Link | lp_string_printf |
Author | Bil Corry |
Category | String |
Version | 8.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 22 Jan 2006 |
Updated | 23 Jan 2006 |
More by this author... |
Returns a formatted string. Be sure to cast the params as the correct type!
Mostly implements this:
Requires [lp_string_asc] [lp_math_dectobin] [lp_integer_toUnsigned] [lp_string_pad] [lp_string_chr] [lp_decimal_precisionSet] [lp_math_dectohex]
var:'data' = (: (: '10/20/2005',28,'MegaWidgets',12.18111,1281.921000), (: '10/21/2005',21,'GigaWidgets',9.73333,974.883) ); ''; (lp_string_printf: '%-13s%-8s%-25s%7s %11s\r\n', 'Date','Units','Client','Rate','Total'); (lp_string_printf: '%s\r\n', '-' * 67); iterate: $data, local:'d'; (lp_string_printf: '%-13s%-8d%-25s%#6.2f%% $%#10.2f\r\n', #d); /iterate; (lp_string_printf: '%s\r\n', '-' * 67); '\r\n\r\n'; (lp_string_printf: '|%10d|%10x|%10#x|%*i|%010b|%10.2e|', 127, 127, 127, '05', 127, 127,127); ''; Returns: Date Units Client Rate Total ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/20/2005 28 MegaWidgets 12.18% $ 1281.92 10/21/2005 21 GigaWidgets 9.73% $ 974.88 ------------------------------------------------------------------- | 127| 7F| 0x7F|00127|0001111111| 1.27e+002|
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[ define_tag:'lp_string_printf', -description='Returns a formatted string. Be sure to cast the params as the correct type!', -priority='replace', -required='format', -type='string'; local:'out' = string; local:'format_item' = false; local:'precision_item' = false; local:'flags' = string; local:'width' = string; local:'width_pad' = string; local:'precision' = string; local:'type' = string; local:'param' = 2; local:'params' = params; local:'params_size' = params->size; local:'temp' = string; if: #params_size == 2 && params->(get:2)->type == 'array'; #params = (array: null); #params->(merge: params->(get:2)); #params_size = #params->size; /if; // parse format string iterate: #format, local:'char'; if: #format_item; // ---- %% = % (escaped %) ---- if: ('%' >> #char) && (#flags->size == 0 )&& (#width->size == 0) && (#precision->size == 0) && (#type->size == 0); #out += #char; #format_item = false; // ---- flags ---- else: '-+ #{}' >> #char; #flags += #char; // ---- width ---- else: !#precision_item && ('0123456789' >> #char) && (#width != '*'); #width += #char; else: ('*' >> #char) && (#width->size == 0); #width = #char; if: #param <= #params_size; #width = #params->(get: #param); #param += 1; /if; // ---- precision ---- else: ('.' >> #char) && !#precision_item; #precision_item = true; else: #precision_item && ('0123456789' >> #char); #precision += #char; // ---- type ---- else: 'bcdiefgsux' >> #char; #type = #char; #format_item = false; #width_pad = ' '; if: (#width->size) && (#width->(get:1) == '0'); #width_pad = '0'; /if; if: #param <= #params_size; #temp = #params->(get: #param); #param += 1; // format the param given the format item select: #type; case:'b'; if: #temp->type == 'string'; #temp = (lp_string_asc: #temp); /if; #temp = (lp_math_dectobin:(lp_integer_toUnsigned: #temp)); if: #precision->size; #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, #precision, '0', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); /if; case:'c'; if: #temp->type == 'integer'; #temp = (lp_string_chr: #temp); /if; #temp = (string: #temp); if: #temp->size; #temp = #temp->(get:1); /if; case:'d'; if: #temp->type == 'string'; #temp = (lp_string_asc: #temp); /if; #temp = (integer: #temp); if: (#flags >> '+') && (#temp >= 0); #temp = '+' #temp; else: (#flags >> ' ') && (#temp >=0); #temp = ' ' #temp; /if; if: #precision->size; #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, #precision, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); else: #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, 1, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); /if; case:'i'; if: #temp->type == 'string'; #temp = (lp_string_asc: #temp); /if; #temp = (integer: #temp); if: (#flags >> '+') && (#temp >= 0); #temp = '+' #temp; else: (#flags >> ' ') && (#temp >=0); #temp = ' ' #temp; /if; if: #precision->size; #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, #precision, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); else: #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, 1, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); /if; case:'e'; #temp = (decimal: #temp); if: #precision->size; #temp->(setformat: -precision=#precision, -scientific=true); else; #temp->(setformat: -precision=6, -scientific=true); /if; #temp = (string: #temp); if: (#flags >> '+') && (#temp >= 0); #temp = '+' #temp; else: (#flags >> ' ') && (#temp >=0); #temp = ' ' #temp; /if; if: (#flags !>> '#'); #temp->(removetrailing:'0'); #temp->(removetrailing:'.'); /if; case:'f'; #temp = (decimal: #temp); if: #precision->size; #temp = (lp_decimal_precisionSet: #temp, #precision); else; #temp = (lp_decimal_precisionSet: #temp, 6); /if; #temp = (string: #temp); if: (#flags >> '+') && (#temp >= 0); #temp = '+' #temp; else: (#flags >> ' ') && (#temp >=0); #temp = ' ' #temp; /if; if: (#flags !>> '#'); #temp->(removetrailing:'0'); #temp->(removetrailing:'.'); /if; case:'s'; #temp = (string: #temp); if: #precision->size; #temp = #temp->(substring: 1, (integer:#precision)); /if; case:'u'; if: #temp->type == 'string'; #temp = (lp_string_asc: #temp); /if; #temp = (lp_integer_toUnsigned: #temp); if: #precision->size; #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, #precision, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); else: #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, 1, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); /if; case:'x'; if: #temp->type == 'string'; #temp = (lp_string_asc: #temp); /if; #temp = (lp_math_dectohex:(lp_integer_toUnsigned: #temp)); if: (#flags >> '#'); #temp = '0x' #temp; /if; if: #precision->size; #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, #precision, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); else: #temp = (lp_string_pad: #temp, 1, ' ', -padleft, -notrim, -nocrop); /if; /select; if: (string:#width)->size; // add padding? if: #flags >> '-'; // align left #out += (lp_string_pad: #temp, #width, #width_pad, -alignleft, -notrim, -nocrop); else: #flags >> '{'; // align center left #out += (lp_string_pad: #temp, #width, #width_pad, -aligncenterleft, -notrim, -nocrop); else: #flags >> '}'; // align center right #out += (lp_string_pad: #temp, #width, #width_pad, -aligncenterright, -notrim, -nocrop); else; // align right #out += (lp_string_pad: #temp, #width, #width_pad, -alignright, -notrim, -nocrop); /if; else; #out += #temp; /if; else; // not enough params for the format string /if; // ---- unknown char ---- else; // throw away #char since we don't understand it /if; else: #char == '%'; #format_item = true; #flags = string; #width = string; #precision = string; #type = string; else; #out += #char; /if; // reset precision_item? if: #precision_item && ('.0123456789' !>> #char); #precision_item = false; /if; /iterate; return: #out; /define_tag; ]
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