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The coolest features of this project.

Data from a Contactless Smart Card is scanned into a field on a web form, which when submitted brings up an image of the ID Cardholder in a web page dialogue and triggers a JSONP call to a workstation based web-service that triggers a USB connected digital signature pad. The Cardholder acknowledges the message display on the signature pad LCD and signs for the card. JSONP interaction between the Lasso driven web page and the workstation based web-service presents the signature in the dialogue. The signature is confirmed by clicking the save button on the dialogue and then is submitted in a multipart form for Lasso processing and storage in the applicable database. Viewing details of an issued card shows the signature.

What end users experience or say

This speeds up the process of issuing ID cards enormously, yet provides clearer and more readily auditable records than is possible using any other method.

What others say about it

This is a great example of leveraging client-side and server-side applications to create a seamless process that improves speed and security.

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