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The coolest features of this project.

Super fast, feature rich custom E-Commerce solution. I guess the coolest feature is, thank to Lasso, that in close to 7 years, we have only had one "major" rebuild. The first build was back in 2006 as a brand new site. Being "realistic" and yet building room for growth, I never expected that in two years my client would be pulling in $500,000.00/year in sales (on "small ticket" items at that!)!
Last year we did the first rebuild. Not because the site could not handle the traffic but because the feature list had grown exponentially!
We changed to what I call a "modular" architecture to allow for future features, as we seem to be adding one a month. If someone has it, my client wants it! With Lasso, I am able to deliver!

What end users experience or say

My client has been ecstatic since the launch 6-7 years ago!
Often times, again thanks to Lasso's ease of use, They can email with a change or slight problem and I can have it fixed almost before they finish their email! This is not just due to good customer service (I have other customers as well) but due to the fact that Lasso makes it so easy to track down problems, or add features quickly and easily.
HACKABILITY - My clients business, for whatever reason, has opened him up to excessive hackers. With the help of Lasso, we have not had some of the problems other types of languages have had to deal with, such as Sequel injections, DOS attacks bringing down Lasso (specifically) and such.

What others say about it

I'm a curmudgeon, so I can't say what other developers think. I typically answer the easy (or what I consider easy) questions on LassoTalk, knowing that there is a great base of very knowledgeable listers to answer the harder questions.

My client thinks I walk on water - they have had experience with other developers using other languages and are constantly amazed at how quickly I can make changes or additions to their web site!

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