LassoSoft Ticket Tracking System
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Ticket #8027: support for LDAPS
- Reported by:
- Steve Piercy
- Date:
- 21 Jan, 2017
- Priority:
- major
- Component:
- Lasso 9
- Version:
- 9.3.2b4
- Keywords:
- Platform:
- macOS 10.12.2
Issue reported by Steve Piercy (web@stevepiercy.com)
Company: Steve Piercy - Website Builder
Component: Lasso 9 Server
Version: 9.3.2b4
Platform: macOS 10.12.2
Source IP:
From: http://lasso.2283332.n4.nabble.com/Does-Lasso-9-ldap-support-ldaps-or-must-I-use-sys-process-tp4645554.html
I have an LDAPS server I can test against.
Does the Lasso 9 `ldap` type support LDAPS?
If not, is `sys_process` my only option?
And if `sys_process` is my only option, does anyone have a working example of LDAPS for Lasso 9?
The sample code here, slightly modified, fails on connection.
local(my_ldap) = ldap
// 636 is secure port
fail_if(#my_ldap->code != 0, #my_ldap->code, 'LDAP Error ' + #my_ldap->code)
#my_ldap->authenticate('myusername', 'mysecretpassword')
fail_if(#my_ldap->code != 0, #my_ldap->code, 'LDAP Error ' + #my_ldap->code)
#my_ldap->search('ou=People,o=myorg', ldap_scope_subtree, '(objectClass=*)')
fail_if(#my_ldap->code != 0, #my_ldap->code, 'LDAP Error ' + #my_ldap->code)
local(my_result) = #my_ldap->results
Not having a proper default certificate bundle installed might be part of the issue.
When I use curl on the production environment, I must the `-k` option.
[spiercy@production ~]$ curl "ldaps://my.ldap.com:636/ou=People,o=myorg" -u "cn=GeneralLookupAccount,ou=LookupAccounts,ou=sa,o=myorg" -k
(list of CAs elided)
DN: ou=People,o=myorg
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
objectClass: ndsContainerLoginProperties
objectClass: Top
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