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Lasso Professional 8.6.3 available

Lasso 8.6 receives security improvements. 

Released January 16, 2014 Lasso Professional 8.6.3 extends the recent upgrade to the Lasso 8.6 line with some additional security compliance provisions to cookies and sessions.

Improvements to the 8.6.3 version include better support for barcode generation, support for new font and MS Office file types, increased stability on CentOS 6, and refinements to Filemaker portal interaction. This release also corrects a malformed data return from an Oracle data source.

We recommend this update be applied to all servers running 8.6.0 and above, and any servers still running 8.5.x or earlier should also be prioritized for upgrade.

See the full 8.6.3 Change Notes here.

Note: Along with staying current on the latest supported Lasso 8.6 version, LassoSoft recommend all users plan to evaluate and undertake an upgrade towards Lasso 9 over the coming year. If you have any questions  about the upgrade process you can contact our team to discuss your specific situation and requirements.

Buy or upgrade to Lasso 8.6

Download Lasso 8.6.3 Download Lasso 8.6.3


Did you know that you can download any of Lasso's current versions and use it to develop, test, and work through upgrades without having to spend a cent?

The Lasso 8.6.x and 9.2.x downloads run in 'developer mode' (FREE) when there is no serial number applied. You get the FULL functionality and power of Lasso. 'Developer mode' is limited 5 IP addresses and up to 200 connections per minute. You can do all the development you need, over as long a time as required to confirm your system is fully operational before you ever need to buy a license and deploy on your production server. 

Our full LassoGuide is available to purchase in hardcopy for offline learning, but did you know it is also FREE online? You can search, learn, review, and experiment to your hearts content. You can even download it as a pdf, and give your printer a workout with it.

What's more, we've provided a FREE Eclipse based IDE, LassoLab, to help make the construction of new Lasso 9 code simple, and to make moving older Lasso code into operational Lasso 9 easy.

Want to know more? Talk to our team about how to take advantage of these services to make your website, websystem and application development really fly.

LassoSoft Inc. 12 Vincent Street, Newmarket ON Canada L3Y 4G2

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