Internet shortcut manager','C'), 'URLBlaze' = array('URLBlaze file sharing link toolkit','C'), 'URLGetFile' = array('URLGetFile downloading tool','D'), 'User-Agent: BoardReader Favicon' = array('BoardReader search favicon fetcher','D'), 'User-Agent: BoardReader Image' = array('BoardReader search image fetcher','D'), 'User-Agent: LjSEEK' = array(' - LiveJournal picture feed search','C'), 'User-Agent: FileHeap' = array('FileHeap download manager','D'), 'User-Agent: Mozilla' = array('Malformed UA header from some guestbook/forum spammer','S'), 'user-agent=Mozilla' = array('unknown robot (reads robots.txt) or sitegrabber. From different IPs- ie.: 62.98.8.xx (','R'), 'USyd-NLP-Spider' = array('University of Sydney NLP Spider for research in Natural Language Processing','R'), 'UtilMind HTTPGet' = array('Web Thief Site Grabber','D'), 'Utopia WebWasher' = array('WebWasher ad filter','P'), 'uTorrent' = array('?Torrent BitTorrent client','D'), ), 'v' = array( 'Vagabondo' = array('WiseGuys robot Netherland -','R'), 'Vakes' = array('Open Directory link checking from Vakes','R'), 'vb wininet' = array('iNet Grabber - Internet content grabber','D'), 'versus' = array('Versus Project robot - Comparing methods for near-uniform URL sampling','R'), 'VeryGoodSearch' = array(' link submission checking','R'), 'Verzamelgids' = array('Verzamelgids NL link checking robot','R'), 'Vespa' = array('Unknown robot from Yahoo Norway','R'), 'virus_detector' = array('Sidewinder G2 anti-virus and anti-spyware protection','D'), 'VisBot' = array('Visbot crawler for a search software under development','R'), 'Visicom' = array('Some IE toolbar made with Visicom Media Dynamic Toolbar software','B'), 'Vision Research' = array('Vision research lab\'s Cortina - content based image retrieval (128.111.60.xx)','R'), 'Vivante Link Checker' = array('Vivante Link Checker','C'), 'VLC media player' = array('VLC - Cross-platform media player and streaming server','B'), 'VMBot' = array('VM - Vertical Search Engine (China)','R'), 'Vortex' = array('Vortex','R'), 'voyager' = array('voyager','R'), 'VSE' = array('Vivisimo search crawler (','R'), 'vspider' = array('Verity vspider indexing software','R'), 'VWBOT' = array('VWBot - MetaQuerier Crawler for the MetaQuerier project at the University of Illinois','R'), 'VYU2' = array('VYU2','R'), ), 'w' = array( 'W3C-checklink' = array('W3C-checklink','C'), 'W3C-WebCon' = array('WebCon - the Libwww command line tool','D'), 'W3C_Validator' = array('W3C_Validator','V'), 'W3CLineMode' = array('W3C Line Mode (character based Web browser)','B'), 'W3CRobot' = array('Unknown link checking using Libwww via Korea Telecom (','C'), 'w3m' = array('w3m','B'), 'W3SiteSearch' = array('W3 Site Search (Germany) search engine solution','R'), '' = array('Wadain (Japan) Blog / RSS search crawler','R'), 'WannaBe' = array('Wanna-Be text mode browser','B'), 'WapOnWindows' = array('WapOnWindows WAP browser for PCs','B'), 'Watchfire' = array('Watchfire WebXM intranet solution','P'), 'WAVcheck' = array('WAVcheck - Simple Vendor Discovery Tool for detecting client-side tags from web analytics vendors','C'), 'Wavefire' = array('Wavefire local search community engine (','R'), 'Waypath' = array('Waypath blog discovery engine robot','R'), 'WDG_Validator' = array('WDG_Validator','V'), 'Web Downloader' = array('Web Downloader','O'), 'Web Image Collector' = array('\'s Web Image Collector (graphics downloading tool)','D'), 'Web Link Validator' = array('Relsoft link checking software','C'), 'Web Snooper' = array('RankMeter ranking software','R'), 'web-bekannt' = array('Web-bekannt German web directory link checking','C'), 'Web-Bot' = array('Unkown link or server checking from W?rzburg University Germany (132.187.10.xx)','R'), 'web2express' = array('Web2Express / Web2x - Open data searching tool','R'), 'WebAlta' = array('WebAlta search Russia crawler (85.21.201.xx)','R'), 'WebarooBot' = array('WebarooBot / RufusBot from webaroo offline search service','R'), 'WebAuto' = array('Yanasoft WebAuto website copier / downloading tool','D'), 'webbandit' = array('Web Bandit personal search software','R'), 'WebBug' = array('Amansoft WebBug web server protocol test','C'), 'Webclipping' = array(' - online news monitoring service','R'), 'webcollage' = array('webcollage','R'), 