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[ xml ]


The [xml] method casts a string or bytes object to the XML data type.

It requires one parameter which is a string (or bytes) containing valid XML data. Optionally the method accepts parameters to set the namespace and document type definition (DTD) of the XML data.

Important: The method requires that the namespaceURI parameter is placed before the data parameter. Additionally the DTD parameter may only be included (after the data parameter) if the namespaceURI parmeter is present.

Note: Initializing a variable using the [xml] method with no parameters assigns it the following XML data: <none xmlns=""/>

  • Syntax
xml( xml_data )

xml( namespace, xml_data )

xml( namespace, xml_data , dtd )
  • Beginner

To cast a string to XML

Use the [xml] method.

The following example shows the results of casting a particular string to XML using the [xml] method.


var( myString = '<data><item><key>1</key><value>Sat</value></item><item><key>2</key><value>Sun</value></item></data>' )

var( myXML = xml( $myString ) )

'myString is type: '+$myString->type+'\n'
'myXML is type: '+$myXML->type+'\n\n'



myString is type: string
myXML is type: xml_element


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