Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
28 Sep, 2012 | [serve_csv] | Serves a CSV file. | File | Jason Huck |
14 Nov, 2011 | [mailchimp] | Lasso wrapper for the MailChimp API. | Jason Huck | |
03 Jan, 2011 | [twitter] | Implements the Twitter API in Lasso. | Utility | Jason Huck |
02 Nov, 2010 | [paypal_nvpapi] | Wrapper for the PayPal Web Payments Pro NVP API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
11 Oct, 2010 | [xml_tree] | Extends and simplifies the built-in XML type. | XML | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [mf_datetime] | Returns the given date in the datetime design pattern microformat. | String | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [gravatar] | Retrieves the Gravatar for the given email address. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [google_analyticsdataexport] | Wrapper for the Google Analytics Data Export API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [google_clientlogin] | Implements the Client Login method to retrieve authentication tokens for Google Data APIs. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [facebook] | Wrapper for the Facebook API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
07 Sep, 2010 | [notifo] | Send push notifications to mobile devices via the notifo API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
01 Jul, 2009 | [bitly] | Wrapper for the URL shortener API. | Utility | Jason Huck |
15 May, 2009 | [paypal_payflowpro] | Wrapper for PayPal Payflow Pro direct HTTPS integration. | Utility | Jason Huck |
13 May, 2009 | [cache_info] | Returns information about the specified cache. | Utility | Jason Huck |
13 May, 2009 | [cache_names] | Returns an array of cache names. | Utility | Jason Huck |
04 Feb, 2009 | [rss2] | Data types for creating RSS2 feeds. Based on [xml_tree]. | XML | Jason Huck |
24 Sep, 2008 | [asset_manager] | Automatically includes optimized scripts and styles in pages. | Utility | Jason Huck |
22 Sep, 2008 | [cache_assets] | Concatenates, minifies, and compresses JS and CSS files and returns a link to the resulting file(s). | Utility | Jason Huck |
22 Sep, 2008 | [css_normalizeurls] | Returns a version of the given CSS file with all relative URLs converted to absolute ones. | File | Jason Huck |
22 Sep, 2008 | [url_normalize] | Given a base URL, converts the given relative URL to absolute. | String | Jason Huck |
22 Sep, 2008 | [yui_compress] | Wrapper for the YUI Compressor minifies CSS and JS files. | Utility | Jason Huck |
27 Aug, 2008 | [shell] | Executes commands in a shell. | OS Process | Jason Huck |
18 Jun, 2008 | [array_unique] | An array that only holds unique values. | Array | Jason Huck |
09 May, 2008 | [duration2] | Alternate version of [duration] that never rounds up. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
10 Apr, 2008 | [tags_load] | Loads all tags in the given path into the global namespace. | Custom Tag | Jason Huck |
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