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Admin Lasso Admin methods allow developers to interface with admin functions such as settings and preferences management and dealing with with users and groups. 11
Any A basic building block of Lasso is the Any Trait, which defines some piece of functionality which any object within Lasso can do. Rarely used in development, Any provides base functionality for the language and is a keystone for most other methods. 9
Array Lasso Array methods relate to a basic building block type of Lasso (“Array” Data Type) which consists of groups of data together in one place. Arrays can be used to hold pieces of data in one place, and are one of the basic and most used building blocks of Lasso programming. 36
Auth Lasso Auth methods allow developers to control access to pages through browser authentication, through the built-in popup browser authentication dialogue box integrated into most popular browsers. This is a simple, browser-integrated methodology for protecting documents. 5
Boolean Lasso Boolean methods deal with the Boolean Type which is, very simply, values which are exclusively true or false. 1
Bytes Lasso Byte methods allow the manipulation of binary data. Binary data is low-level data which forms the basis of all documents manageable by Lasso. For example, files with text within them are ultimately comprised of bytes, thus low-level manipulation or transmission of files must be managed through byte methods. 67
Cache Lasso Cache Methods 5
Capture Lasso Capture methods are another building block of Lasso programming, representing blocks of code combined with a “state”. A set of local variables, you can execute the code within them multiple times, a concept forming the basis of much of the implementation of Lasso itself. 18
Client Lasso Client methods provide information on the “client” (aka visitor) accessing the document via the web: most often on a browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. With this information, you can dynamically introduce or change or monitor visitors to your documents. 27
Compiler / Parser Lasso’s Compiler and Parser methods allows developers to parse and execute lasso script files. 4
Cookie Lasso’s Cookie methods allow for the manipulation of “cookies”. A cookie, also known as a web cookie, browser cookie, and HTTP cookie, is a piece of text stored on a user's computer by their web browser. A cookie is a secure, one-way piece of information which can be used to hold information later to be accessed for authentication, preferences, shopping cart contents, or anything else that can be accomplished through storing a small secure piece of text data. 2
Curl Lasso Curl methods allow robust access to external URLs (e.g. through the CURL engine. Lasso is able, through these methods, to dynamically access and manipulate external websites for infinite opportunities: developing search engines, scraping external data from websites, monitoring external websites, etc. 158
Database Database methods allow Lasso to connect and manipulate data in an external datasource: for example, in MySQL, FileMaker, Oracle, etc. Once data has been queried from a datasource, it can be displayed, counted, split, managed, etc. and displayed on a website. 113
Database Registry Lasso Database Registry methods include many different abilities relating to the internal Lasso datasource, including saving database hosts, manipulating and viewing usernames and passwords and managing preferences so developers do not have to include them in raw source files. These methods allow developers to add and remove things from Lasso's secure internal datasource, thus inherently maximizing security. 92
Date Lasso Date methods enable the manipulation and outputting of dates and times, as they relate to real world time. Using these methods one can dynamically display or manage content based on the time of day, or track the length of time since a given point. Date/Time methods are a cornerstone of dynamically presenting information to end users. 1
Date/Time Lasso Date/Time methods enable the manipulation and outputting of dates and times, as they relate to real world time. Using these methods one can dynamically display or manage content based on the time of day, or track the length of time since a given point. Date/Time methods are a cornerstone of dynamically presenting information to end users. 74
Decimal Lasso decimal methods allow for the mathematical manipulation of decimal numbers. 53
Delve Lasso Delve is a Lasso utility method explicitly for handling embedded arrays. With one array which contain other arrays, delve allows you to treat one array as a series of elements, thus making is extraordinarily simple to dig through heirarchies of array data. 3
DNS Lasso DNS methods allow for the calling and monitoring of “DNS” (Domain Name Service) information. Domain names (such as “” can be looked up from a DNS Server from within code. 7
Document PENDING DOCUMENTATION - Lasso documentation methods allow web pages to be programatically built on the the outbound send, allowing unlimited process control of content on the way before being sent by the server. This allows low-level development and management of specific components of HTML to be manipulated before they are let loose to the visitor. 23
