Setting up Lasso and monit (a system monitoring tool) on OS X
This process has been developed and tested on Mac OS X. Monit is also available on linux systems but I have not tested on linux at all. The basic process should be the same but the start and stop scripts will probably need to be adapted.
This assumes that you currently have Monit up and running on your Mac OS X machine, as well as Lasso installed and working.
On my example server I have Lasso configured using multiple sites. Site 1 is a placeholder and shouldn't normally serve any requests. Site 2, 3, etc handle all normal traffic, and requests are routed based on the hostname. Setting Site 1 up this way is generally considered good practice, and can help you to detect when you make mistakes in your apache.conf files, amongst other things.
For this example setup I'm going to use: (Site 1) (Site 2) (Site 3)
We'll need these unique domain names when restarting an individual site later on.
The servers IP address is and is on my internal network .
We'll need a start and a stop script which will be called by monit.
Create these 2 bash scripts in your general purpose scripts folder and check that they are executable. I'm going to use /usr/local/bin/ for these examples
# Start Lasso Script for use with Monit
# VER. 0.9 -
# 2009 wade at
case $1 in
sleep 6
rd_pid=`ps -o pid,command -au lasso | grep [L]asso8Service$ | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ "$rd_pid" ]; then
echo "Lasso Service is running"
sleep 2
killall Lasso8Service
sleep 6
/Library/StartupItems/LassoPro8/LassoPro8 start
sleep 2
while [ $counter -lt $ctime ] && [ ! -f /tmp/ ];
sleep 1
sleep 5
/usr/bin/curl --max-time 15 http://$1 > /dev/null
sleep 2
/usr/bin/curl --max-time 25 http://$1 > /dev/null
exit 0
# Kill Lasso Script for use with Monit
# VER. 0.9 -
# 2009 wade at
LassoPID=`/bin/cat /tmp/LassoService8_$`
case $1 in
sleep 2
killall Lasso8Service
sleep 2
/Library/StartupItems/LassoPro8/LassoPro8 stop > /dev/null
sleep 14
killall Lasso8Service
sleep 2
rm -f /tmp/LassoService8_*
/bin/kill $LassoPID
rm -f /tmp/LassoService8_$
sleep 2
exit 0
My example server is a G5 2.3DP setup with 8 Lasso sites. The sleep commands (in particular sleep 14) are based on how this machine has behaved. You may want to tweak the values in this script based on your machine specs and load.
As Lasso starts, each site loads and runs any lasso files in the main LassoStartup folder, as well as any files in it's own LassoStartup folder. We'll use this behaviour to automatically write the pid for the current site to a .pid file in /tmp/. Each site will write it's own .pid file as it loads.
We'll also get each site to check the pid for the main Lasso process (I'm going to call it Site 0) and write a .pid file if it doesn't exist or the .pid file is out of date.
Add the RD_lassoService_pid ctag (from to your main LassoStartup folder (/Applications/Lasso Professional 8/LassoStartup/) then restart Lasso. This tag also requires the OS_Process tag to be installed.
server:/ wade$ cd /Applications/Lasso\ Professional\ 8/Tools/
server:Tools wade$ ./stopLassoService.command
server:Tools wade$ ./startLassoService.command
server:Tools wade$ cd /
server:/ wade$ ls -l /tmp/Lasso*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 70792 May 27 16:19 /tmp/LassoService8.out
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lasso wheel 5 May 27 14:40 /tmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 6 May 27 14:38 /tmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lasso wheel 6 May 27 14:39 /tmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lasso wheel 6 May 27 14:40 /tmp/
You should have a series of files, where X is the siteID (0, 1, 2, etc). is created by Lasso itself, but as each site loads it writes to the same file, so we end up with the pid of the last site to be started. Not very useful so ignore this file.
We can now monitor the CPU and memory usage for any individual Lasso site process.
Monit is configured to use /etc/monitrc for the main config file. I use monit's ability to include addtional config files. This is useful since it makes it easier to disable particular processes from being monitored, by simply renaming the .monitrc file in question. These additional config files are located in /etc/monit
erver:/ wade$ ls -l /etc/monit/
total 112
-rwxrwx--- 1 admin admin 570 Apr 24 01:58 apache.monitrc
-rwxrwx--- 1 admin admin 3603 Apr 19 04:58 lasso.monitrc
-rwxrwx--- 1 admin admin 419 Apr 19 04:56 mysql.monitrc
-rwxrwx--- 1 admin admin 468 Apr 19 04:56 svn.monitrc~
Note: The svn.monitrc~ file is currently disabled and svn won't be monitored by monit.
