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[ email_immediate ]


[Email_Immediate] sends an email immediately — bypassing the email queue system. This method can be used for messages that are of very high priority (but should be used sparingly) or can be used for messages that are larger than about 5MB and cannot be stored in the queue. The method is designed to take the values from an [Email_Compose] object with recipients, from, and data of the message to send. In addition, the method can take optional -Host, -Username, -Password, -Port, and -Timeout parameters. By default all of these parameters are fetched from the values stored in Site Administration.

  • Syntax
var(msg) = email_compose(...)
email_immediate(-data=$msg->data, -from=$msg->from, -recipients=$msg->recipients)
  • Beginner


Immediately send up an [email_compose] object

The [email_immediate] method is meant to take its data from an [email_compose] object, and this is a simple example of how that can work.


var(my_msg) = email_compose(-to='', -from='',
    -subject='Re: Subj', -body='Good Deal')
email_immediate(-host='', -data=$my_msg->data, -from=$my_msg->from, 

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