Link | mv_fmtnum |
Author | Marc Vos |
Category | Tags |
Version | 9.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 22 May 2013 |
Updated | 22 May 2013 |
More by this author... |
Formats a number, with or without characters via a mask, to a complete string.
mv_fmtnum(-number=123456, -mask='S/N ########') 'S/N 12345600' mv_fmtnum(-number=123456, -mask='S/N ########', -direction='') 'S/N 12345600' mv_fmtnum(-number=123456, -mask='S/N ########', -direction='R') 'S/N 00123456' mv_fmtnum(-number=-123456, -mask='S/N ########', -direction='R') 'S/N 00123456-' mv_fmtnum(-number=-123456, -mask='S/N ########', -direction='L') '-S/N 12345600' mv_fmtnum(-number='123456', -mask='$$-$$$/$$$', -direction='L') '12-345/6 ' mv_fmtnum(-number='-123456', -mask='##-$$$/$$$', -direction='R') '00-123/456-' mv_fmtnum(-number=1234.56, -mask='%%%%%%%%%.####', -direction='L') '123456.0000' mv_fmtnum(-number=-1234.56, -mask='%%%%%%%%%.##%%', -direction='R') '12.3456-' mv_fmtnum(-number='0.56', -mask='%%%%%%%%.####', -direction='.') '0.5600' mv_fmtnum(-number=-0.6, -mask='%%%%%%%%,##%%', -direction=',') '0,60-' mv_fmtnum(-number='1234,56', -mask='$$$$$$$#.%%%%', -direction='.') ' 1234.56' mv_fmtnum(-number='-12345,6', -mask='########.####', -direction='.') '00012345.6000-' mv_fmtnum(-number=123456, -mask='$$$$$$$#,%%%%', -direction=',') ' 123456' mv_fmtnum(-number=123456, -mask='%%%%%%%#.##%%', -direction='.') '123456.00' mv_fmtnum(-number=1234567890, -mask='%%%%.%%%%.%%%#.##%%', -direction='L') '1234.5678.900.00' mv_fmtnum(-number=1234567890, -mask='%%%%.%%%%.%%%#.##%%', -direction='R') '.12.3456.7890' mv_fmtnum(-number=1234567890, -mask='%%%%.$$$$.$$$$.$$$$', -direction='L') '1234.5678.90 . ' mv_fmtnum(-number=1234567890, -mask='%%%%.$$$$.$$$$.$$$$', -direction='R') '. 12.3456.7890' mv_fmtnum(-number=200.000000000, -mask='%%%%%%%%%#,%%%%%%%%%', -direction=',') '200'
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[ /* Formats a number into a string using a mask where the # is a position for a digit or character. When no numeric positions are left, the # is zero-filled. 0.56 with '####,##' would result in '0000,56'. $ is a position for a digit or character. When no numeric positions are left, the $ is blanks-filled. 0.56 with '$$$#,##' would result in ' 0,34'. % is a position for a digit or character. When no numeric positions are left, the % is empty-filled. 0.56 with '%%%#,##' would result in '0,34'. Timestamp example mask : ####-##-## ##:##:## Direction can be L(eft) - Numbers are placed in the mask starting from the left. R(ight) - Numbers are placed in the mask starting from the right. , or . - Fixes the number of decimal places. The number of decimal places is adjusted to what the mask dictates. Numbers are placed in the mask starting from the right. '123' and '###.##' -> '123.00' '123.4' and '###.##' -> '123.40' '123.45' and '###.##' -> '123.45' '123.456' and '###.##' -> '123.46' '123.4' and '###.%%' -> '123.4' '123' and '###.%%' -> '123' */ define_tag('mv_fmtnum', -required='number', -copy, -required='mask', -copy, -optional='direction', -copy); local('result'='', 'num'='', 'tmp'='', 'pos'=0, 't'='', 'mleft'='', 'mright'='', 'nleft'='', 'nright'='', 'negate'='', 'flag'=false); error_reset; if(! local_defined('direction')); local('direction') = 'L'; else('RL,.' !>> #direction); #direction = 'L'; /if; (decimal(#number) < 0) ? #negate = true | #negate = false; // Check if Lasso will add decimal positions if(#number->isa('decimal')); #number = string(#number); // Make it a string #number->removetrailing('0'); else; #number = string(#number); // Make it a string /if; if((#direction == ',') || (#direction == '.')); // Locate . or , in mask #tmp='.'; #pos = #mask->find(#tmp); if(#pos == 0); #tmp=','; #pos = #mask->find(#tmp); /if; // Split mask in two parts : number + fractional if(#pos == 0); #mleft = #mask; #mright = ''; else; #mleft = #mask->split(#tmp)->get(1); #mright = #mask->split(#tmp)->get(2); /if; // Locate . or , in number #tmp='.'; #pos = #number->find(#tmp); if(#pos == 0); #tmp=','; #pos = #number->find(#tmp); /if; // Split number in two parts : number + fractional if(#pos == 0); #nleft = #number; #nright = ''; else; #nleft = #number->split(#tmp)->get(1); #nright = #number->split(#tmp)->get(2); /if; // Compare decimal places between mask and number. Adjust fractional part of number to match mask. if(#mright == ''); #nright = ''; else(#mright->size > #nright->size); #nright += string('00000000000')->substring(1, (#mright->size - #nright->size)); else(#nright->size > #mright->size); #nright = lp_decimal_precisionSet('0.' + #nright, #mright->size); #nright = string(#nright)->substring(3, #mright->size); /if; // Construct new number #number = #nleft + '.' + #nright; #flag = true; /if; // get only the characters and numbers loop(#number->size); #tmp = #number->get(loop_count); if(((#tmp >= '0') && (#tmp <= '9')) || ((#tmp >= 'a') && (#tmp <= 'z')) || ((#tmp >= 'A') && (#tmp <= 'Z'))); #num = #num + #tmp; /if; /loop; if(#direction == 'L'); #pos = 1; loop(#mask->size); #t = #mask->get(loop_count); if('#$%' >> #t); if(#pos <= #num->size); #result += #num->get(#pos); else; if(#t == '$'); #result += ' '; else(#t == '%'); #result += ''; else; #result += '0'; /if; /if; #pos += 1; else; #result += #mask->get(loop_count); /if; /loop; else; #pos = #num->size; loop(-from=#mask->size, -to=1, -by=(-1)); #t = #mask->get(loop_count); if('#$%' >> #t); if((#pos <= #num->size) && (#pos > 0)); if(#num->get(#pos)=='0'); if(! #flag || #t != '%'); #flag = false; #result = #num->get(#pos) + #result; /if; else; #flag = false; #result = #num->get(#pos) + #result; /if; else; if(#t == '$'); #flag = false; #result = ' ' + #result; else(#t == '%'); #result = '' + #result; else; #flag = false; #result = '0' + #result; /if; /if; #pos -= 1; else(! #flag || (#flag && #t != #direction)); #result = #mask->get(loop_count) + #result; /if; /loop; /if; if(#negate == true); (#direction == 'L') ? #result = '-' + #result | #result += '-'; /if; return(#result); /define_tag; ]
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