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[curlopt_cookiefile] is used together with [curl->set]. The parameter expected by [curl->set] is a string that identifies a file with cookie data that will be used to set the cookies of a HTTP request.

The cookie data may be in Netscape / Mozilla cookie data format or just regular HTTP-style headers dumped to a file.The format of the string should be NAME=CONTENTS, where NAME is the cookie name and CONTENTS is what the cookie should contain.

Given an empty or non-existing file or by passing the empty string (""), this option will enable cookies for this curl handle, making it understand and parse received cookies and then use matching cookies in future requests.

If you use this option multiple times, you just add more files to read. Subsequent files will add more cookies.

  • Syntax
  • Beginner

To set cookies from a file while making a HTTP request


local(c = curl(''))
#c->set(curlopt_cookiefile, "/path/to/cookie/file.txt")

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