Link | rss2 |
Author | Jason Huck |
Category | XML |
Version | 8.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 04 Feb 2009 |
Updated | 04 Feb 2009 |
More by this author... |
This set of custom types makes it easy to generate RSS2 feeds. There are two types: one to create an individual feed item and one to create the feed wrapper. In both cases, all of the options from the original specification are available as parameters except for the PICS rating. Both types will validate your input whenever possible and return an appropriate error message. The sample usage below demonstrates how different values should be passed.
var('myitem') = rss2_item( -title='This is a test item.', -link='', -description='This is a description of the test item.', -author=' (Joe Schmoe)', -category=pair('foo'='bar'), -comments='', -enclosure=map( 'url' = '', 'length' = 123456, 'type' = 'audio/mpeg' ), -guid='', -pubDate=date, -source=pair(''=' Articles') ); var('items') = array($myitem); var('myfeed') = rss2( -title='My Test Feed', -link=client_url, -description='This is a description of my test feed.', -language='en-us', -copyright='2008 Somebody.', -managingEditor=' (Joe Schmoe)', -webMaster=' (Joe Schmoe)', -pubDate=date, -lastBuildDate=date, -category=pair('foo'='bar'), -generator='Lasso 8.5.5', -docs='', -cloud=map( 'domain' = '', 'port' = 80, 'path' = '/RPC2', 'registerProcedure' = 'pingMe', 'protocol' = 'SOAP' ), -ttl=60, -image=map( 'url' = '', 'title' = 'My Test Feed', 'link' = client_url, 'width' = 60, 'height' = 60, 'description' = 'Visit' ), -skipHours=array(1,2,3,4,5), -skipDays=array('Monday','Wednesday','Friday'), -items=$items ); content_type('text/xml;charset=utf-8'); $myfeed;
Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.
define_type( 'rss2', -description='Extends [xml_tree] specifically for the RSS2 format.' ); local('data' = xml_tree); define_tag( 'onCreate', -req='title', -req='link', -req='description', -opt='language', -opt='copyright', -opt='managingEditor', -opt='webMaster', -opt='pubDate', -type='date', -opt='lastBuildDate', -type='date', -opt='category', -opt='generator', -opt='docs', -opt='cloud', -type='map', -opt='ttl', -type='integer', -opt='image', -type='map', -copy, -opt='rating', -opt='textInput', -type='map', -opt='skipHours', -type='array', -opt='skipDays', -type='array', -opt='items' ); self->'data'->setname('rss'); self->'data'->addattribute('version'='2.0'); self->'data'->addnamespace('atom'=''); self->'data'->newchild('channel'); self->'data'->channel->newchild('atom:link'); self->'data'->channel->getnode('atom:link')->addattribute('rel'='self'); self->'data'->channel->getnode('atom:link')->addattribute('type'='application/rss+xml'); self->'data'->channel->getnode('atom:link')->addattribute('href'=#link); // validation & defaults fail_if( !valid_url(#link), -1, 'The "link" element must be a valid URL.' ); fail_if( local_defined('docs') && !valid_url(#docs), -1, 'The "docs" element must be a valid URL.' ); if(local_defined('image')); local('reqd') = (: 'url', 'title', 'link'); local('missing') = array; iterate(#reqd, local('i')); !#image->find(#i) || #image->find(#i) == '' ? #missing->insert(#i); /iterate; fail_if( #missing->size, -1, 'The "image" element is missing the following required values: ' + #missing->join(',') + '.' ); fail_if( !valid_url(#image->find('url')), -1, 'The image URL provided is not valid.' ); fail_if( (: 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png') !>> #image->find('url')->trim&split('.')->last, -1, 'The image URL does not point to a GIF, JPEG, or PNG image.' ); if(integer(#image->find('width'))); integer(#image->find('width')) > 144 ? #image->find('width') = 144; else; #image->insert('width' = 88); /if; if(integer(#image->find('height'))); integer(#image->find('height')) > 400 ? #image->find('height') = 400; else; #image->insert('height' = 31); /if; /if; if(local_defined('textInput')); local('reqd') = (: 'title', 'description', 'name', 'link'); local('missing') = array; iterate(#reqd, local('i')); !#textInput->find(#i) || #textInput->find(#i) == '' ? #missing->insert(#i); /iterate; fail_if( #missing->size, -1, 'The "textInput" element is missing the following required values: ' + #missing->join(',') + '.' ); fail_if( !valid_url(#textInput->find('link')), -1, 'The URL value of the "textInput" element is not valid.' ); /if; if(local_defined('skipHours')); fail_if( #skipHours->size > 24, -1, 'The "skipHours" element may not contain more than 24 items.' ); iterate(#skipHours, local('i')); !#i->isa('integer') || #i < 0 || #i > 23 ? fail( -1, 'The "skipHours" element contains invalid values.'); /iterate; /if; if(local_defined('skipDays')); fail_if( #skipDays->size > 7, -1, 'The "skipDays" element may not contain more than 7 items.' ); local('days') = array( 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' ); iterate(#skipDays, local('i')); #days !