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AuthorWade Maxfield
LicensePublic Domain
Posted21 Aug 2008
Updated29 Aug 2008
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Entity encodes the supplied string using decimal, hexadecimal, or a random mix. Useful for obfuscating email addresses or phone numbers from web crawling spam bots. Tested with 8.5.x but should work with 8.x or even earlier.

Be sure to use the "Download This Tag" link, and not just copy and paste it from the textarea. The last 2 lines appear as:

#encodedString->(Replace: ':', ':');
#encodedString->(Replace: ':', ':');

in a browser, but in the tag file they are HTML entities instead (#58; #x3a;)

Sample Usage

Variable: 'theEmail' = (RD_entityEncode: '', -method='random');
<a href="[$theEmail]">email me</a>
<a href="[RD_entityEncode: '', -method='random', -EncodeNone]">email me</a>

Source Code

Click the "Download" button below to retrieve a copy of this tag, including the complete documentation and sample usage shown on this page. Place the downloaded ".inc" file in your LassoStartup folder, restart Lasso, and you can begin using this tag immediately.

Define_Tag: 'entityEncode',
    Local: 'encodedString' = String;
    Local: 'c', 'h' = String;
    Local: 'i', 'r' = Integer;
    If: !(Local_Defined: 'method');
        Local: 'method' = 'decimal';
    Select: #method;
        Case: 'decimal';
            Iterate: #theString, #c;
                #i = #c->(Integer);
                #encodedString += '&#' + #i + ';';
        Case: 'hexadecimal';
            Iterate: #theString, #c;
                #i = #c->(Integer);
                #i->(SetFormat: -Hexadecimal=True);
                #h = (String: #i);
                #h->(RemoveLeading: '0');
                #encodedString += '&#' + #h + ';';
        Case: 'random';
            Iterate: #theString, #c;
                #r = (Math_Random: -Lower=1, -Upper=100) % 7;
                Select: #r;
                    Case: (#r < 3);
                        #encodedString += (RD_entityEncode: #c, -method='decimal');
                    Case: 3;
                        #encodedString += #c;
                    Case: (#r > 3);
                        #encodedString += (RD_entityEncode: #c, -method='hexadecimal');
    // convert : back to plain ASCII
    // in order to play nice with browsers when encoding style links
    #encodedString->(Replace: ':', ':');
    #encodedString->(Replace: ':', ':');
    Return: #encodedString;


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