
One of the strengths of the Lasso language has always been its community — headed by the core LassoSoft team — and their fanatical desire to share ideas, concepts, solutions and, yes, gripes. We’re also passionate about recording and cataloging in all in its proper place.
So, whether you’re looking for comprehensive documentation to help you install and configure Lasso itself, get started with the language, master its many features or trade tips and tricks, the all-encompassing LassoDocs site is the place to find it.
Also in the LassoDocs site you can find the latest info on issues under investigation, see their prioritization and see them confirmed and resolved or closed. Issues and resolutions are identified by release number - L8.x and L9

LassoGuide 9.2 is now available online at, and in real-life in both full-colour hard cover, and soft cover black & white versions.

Search our powerful Reference system online to find the methods that will make your code cleaner, easier, more powerful, and give you the exact results you are looking for. Or, take it offline and download the Lasso9Reference App from the Apple Store.
Checkout TagSwap for open source community contributed tag, methods, types and traits that will get your code off to a head-start.
Featured Article
- Query: Database Interaction Simplified
- Introducing Query: Database Interaction Simplified Presentation at Lasso Developer Conference, May 2012 by Brad Lindsay, North Carolina Hospital Association Query is a modern replacement in Lass...