>> #i ? fail( -1, 'The "skipDays" element contains invalid values.'); /iterate; /if; // handle simple nodes for the channel local('simpleNodes') = array( 'title', 'link', 'description', 'language', 'copyright', 'managingEditor', 'webMaster', 'generator', 'docs', 'rating', 'ttl' ); iterate(#simpleNodes, local('i')); if(local_defined(#i)); self->'data'->channel->newchild(#i); self->'data'->channel->getnode(#i)->addcontent(local(#i)); /if; /iterate; // all other nodes require special handling // date nodes (convert to GMT) iterate((: 'pubDate', 'lastBuildDate'), local('i')); if(local_defined(#i)); self->'data'->channel->newchild(#i); // Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:00:00 GMT self->'data'->channel->getnode(#i)->addcontent(date_localtogmt(local(#i))->format('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')); /if; /iterate; // category if(local_defined('category')); self->'data'->channel->newchild('category'); if(#category->isa('pair')); self->'data'->channel->category->addattribute('domain' = #category->first); self->'data'->channel->category->addcontent(#category->second); else; self->'data'->channel->category->addcontent(#category); /if; /if; // cloud if(local_defined('cloud')); self->'data'->channel->newchild('cloud'); iterate(#cloud->keys, local('i')); self->'data'->channel->cloud->addattribute(#i = #cloud->find(#i)); /iterate; /if; // image if(local_defined('image')); self->'data'->channel->newchild('image'); iterate(#image->keys, local('i')); self->'data'->channel->image->newchild(#i); self->'data'->channel->image->getnode(#i, -count=1)->addcontent(#image->find(#i)); /iterate; /if; // textInput if(local_defined('textInput')); self->'data'->channel->newchild('textInput'); iterate(#textInput->keys, local('i')); self->'data'->channel->textInput->newchild(#i); self->'data'->channel->textInput->getnode(#i, -count=1)->addcontent(#textInput->find(#i)); /iterate; /if; // skipHours if(local_defined('skipHours')); self->'data'->channel->newchild('skipHours'); iterate(#skipHours, local('i')); self->'data'->channel->skipHours->newchild('hour'); self->'data'->channel->skipHours->hour(loop_count)->addcontent(#i); /iterate; /if; // skipDays if(local_defined('skipDays')); self->'data'->channel->newchild('skipDays'); iterate(#skipDays, local('i')); self->'data'->channel->skipDays->newchild('day'); self->'data'->channel->skipDays->day(loop_count)->addcontent(#i); /iterate; /if; // items if(local_defined('items')); iterate(#items, local('i')); self->'data'->channel->addchild(xml(#i)); /iterate; /if; /define_tag; define_tag('_unknownTag'); return(self->'data'->tag_name); /define_tag; define_tag('onConvert'); return(string(self->'data')); /define_tag; /define_type; define_type( 'item', -namespace='rss2_', -description='Generates XML for an RSS2 item node.' ); local('data' = xml_tree); define_tag( 'onCreate', -opt='title', -opt='link', -opt='description', -opt='author', -opt='category', -opt='comments', -opt='enclosure', -type='map', -opt='guid', -opt='pubDate', -type='date', -opt='source' ); fail_if( !local_defined('title') && !local_defined('description'), -1, 'Either "title" or "description" must be specified.' ); local('urls') = (: 'link', 'comments', 'guid'); iterate(#urls, local('i')); fail_if( local_defined(#i) && !valid_url(local(#i)), -1, 'The "' + #i + '" element is not a valid URL.' ); /iterate; if(local_defined('enclosure')); local('reqd') = (: 'url', 'length', 'type'); local('missing') = array; iterate(#reqd, local('i')); #enclosure->find(#i) == '' ? #missing->insert(#i); /iterate; fail_if( #missing->size, -1, 'The "enclosure" element is missing required values: ' + #missing->join(',') + '.' ); fail_if( !valid_url(#enclosure->find('url')), -1, 'The enclosure URL is not valid.' ); /if; self->'data'->setname('item'); iterate((:'title', 'link', 'description', 'author', 'comments', 'guid'), local('i')); if(local_defined(#i)); self->'data'->newchild(#i); self->'data'->getnode(#i)->addcontent(local(#i)); /if; /iterate; // category if(local_defined('category')); self->'data'->newchild('category'); if(#category->isa('pair')); self->'data'->category->addattribute('domain' = #category->first); self->'data'->category->addcontent(#category->second); else; self->'data'->category->addcontent(#category); /if; /if; if(local_defined('pubDate')); self->'data'->newchild('pubDate'); // Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:00:00 GMT self->'data'->pubDate->addcontent(date_localtogmt(#pubDate)->format('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')); /if; if(local_defined('enclosure')); self->'data'->newchild('enclosure'); self->'data'->enclosure->addattribute('url'=#enclosure->find('url')); self->'data'->enclosure->addattribute('length'=#enclosure->find('length')); self->'data'->enclosure->addattribute('type'=#enclosure->find('type')); /if; if(local_defined('source')); self->'data'->newchild('source'); self->'data'->source->addattribute('url' = #source->first); self->'data'->source->addcontent(#source->second); /if; // convert to xml type when finished to work around inheritance bugs self->'data' = xml(self->'data'); /define_tag; define_tag('_unknownTag'); return(self->'data'->tag_name); /define_tag; define_tag('onConvert'); return(string(self->'data')); /define_tag; /define_type;
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Var Names and Loop_Count