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[ String->RemoveLeading ]


[String->RemoveLeading] removes all instances of the parameter from the beginning of the string. Modifies the string and returns no value. The method takes two forms.

The first form requires a single string parameter. The pattern is not case sensitive.

The second form requires a regular expression parameter.

  • Syntax
'String Object'->removeleading('String Pattern')
'String Object'->removeleading('Regular Expression')
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate

To remove a string pattern from the beginning of a string:

Use the [String->RemoveLeading] method. The following example removes the characters "The " from the beginning of a string, then outputs the string.


local('s') = 'The quick white rhino'
#s->removeleading('The ')


quick white rhino

To remove a string pattern using a regular expression from the beginning of a string:

Use the [String->RemoveLeading] method. The following example removes 1-3 alphabetic characters followed by a white space character from the beginning of a string, then outputs the string.


local('s') = 'The quick white rhino'


quick white rhino

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