Email Lasso Email methods allow for the manipulation, getting and sending of email. Lasso includes a built-in system for queuing and sending email messages to email servers. Email messages can be sent to site visitors to notify them when they create a new account or to remind them of their login information. Email messages can be sent to administrators when various errors or other conditions occur. Email messages can even be sent in bulk to many email addresses to notify site visitors of updates to the Web site or other news. 140
Encoding Lasso can be used to publish data in many different formats. Encoding methods are used to transform strings from one encoding standard to another. 2
Encryption Lasso Encryption methods enable the encryption of data, transforming information to make it unreadable without a special knowledge, i.e. a key. Lasso supports a variety of leading-edge encryption methodologies, including Blowfish, MD5, CrammD5, HMAC, and more. 20
Error Lasso Error methods allow developers to manage errors at several different levels of development which can act redundantly to ensure that no errors will be missed during development. These include web server errors, syntax and action errors, database and logical errors, and more. 34
FastCGI 7
File Lasso File methods allow Lasso to list, inspect, read, write, modify, and delete files on the same machine as Lasso is installed (and has relevant permission to access). Any text or binary file with an approved file suffix can be manipulated (e.g. .txt, .php, .csv). Files can also be uploaded, served, manipulated, listed and more. 88
FTP Lasso FTP methods allow for the manipulation of files through a network via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Files can be externally retrieved, deleted, changed, listed and managed through external FTP servers. 6
Image Magick Lasso Image Magick methods allow for the simple and direct manipulation of images through the popular image manipulation tool “Image Magick”. Images can be read and written, generated and manipulated in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. The methods can scale, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves within the image itself. 40
Include Lasso Include methods enable single files to include additional files so as to run as one theoretical file. This enables code from many files from different locations to be run as one set of code, allowing the logical breaking down of code into multiple locations for elegant programming. 12
Inline Lasso Inline methods provide powerful command tags for adding, updating, deleting, and duplicating records within Lasso compatible databases. These command tags are used in conjunction with additional command tags and name/value parameters in order to perform the desired database action in a specific database and table or within a specific record. Data can thus be dynamically manipulated by Lasso from one common set of methods into various datasources. 18
Integer Lasso Integer methods allow for the mathematical manipulation of whole numbers. 26
Java Lasso Java methods (aka LJAPI) allows lasso to interface with the Java development language, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. These methods allow Lasso to interface with external Java functionality and allows advanced developers the ability to extend the deeper functionality of Lasso through the Java language. 139
JSON Lasso JSON methods allow manipulation and integration with JSON (Javascript Simple Object Notation), particularly useful for interfacing with AJAX sites. JSON is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. The JSON format is usually used for structuring and transmitting structured data over a network connection, and is primarily used to transmit data between a server and web application, serving as an alternative to XML. 8
LassoApp Lasso LassoApp methods enable the creation and manipulation of LassoApps. LassoApps are bundles of protected code which can be complete web applications within one file (once “LassoApped”). LassoApps are singular compressed files containing both text-based and other files, such as images, whose source code cannot be accessed once they have been packaged. 3
LCAPI LCAPI methods are the Lasso C API (pronounced “el cappie”). This API allows C programmers to interface with or develop modules in C, one of the most popular programming languages of all time, through which developers can increase the low-level functionality of the Lasso language. 59
LDAP Lasso's LDAP methods provide functionality for manipulating and monitoring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (pronounced ""el dap""), an application protocol for reading and editing directories over an IP network. Often this is an alphabetical list of persons and organizations with an address and username/password, and is often used for centralizing and accessing authentication for users on a similar network with multiple applications. 10
List Lasso List type is a basic building block of Lasso which contains elements in an ordered, defined row. This type is very efficiency in insertion and deletion of data from a group, and is used in basic programming to handle "lists" of data. 37
Locale Lasso Locale methods allow for the dynamic manipulation of data by physical worldly location for the purposes of displaying data by end-user preference. For example, Germans could receive currency or percentage information relevant to them, where French Canadians would receive currency information relevant to them. 57
