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Reminder:Lasso Dev Con 2014 - Code in Action

Just under two weeks to go until October 1st-3rd for LDC 2014 at Treefrogs HQ in Newmarket, Canada.

Don't regret not coming. We can still take couple more registrants. Contact Rachel today!

See the line-up of presenters and hear the latest on:

The three days of up-close and personal learning covering:

LassoSoft major announcements, what's new in Lasso and what's coming; Leveraging Lasso across related technologies; and, Advanced Lasso use.

Plus - take up the option of bonus sessions:

Pre-conference Programming Fundamentals day Sept 30th, and

Workshop Session courtesy of Bil Corry: Security Testing with Burp Proxy on the morning of October 1st.

Register for the Conference

See our Conference pages for more information

Lasso Excellence Awards 2014: Enter Now!

Submit the project you are most proud of, or the project you've had the most positive feedback on.  Clients can nominate their developers, and collaborative developers can nomiate each other.

Don't be shy, show us what you and Lasso can do!

View entrants and winners from 2012 and 2013 and start preparing your entry today.

LassoSoft Inc. 567 Davis Drive, Newmarket ON Canada L3X 4P9

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