Link | cms_easythumb |
Author | Dominique Guardiola Falco |
Category | Image |
Version | 8.5.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 19 Jan 2008 |
Updated | 17 Oct 2009 |
More by this author... |
Use the WebThumb snapshot Service to create a JPEG snapshot of a given URL. It requires you sign up for the service.
Returns a HTML tag containing the URL to the JPEG thumbnail.
This simple GET method permits 3 differents type of snapshots
The image can be long to show (few seconds), so saving the file for future use using the -file option can be useful.
A XML API is availble at WebThumb, with more options (excerpts, PNG support, custome sizes, etc)
cms_easythumb( -url= '', -userid= 'xxxx', -apikey= 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); To display thewith custom CSS class an ID ,and download the thumbnail in a given path. cms_easythumb( -url= '', -file='/my/absolute/file/path/myfilename.jpg', -size='medium2', -userid= 'xxxx', -apikey= 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.
//lasso /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the WebThumb Service to create a JPEG snapshot of a given URL It requires you sign up for the service at Returns the URL to pickup the snapshot. -file='/filepath/image.jpg' If you use this option, a file will be created or overwrited and the tag will return the filepath. small = 80 x 60 medium = 160 x 120 medium2 = 320 x 240 larger = ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ define_tag: 'easythumb', -namespace='cms_', -priority='replace', -required='url', -required='apikey', -required='userid', -optional='file', -optional='size', -optional='cache', -optional='content_keyvalue', -optional='id', -optional='class', -optional='debug', -encodenone; Lasso_ExecutionTimeLimit: 60; local('service_url') = ''; //can change some day !local_defined('size')? local('size') = 'small'; // {small | medium | medium2} !local_defined('cache')? local('cache') = '1'; local('datestamp') = date_format((Date_LocalToGMT:date),-Format='%Y%m%d'); local('string_url') = string(#service_url + '?user=' + #userid + '&url=' + encode_url(#url) + '&size=' + #size + '&cache=' + #cache + '&hash=' + encrypt_MD5(#datestamp + #url + #apikey)); local('response') = include_url(#string_url, -timeout=0); if: string_extract(#response, -startposition='0', -endposition='30') !>> 'JFIF'; //the long french error message is here to explain with a link that //perhaps the targeted web site uses some strange redirection //the system could not follow, it says : check the real URL before. Error_SetErrorMessage( 'Error: '+string(#response)); return('Erreur: '#response'
Relancez la création d'icône en cliquant sur l'onglet «texte» puis à nouveau sur l'onglet «icône».
Attention: Il se peut que l'adresse de siteque vous avez fournie ('#url') ne soit pas vraiment celle de la page d'accueil. Essayez de cliquer ici.
Si le site utilise une redirection, c'est à dire si l'adresse figurant dans la barre d'dresse est différente de celle que vous avez fournie, recopiez la véritable adresse pour que notre système puisse prendre une photo d'écran correctement.'); else; local('result') = '
Icône créée !
'; //debug option print out params local_defined('debug')? #result +='-file='local('file')'
-userid= '#userid'
URL = '#string_url'
'error_currenterror' 'file_currenterror; error_code != '0' ? return(error_currenterror' 'file_currenterror)|return(#result); /if; /define_tag;
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