Log Lasso has a built-in log routing system that allows built-in messages to be routed to several destinations through Log methods. Log methods allow warning messages to be logged at several different levels and routed to one or more destinations, allowing for a great deal of flexibility in handling errors, page accesses and more. 17
Loop Lasso Loop methods are another building block of Lasso programming, allowing you to have an operation repeat over and over within your control. Looping allows you run the same command repeatedly or check or enter something repeatedly. 7
Map Lasso Maps are groupings of pairs of data, where each data component is accessed by a specific key. Lasso Map methods allows the effective manipulation of these pairs within a Map, and forms one of the basic building blocks of Lasso programming. 20
Math Lasso Math methods include many substitution tags and mathematical symbols that can be used to perform mathematical functions. This includes simple methods (such as addition and subtraction) as well as advanced mathematical functions (such as trigonometric functions, square roots, logarithms, and calculating exponents). 9
Mime Lasso's MIME (pronounced “my-muh”) methods allow control over a document's Internet media type, which is a code-level representation of a file type which allows an OS to determine what the file type is instead of relying on the file's extension. This enables the browser to display or output files that are not in HTML format. Mime type specification is also an important information for search engines for the classification of data files on the web. 11
Net Lasso Net methods allows Lasso to manipulate and manage various networking protocols, including SSL (Secure Socket Layers), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), and more. Using Lasso Net methods, developers can control aspects of networking, including writing their own network clients and servers, their own web servers, etc. 30
Null Lasso Null type is a basic building block of Lasso, representing something that is there in theory, but is empty in value. Different from ""Void"", which is nothing and not there at all, ""Null"" is something which exists but has no value. This is an important way to represent something that is empty building block while programming. 21
Operators & Logic Lasso Operators and Logic methods include a variety of tags enabling logical interpretation of data and comparisons of data. For example, this conditional and logical formatting of code and data, greater than and less than functions, etc. These methods are foundational to most dynamic website data implementations. 5
OS Process Lasso OS_Process methods allow developers to execute other programs on the operating system itself. Through this method, Lasso has access to any program accessible by the Lasso user. For example, access to other applications, such as subversion (Note: OS_Process is implemented as a separate module if you wish to remove it for more comprehensive security in an environment where security is paramount) 13
Pair Lasso Pair methods relate to a basic building block type of Lasso (“Pair”) which consists of two pieces of information, a ""name"" and a ""value"". As most data transmission has both a memorable definition (name) and a variable component of information (value), pairs of data are used throughout web programming to monitor, manipulate and identify data. 22
PDF Lasso PDF methods will allow you to easily edit and save out PDF files. You can create, duplicate, attach and manipulate PDFs. You can add text and pictures to a PDF, dynamically fill out forms, merge content onto letters, etc. Using these methods you can create and manage entire document management systems whose files can easily be printed and distributed without a web browser client but with a PDF viewer instead. 189
Queriable Lasso Queriable Methods are one of the more sophisticated and ideal features of Lasso development. Queriable traits allow parts of objects which are allowed to be used in query expressions, for example, to loop through values and convert them, group list based on criteria, sort the group and convert into something, etc. This is one of the basic mechanisms of Lasso and the source of much of its power. (Also known as LINQ or List Comprehensions in other powerful languages) 64
Regexp Lasso Regexp (Regular Expression) methods provide a concise and flexible means for matching strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. This powerful metaphor allows developers to search and manipulate textual data based on complex patterns. Lasso 9 uses ICU (in previous versions, PCRE was used), which is based on Perl's regular expressions, and supports operations including testing for a pattern match, searching for a pattern match, and replacing matched text, amongst other features. 30
Repeat Lasso Repeat is a Lasso utility method which enables the given values to be repeated efficiently, especially data within an array. 5
Response Lasso Response Tags allow developers to return information about file paths, thus helping code understand how it is logically related to the local operating system upon which it resides. 3
Security Registry Lasso's Security Registry methods allow for the manipulation, including adding and deleting, of users and groups for the purpose of web authentication. Note that in Lasso 9 this is exclusively used for browser authentication and is not used internally. 29
