The list of known open and resolved issues in 8.6 are shown below. This list will be changing dynamically as new ones are opened and old ones are quashed. Looking for 9.x issues? - see here.
Use the Comment button to see details and contribute your knowledge or experience about a given issue. Voting on issue prioritization is available to Certified Lasso Developers (CLD's), and members of the Lasso Professional Association and the Lasso Development Partners.
If you know of issues not outlined below or if you have any detail you'd like to add please contact, and if in reference to a known issue please state the issue number and title.
LJAX.lassoApp does not properly handle radio, checkbox, or button input types.
A Table Rotate can not be performed as described on page 670 of the Lasso Language Guide.
If the Postgres maintenance table name is changed from the default 'postgres', Lasso returns an error.
Updates and release are needed for iText, ImageMagick, etc.
Loop_continue crashes when given certain scripts.
Under certain circumstances, an unclosed custom container tag can crash Lasso.
When creating LassoApps and using the LassoApp_Create tag, sometimes a VM error (too much memory requested) is encountered.
When using action_statement, Lasso will sometimes show the correct characters, and other times will show the wrong characters.
An error is given when Lasso is allowed to build the SQL statement.
Error_currentError used in the conditional of a handle block injects output into the HTML response.
Lasso throws an error or sends an incomplete page when the file length is too long or contains an Appearance object.
There is a difference in arithmetic precision between normal + and += . Using + gives 6 digits precision, while using += gives "full" precision.
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