'WebCompass' = array('Quarterdecks WebCompass search tool','R'), 'WebCopier' = array('WebCopier','O'), 'WebCorp' = array('WebCorp linguistic search engine (UK)','R'), 'webcrawl' = array('Webcrawl Search robot (','R'), 'WebDownloader' = array('Unix/Linux Web Downloader','D'), 'WebFetch' = array('WingFlyer WebFetch website downloading tool','D'), 'WebFilter' = array('Verso NetSpective WebFilter','P'), 'WebFindBot' = array('Webfind search robot','R'), 'Webglimpse' = array('Webglimpse search engine software','R'), 'webGobbler' = array('webGobbler - Online random image generator','R'), 'WebLight' = array('WebLight web analyzer & link checker','C'), 'Weblink\'s checker' = array('WebLink\'s link management system for HTTP- FTP and Mail hyperlinks','C'), 'Weblog Attitude Diffusion' = array('Los Alamos National Laboratoy weblog research project','R'), 'webmeasurement' = array('Unknown robot from Leipzig University (Germany) faculty for computer science','R'), 'WebMiner' = array('WebMiner bulk file downloader','D'), 'WeBoX' = array('WeBoX (Japan) - Browser and web collector','D'), 'WebPix' = array('WebPix - picture downloading tool','D'), 'WebQL' = array('Caesius WebQL - Custom robot/agent generator / web extraction software','D'), 'WebRACE' = array('WebRACE - HTTP retrieval- annotation and caching engine','P'), 'WebReaper' = array('Webreaper download manager','D'), 'WebSauger' = array('WebSauger download tool?','D'), 'WebSearch.COM.AU' = array('Websearch Australia robot','R'), 'WebSearchBench' = array('Dortmund University WebSearchBench - Open source search software','R'), 'Website Explorer' = array('Web site downloading tool and offline browser (Japan)','D'), 'Website eXtractor' = array('Website eXtractor web site downloading tool','D'), 'WebsiteWorth' = array('Sootle web directory Website Worth ranking tool','R'), 'Webspinne' = array(' robot','R'), '' = array('','R'), 'WebStat' = array('WebStat - Java statistical computing environment for the web','R'), 'Webster' = array('Webster - Rev. Healeys web crawler','R'), 'webster-internet' = array('Websters Webmaster Archive (Germany) submission / pad checking','C'), 'WebStripper' = array('WebStripper download manager','D'), 'WebTrafficExpress' = array('WebTrafficExpress IBM server software','P'), 'WebTrends' = array('Web Trends link analyzer','C'), 'WebVac' = array('The Stanford WebBase Project crawler','R'), 'WebVal' = array('webval - Python link checking tool','C'), 'Webverzeichnis' = array(' (Germany) directory robot','R'), 'WebVulnCrawl' = array('Web Vulnerability Crawler','S'), 'WebWatcherMonitor' = array('Studio Net.Idea\'s Web Watcher Monitor robot','R'), 'WebZIP' = array('WebZIP','O'), 'Wells Search' = array('Unknown spam bot / harvester (62.163.**.** / 62.194.**.*)','S'), 'WEP Search' = array('Some spam bot- see link','S'), 'West Wind' = array('wwIPStuff - Internet client tools for Visual FoxPro','D'), 'WFARC' = array('IBM\'s Almaden Research robot (Clever search project)','R'), 'Wget' = array('Wget','O'), 'Whatsup' = array('Whatsup Gold network monitor','C'), 'whatUseek' = array('WhatUSeek / Chubba robot','R'), 'WhizBang' = array('WhizBang! Labs (closed since May 2002) information extraction robot','R'), 'Wildsoft' = array('some download agent','D'), 'Willow' = array('Twotrees crawler','R'), 'Windows-Media-Player' = array('Windows Media Player 10','B'), 'WinGet' = array('Nicksoft WinGet download manager','D'), 'WinHTTP Example' = array('Example code for a WinHTTP C++ library crawler','R'), 'WinkBot' = array('Wink beta search robot (64.13.136.x)','R'), 'WinPodder' = array('WinPodder - Podcast player and RSS reader','B'), 'WinWAP' = array('WinWap - Windows PC WAP browser','B'), 'Wir sind die Borg' = array('Yammba web directory (Germany) link checking','C'), 'WIRE' = array('WIRE crawler used by the University of Pisa - Italy','R'), 'WISEbot' = array('Korea Wisenut robot','R'), 'WiseWire' = array('Wisewire domain checker (Discontinued)','R'), 'wish-project' = array('WISH academic research project for link checking','C'), 'WoFindeIch' = array('WoFindeIch','R'), 'WordChampBot' = array('Wordchamp web page vocabulary / translation robot','D'), 'WordPress' = array('WordPress personal Blog publishing platform','B'), 'worio' = array('WORIO (beta) search for computer scientists and programmers