Note: Schedule is subject to change without notice.
9:00 - Conference registration and networking
9:30 - Keynote Lasso: Today, Tomorrow and Forever: Sean Stephens
10:15 - Worldwide Stabilization: Kyle Jessup
10:45 - Refreshment break
11:00 - What's up, Docs?: Rachel Guthrie
11:30 - On administering Lasso: Jono Guthrie:
12:00 - Documentation: the reST of the story Eric Knibbe
12:30 - Lunch break
1:30 - Modern Debugging Techniques: Paul Higgins
2:00 - Waterfall vs Agile: Project Methodologies: Fletcher Sandbeck
2:30 - MVC vs OOP vs Procedual: Programming Methodologies: Steffan Cline
3:00 - Finding Normal: When and how to normalize your data: Tim Taplin
3:30 - Refreshment break
4:00 - Up-close and personal discussions with the LassoSoft team:
- Kyle Jessup: Maximizing your code - Jono Guthrie: Administering Lasso - Eric Knibbe: Installers and Installing - Sean Stephens: How to Sell Lasso - Rachel Guthrie: Understanding Licenses - Paul Higgins: Debugging5:00 - Day ends
9:00 - Networking and sign-in
9:30 - Lasso for Beginners: Jordon Davidson
10:00 - On System Architecture: Ke Carlton
10:30 - CSS Frameworks and Lasso: Clive Moore
10:50 - Refreshment break
11:00 - Less headaches: compiling and debugging CSS using LESS: Chris Corwin
11:30 - Deciphering Usability: Jesse Skinner
12:00 - Jank-me-not?: Chris Voorberg
12:30 - Lunch break
1:30 - Lasso and Mobile: Tim Taplin
2:00 - The OWASP top 10: an introduction to webapp threats: Bil Corry
2:30 - Lasso and the Cloud: Fletcher Sandbeck
3:00 - Big Data and MySQL: StatDrive
3:30 - Refreshment break
4:00 - IDE Wars - Panel: Eclipse, Sublime, BBEdit, Coda: Panelists and teams.
5:00 - Day ends
7:30 - Awards Dinner - Table Rock, Elements on the Falls.
8:30-8:45 - the falls will be illuminated in Lasso blue for 15 minutes.
10:00 - Fireworks over the falls
9:00 - Networking and Sign-in
10:00 - lspec Introduction: Brad Lindsay
10:29 - Lasso 9 & the Command line: Jolle Carlestam & Brad Lindsay
11:05 - sys_process Mastery: Jolle Carlestam
11:35 - Refreshment break
11:45 - Control Flow Integrity: conscious foundational security: Bil Corry
12:15 - Using Sphinx: Jim Leavitt
12:45 - Lunch break
1:30 - High performance inline: Ke Carlton
2:00 - Traits: Give your code personality: Jono Guthrie
2:30 - Method Overload: Jono Guthrie
3:00 - Query Expressions: Kyle Jessup
3:30 - Refreshment break
4:00 - On Predicting and Discovery: Lasso Directions and Future: Sean Stephens
4:30 - Day ends
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