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[ Redirect_URL ]


[Redirect_URL] accepts a single parameter which is a URL to which the client should be sent. The destination URL can be either a full URL including host name (e.g. or a reference to another file on the same machine (e.g. /findtherhino/hereiam.lasso).

The [Redirect_URL] method will automatically abort processing the current page unless the -NoAbort parameter is specified.

An optional -Type parameter allows the type of redirect to be selected. By default a 302 FOUND redirect is generated. If -Type='301' or -Type='MOVED' is speciifed then a 301 MOVED redirect is generated instead. The default 302 redirect specifies a temporary move. The optional 301 redirect instructs the browser or Web crawler that a page has been moved permanently so they can update their bookmarks or page references.

The [Redirect_URL] method should be used after any other methods which modify the header.

  • Syntax
Redirect_URL('Destination URL')

Redirect_URL('Destination URL', -NoAbort)

Redirect_URL('Destination URL', -Type='301')
  • Beginner

To redirect the visitor to another URL:

Use the [Redirect_URL] method with the URL of the desired destination. The following example redirects the site visitor to LassoSoft's Web site



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