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Become a Lasso Community Member to accelerate your Lasso knowledge

If you have a new role as a Lasso user, or as an owner of an application built on Lasso, you can find a lot of useful infomation and advice from the wider Lasso community, all available through the LassoSoft website, or email lists.


Knowing what each provides can help you get to the most useful pieces soonest. Here's how to get started.

Follow us on Twitter - for small bites of the latest interesting things from LassoSoft and our wider Lasso members and associates. Tweets include useful information on tools, the CEO's blog posts on all things Lasso compatible, and welcome announcements to new Certified Lasso Developers.

Like us on Facebook - for general updates, announcements and interesting bits of information for application owners, Lasso developers and users of related products. Annoucements, articles, blog post feeds, as well as regular interaction with real Lasso users who share their passion for Lasso. We have a diverse international community and a growing number of fans who like to hear and share Lasso news.

Get LinkedIn to us - the LassoSoft Group on LinkedIn is for professional information and corporate connections - announcements, articles and CEO blog posts, along with professional and project showcases.

LassoTalk us - join our mailing list of Lasso Developers - the most helpful Developer list in existence! Get the latest on questions and answers from our community of developers as either email by email, or as a daily digest (number of emails each day ranges from 1-34, averaging 5). Topic titles typically pose the question in the email subject. General topics are often preceeded by a square bracket indicator for an official announcement [ANN], [Blog], [Article], also [OT] for off-topic (not purely Lasso related), and #Solved is added when an email list provides the answer to a question or issue. The history of this email list is also available online to search - which provides a great resource on how to make your code better, faster, easier.

Become a Certified Lasso Developer - by taking our standard acceptance test, you get to advertise your skills on LassoSoft's site whether you are fully engaged in longterm work, or actively seeking. Your CLD membership includes a license with 3 instances, a professional shirt, and gives you a Continuity Assurance commitment so that, if you get taken out of work by a critical incident for 6 weeks or permanently (death), LassoSoft guarantees the availability of a developer to support your code and lasso installations while you or your client(s) take steps to find a suitable replacement.

Become a Lasso Patron - by contributing to specific Lasso core code development projects you become associated with the strength and legendary stability of Lasso, as well as having a greater say in the development RoadMap.

Lasso Support - for your unsolvable or critical issues, a paid-for support service staffed by professional Lasso developers where you still get to ask a question for free before deciding if you need full-on help.

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