using Heritrix open-source crawler','R'), 'WorldLight' = array('Entireweb Search robot (','R'), 'WorQmada' = array('unknown link checking (from ?','C'), 'Wotbox' = array('Wotbox spider','R'), 'WSB' = array('WebSearchBench crawler from Dortmund University- Germany','R'), 'wume_crawler' = array('WUME Lab\'s web crawler (','R'), 'Wusage' = array('Wusage log-file analysis','R'), 'Wwlib' = array('WWLib - Wolverhampton Univerity Web Library for classifying web documents','R'), 'WWSBOT' = array('WWSBOT web server version checker','C'), 'WWW-Mechanize' = array('Perl web page fetching module','D'), '' = array('Arianna robot','R'), '' = array(' link checking ?','C'), '' = array('The DoWeb UK Business directory link checking','C'), 'www4mail' = array('www4mail - web navigation & database search by e-mail','O'), 'WWWC' = array('WWWC Updating check of Web pages. (Japanese only)','C'), 'WWWster' = array('Unknown robot from CIS at Munich University (','R'), 'WWWeasel' = array('World Wide Weasel Germany robot','R'), 'WWWOFFLE' = array('WWWoffle download manager','D'), ), 'x' = array( 'X-Crawler' = array('Arexera (Germany) crawler software','R'), 'Xaldon' = array('Xaldon_WebSpider','O'), 'Xenu' = array('Xenu Link Sleuth','C'), 'Xerka' = array('XerKa text mining and information retrieval software','D'), 'xine' = array('xine video player','D'), 'xirq' = array('XIRQ search (beta) robot (','R'), 'XMLSlurp' = array('XMLSlurp','R'), 'XRL' = array('Metamark URL Shorten Service','P'), 'xyro' = array('Inria Crawler','R'), ), 'y' = array( 'Y!J' = array('Yahoo Search Japan robot (','R'), 'Y!OASIS' = array('Yahoo picture service for mobiles','P'), 'Y!TunnelPro' = array('Y!TunnelPro - Yahoo! Messenger companion user agent','B'), 'yacy' = array('yacy','R'), 'yacybot' = array('Yacy distributed P2P web search engine robot','R'), 'Yahoo Pipes' = array('(Yahoo) Pipes interactive data aggregator robot','R'), 'Yahoo! Mindset' = array('Yahoo Mindset: Intent-driven Search (','R'), 'Yahoo-Blogs' = array('Yahoo blog indexing robot (','R'), 'Yahoo-MMAudVid' = array('Yahoo multimedia crawler (206.190.43.xx)','R'), 'Yahoo-MMCrawler' = array('Yahoo multimedia crawler via (66.77.73.xx)','R'), 'Yahoo-Test' = array('Yahoo Search robot','R'), 'Yahoo-VerticalCrawler-FormerWebCrawler' = array('Yahoo crawler via Overture (','R'), 'YahooFeedSeeker' = array('Yahoo Publisher Network RSS crawler','R'), 'YahooSeeker' = array('Yahoo!','R'), 'Yandex' = array('Yandex Search Russia link checking (','R'), '' = array('Yarienavoir search (Belgium) robot (217.71.121.xx)','R'), 'Yeti' = array(' search Korea robot (','R'), 'yggdrasil' = array('yggdrasil spider for GoPubMed biorelated search engine','R'), 'YodaoBot' = array('Yodao search (China)','R'), 'yoogliFetchAgent' = array('yoogliFetchAgent','R'), 'yoono' = array('Yoono - community based search (','R'), 'YottaCars_Bot' = array('YottaCars bot - YottaCar car search engine (','R'), 'YottaShopping_Bot' = array('YottaShopping bot - YottaShopping search engine (','R'), 'YTunnelPro' = array('Y!TunnelPro - Yahoo! Messenger companion user agent','B'), ), 'z' = array( 'Z-Add Link Checker' = array('Z-Add online link checker','C'), 'Zao' = array('Zao','R'), 'ZBot' = array('Zeus Internet Marketing Robot based on Webster Pro component','R'), 'Zearchit' = array('Zearchit German search / directory (','R'), 'ZeBot' = array(' Moteur de Recherche robot (213.251.135.xx)','R'), 'zedzo' = array('ZedZo Search (beta) robot -','R'), 'Zend_Http_Client' = array('Zend PHP frameworks Zend_Http_Client component','D'), 'zerxbot' = array('Zerx search robot ( ?','R'), 'Zeus ThemeSite' = array('Zeus Internet Marketing Robot (based on Webster Pro)','R'), 'Zeus xxxxx' = array('Zeus Internet Marketing Robot (based on Webster Pro)','R'), 'Zeusbot' = array('Zeusbot robot for building the index','R'), 'Zeus' = array('Zeus email harvester from Asia','S'), 'Ziggy' = array('Unknown agent (server- or link checking ?) from 198.173.158.xx','C'), 'Zippp' = array(' web search robot','R'), 'Zippy' = array('Zippyfinder robot','R'), 'Zoo Tycoon' = array('Microsoft Zoo Tycoon 2 game client','B'), 'ZoomSpider' = array('Zoom Search Engine software spider','R'), 'zspider' = array('zspider','R'), 'ZyBorg' = array('ZyBorg','C'), ), ) }
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