Serialization Lasso Serialization methods allow objects to be represented by bytes, transmitted over the network, and reread into a file. This allows document data to be transmitted via network protocols without corruption or loss, thus preserving the integrity of the document after it has been broken into smaller pieces. 23
Session Session methods allow for the management of client sessions, or visits to your web documents. The first time a visitor comes to your website, they can trigger a “session”, a method of identification which then sticks with them as they navigate through any other documents within the same domain visit. Many things can be attached to this session, including shopping cart purchases, login information, etc., allowing you to manage visits to your website effectively. 10
Set Lasso Set methods relate to set data types, another building block of Lasso programming, which represents a group of completely unique values. Similar to an array or a list, sets are groups of data which automatically ignore duplicates, making it very easy to ensure a group of data is one-of-a-kind. 14
String Lasso String methods allow for the manipulation and management of “strings” - groups of letters and numbers in a row. Almost any data can appear as a “string”, i.e. groups of characters, thus making strings one of the fundamental building blocks of manipulating data through Lasso programming. 106
System Lasso System methods includes methods that mirror the things that the operating system lets you do, like generate random numbers, monitor process IDs, terminate processes, etc. These powerful abilities allow you to aggressively manage processes upon your server and access the raw power of the operating system for use in website development and more. 27
Tag Lasso’s Tag method is a value with a forced unique name. This is a basic building block of the Lasso language as it provides a base of reference for accessing information on a type. 7
Technical Tags that perform low-level operations. 2
Thread Lasso Thread methods enable developers to split code execution into different threads. This allows a single file of code to do multiple things at once. Threads are literally multiple threads of execution - for example, this allows developers to instantly reply to a web request while running a separate code thread which requires more time to process. 8
Tie Lasso Tie method is a Lasso utility method which treats two attached containers as if they are one. 3
Trait Lasso Traits are a fundamental component of Lasso language, where small units of functionality can be combined together and added to a type. This allows Traits to implement the mechanics of a feature by using the methods that it provides, greatly increasing the power of more advanced programming. 171
Tree Lasso Tree methods are a basic building block of Lasso programming, as the programatic basis for several other types, including Map types and Set types. These methods allows for the creation of very advanced data types. 34
Utility Tags that don't fit in any other category. 3
UUID Lasso UUID methods allow Lasso to generate and manipulate UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers). UUIDs create practically unique values for use in development. The number of theoretically possible UUIDs is approximately 3 ? 10^38, significantly more than the number of stars in the known universe. 11
Variable Named locations where values can be stored and later retrieved. 2
Void Void methods relate to the Void Data Type, a basic building block of Lasso, representing something that does not exist. Different from ""null"", which is there but empty, ""Void"" is something which completely does not exist. This is an important way to represent the critical programming fact of absolutely nothing while developing. 3
Web Request Lasso Web Request methods include an assortment of powerful methods relating to web requests, including information on client data, post params, cookies, etc. This category includes critical interface methods for understanding who is requesting information from your server. (Effectively the opposite of Web Response methods.) 64
Web Response Lasso Web Response methods include an assortment of powerful methods relating to information as it leaves the server, including includes, error control, html replies and headers. (Effectively the opposite of Web Request methods.) 30
XML Lasso XML methods allow Lasso to manipulate a number of different XML (Extensible Markup Language) standards and parse, validate, create, transform and serve XML easily. XML is designed to emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability to transfer information over over the Internet. XML documents are also very easy for humans to read and interpret easily. 116
Zip Lasso Zip methods allow for reading, creating and modifying zip archives. Not only can one create zip packages of groups of files, but once files have been zipped these methods allow one to still access files within the zip archives. Zip archives compress files and make groups of files easy to transmit and manage as one single document which can later be unpackaged. 19

Please note that periodically LassoSoft will go through the notes and may incorporate information from them into the documentation. Any submission here gives LassoSoft a non-exclusive license and will be made available in various formats to the Lasso community.

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