set daemon 60 with start delay 60
set logfile /var/log/monit.log
set httpd port 2812 and use address
signature enable
allow localhost
allow admin:monitpassword
allow monit:monitpassword
check system Dev
if loadavg (1min) > 4.5 for 3 cycles then alert
if loadavg (5min) > 3.5 for 5 cycles then alert
if loadavg (15min) > 2.5 for 10 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (user) > 90% for 10 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (user) > 80% for 15 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (system) > 45% for 5 cycles then alert
if cpu usage (wait) > 20% for 3 cycles then alert
check filesystem Boot with path /
if space usage > 75 % then alert
include /etc/monit/*.monitrc
check process lasso_0
with pidfile /tmp/
start program = "/usr/local/bin/ 0"
with timeout 120 seconds
stop program = "/usr/local/bin/ 0"
with timeout 45 seconds
if changed pid then alert
if totalcpu > 15% for 2 cycles then alert
if totalmem > 75 MB for 2 cycles then alert
if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
check process lasso_1
with pidfile /tmp/
start program = "/usr/local/bin/"
with timeout 120 seconds
stop program = "/usr/local/bin/ 1"
group lasso
if totalcpu > 25% for 2 cycles then alert
if totalmem > 100 MB for 2 cycles then alert
depends on lasso_0
check process lasso_2
with pidfile /tmp/
start program = "/usr/local/bin/"
with timeout 90 seconds
stop program = "/usr/local/bin/ 2"
group lasso
if totalcpu > 25% for 2 cycles then alert
if totalmem > 150 MB for 2 cycles then restart
depends on lasso_0
We need to use the unique domain names/URLs for the different sites in this config file.
When a site needs to be started/restarted, the site URL (, etc) is passed to the script, which then uses curl to load a page from the site. If the site isn't currently running, this will cause Lasso to start it (which in turn creates the new .pid file). The string passed to the start script will need to be a URL that is processed by Lasso. If your default index file isn't automatically processed by Lasso, then change it to something that will be, like:
start program = "/usr/local/bin/"
with timeout 90 seconds
With my sites and servers, Lasso is generally well behaved. It hasn't gone wildly out of control and swamped the CPU. It's memory usage does however continaully grow over time, so periodically restarting individual sites frees up some memory and has prevented my machines from hitting virtual memory. For this reason I've set monit up to send alerts if any limit is exceeded, but only to restart if the memory usage is higher than allowed. My example server has a relatively low traffic volume, so I've set the cpu and memory limits quite low. You will need to set your limits and actions to what ever values are appropriate for your setup.
I've also modified the to create the .pid file for Site 0 when Lasso first starts.
Edit /Applications/Lasso Professional 8/LassoAdmin/ with your favourite text editor and add
rd_pid=`sleep 8; ps -o pid,command -au lasso | grep [L]asso8Service$ | awk '{print $1}' > /tmp/` &
near line 33, just before the line that reads
cd /Applications/Lasso\ Professional\ 8/
So the script should end up roughly like
umask 002
# RD .pid Changes
rd_pid=`sleep 8; ps -o pid,command -au lasso | grep [L]asso8Service$ | awk '{print $1}' > /tmp/` &
# RD .pid Changes
cd /Applications/Lasso\ Professional\ 8/
sudo -u lasso ./Lasso8Service > /private/tmp/LassoService8.out 2>&1
Now when Lasso first starts up (even before any sites are loaded) the will be created.
With all of this set up you should now be able to monitor an individual lasso site process, or even Lasso itself. For even more fun, get M/Monit and M/Monit for iPhone and you can monitor your servers on the go. If anything needs further explanation or is just plain incorrect let me know on LassoTalk or direct email (wade at
Author: Wade Maxfield
Created: 27 Apr 2009
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2011
Configuration for Lasso 9 (from Ke Carlton)
In the Lasso 9 startup folder place a file called `00_pid.lasso` that contains:
// Create PID file
if(!web_request) => {
local(f) = file('///tmp/lassoserver_'+site_name+'.pid')
#f->exists ? #f->delete
From there you can monitor multiple Lasso 9 sites if you have more than one (the default is
Adaptations for Lasso 8.6 on CentOS
# /Library/StartupItems/LassoPro8/LassoPro8 start
/sbin/service lasso8service start
# /Library/StartupItems/LassoPro8/LassoPro8 stop > /dev/null
/sbin/service lasso8service stop > /dev/null
(3) The file /etc/monitrc is actually /etc/monit.conf for CentOS.
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