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Progress. Performance. Lasso 9.2.6 Released.
The Lasso 9.2 web development platform is continuing to evolve new capabilities.
Released July 26, 2013 Lasso Server 9.2.6 delivers the greatest number of improvements ever to the 9.2 line.
Among the changes and improvements, LassoSoft's R&D team have added support for DB2 database servers and support for Filemaker datasource SSL. See the full 9.2.6 Change Notes for all the juicy goodness.
The LassoSoft team continue to expand the compatibilty of 9.2 to it's predecessors, and judging by the uptake, developers appetite for upgrading to Lasso 9 is growing as a result. Plan your upgrade now.
Download Lasso 9.2.6
Lasso Professional 8.6.2 available
Lasso 8.6 also receives improvements and some new capabilities.
Released July 26, 2013 Lasso Professional 8.6.2 is the first upgrade to the Lasso 8.6 line in almost 2 years. The Lasso 8 product line is enjoying longevity brought about by improvements in server lifestyle, and continues to work tirelessly past early-retirement age and into sunset years. No date has been announced for the end of Lasso Professional 8.6, however as with all venerable products, LassoSoft will be looking at timeframes and suitable pastures for the twightlight years of this faithful horse.
See the 8.6.2 Change Notes here.
Plan to undertake your upgrade as time and budget permits over the coming year to be ahead of any announcement.
Download Lasso 8.6.2
LassoLab is a free open source IDE based on the popular Eclipse IDE. It requires Lasso 9.2 to be installed but not necessarily running (it runs independent of this). LassoLab allows you as a developer to run multiple projects at once, and provides a detailed debugging for your Lasso 9 code, making it invaluable to Lasso upgrade projects.
Install a free download of Lasso 9, and free download of LassoLab today and get back in the groove of coding with this great tool. Find out more about LassoLab and Get It Now
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