Link | Xaren_Client_IP |
Author | Adam Randall |
Category | Client |
Version | 8.x |
License | Public Domain |
Posted | 13 May 2008 |
Updated | 13 May 2008 |
More by this author... |
The client_ip type that is provided with Lasso Professional 8 and beyond is lacking in the amount of control you have over an IP. You can only check if an IP is in a 32, 24, 16, or 8 subnet. You should be able to validate against any CIDR or subnet notation. That's what this tag provides.
// returns true for IPs through xaren_client_ip == ''
Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.
[ namespace_using( '_global_Xaren_Client_' ); log_critical( 'Loading Namespace: Xaren_Client_' ); define_type( 'IP' ); local( 'ip' ); define_tag( 'onCreate', -optional = 'ip' ); if( ! local_defined( 'ip' ) ); self->'ip' = ( _client_ip_old->size ? _client_ip_old | false ); else( #ip->type == 'string' && ! self->aton( #ip ) ); self->'ip' = false; else( #ip->type == 'string' ); self->'ip' = #ip; else( #ip->type == 'integer' ); local( 'ntoa' = self->ntoa( #ip ) ); self->'ip' = ( #ntoa === false ? false | #ntoa ); else; self->'ip' = false; /if; /define_tag; define_tag( 'onConvert' ); self->'ip' === false ? return( false ); return( params->get(1) == 'integer' ? self->aton( self->'ip' ) | string( self->'ip' ) ); /define_tag; define_tag( 'onCompare' ); self->'ip' === false ? return( true ); local( 'i' = null, 't' = null, 'rhs' = params->get(1), 'ip' = null, 'cidr' = null ); // make sure all characters are okay string_replaceregexp( -find = '[.0-9/]+', -replace = '', #rhs )->size ? return( true ); if( #rhs->find( '/' ) > 0 ); #t = #rhs->split( '/' ); #t->size > 2 ? return( true ); // return if the input is invalid ! string_isdigit( #t->get(2) ) ? #t->get(2) = self->subnettocidr( #t->get(2) ); #t->get(2) === false ? return( true ); return( ! self->within( #t->get(1), integer( #t->get(2) ) ) ); else; return( ! self->within( #rhs, 32) ); /if; return( true ); /define_tag; define_tag( 'aton', -optional = 'ip', -type = 'string' ); if( ! local_defined( 'ip' ) ); self->'ip' === false ? return( false ); local( 'ip' = self->'ip' ); else( string_replaceregexp( -find = '[.0-9]', -replace = '', #ip )->size > 0 ); return( false ); /if; local( 'parts' = #ip->split( '.' ), 'n' = null ); #parts->size < 4 ? return( false ); #n = ( integer( #parts->get(1) ) * 256 * 256 * 256 ) + ( integer( #parts->get(2) ) * 256 * 256 ) + ( integer( #parts->get(3) ) * 256 ) + integer( #parts->get(4) ); return( #n > 4294967295 ? false | #n ); /define_tag; define_tag( 'ntoa', -required = 'long', -type = 'integer', -copy ); if( #long < 0 || #long > 4294967295 ? return( false ); local( 'ip' = '' ); loop( 4 ); #ip = string( integer( #long )->bitand( 255 ) & ) + ( loop_count > 1 ? '.' #ip ); #long->bitshiftright( 8 ); /loop; return( #ip ); /define_tag; define_tag( 'subnettocidr', -required = 'ip' ); #ip->isa( 'integer' ) ? return( @#ip ); // set this up in case we are doing a lot of lookups ! var_defined( '__cidrs__' ) ? var( '__cidrs__' = map( '' = 32, '' = 31, '' = 30, '' = 29, '' = 28, '' = 27, '' = 26, '' = 25, '' = 24, '' = 23, '' = 22, '' = 21, '' = 20, '' = 19, '' = 18, '' = 17, '' = 16, '' = 15, '' = 14, '' = 13, '' = 12, '' = 11, '' = 10, '' = 9, '' = 8, '' = 7, '' = 6, '' = 5, '' = 4, '' = 3, '' = 2, '' = 1, '' = 0 ) ); local( 'cidr' = $__cidrs__->find( #ip ) ); return( #cidr->isa( 'integer' ) ? #cidr | false ); /define_tag; define_tag( 'within', -required = 'net', -type = 'string', -copy, -required = 'cidr', -type = 'integer' ); self->'ip' === false ? return( false ); #cidr < 0 || #cidr > 32 ? return( false ); local( 'ip' = self->aton( self->'ip' ), 'rede' = self->aton( #net ), 'real_mask' = null, 'netmask' = null, 'res' = null ); #real_mask = 0; #netmask = #rede; #res = #ip; #rede === false ? return( false ); #real_mask->bitnot & bitshiftleft( 32 - #cidr ); #netmask->bitand( #real_mask ); #res->bitand( #real_mask ); return( #res == #netmask ); /define_tag; /define_type; /namespace_using; ]
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