Displaying a number of records / images in horizontal direction.
<a href="[Field: 'Link_URL']">
<img src="[Field:'Image_URL']" alt="" height="143" width="210" border="0" /></a><a href="[Field: 'Link_URL]">[Field: 'Image_Caption']</a></td>
[If: (Loop_Count % 4) == 0]</tr>
Note: The number of columns listed is determined by the 'Loop_Count', in the above sample it is the number '4'.
The custom tag lp_array_columns provides an easy way to quickly format an array, or in the case of records, records_array. Below shows the various display scenarios; follow this link to see actual coding examples for the below:
a b c d e f g h i
a b c
d e f
g h i
a d g
b e h
c f i
Horizontal -maxcols=2:
a b
c d
e f
g h
Horizontal -maxrows=2:
a b c d e
f g h i
Horizontal -maxcols=2, -maxrows=2:
a b
c d
Vertical -maxcols=2:
a f
b g
c h
d i
Vertical -maxrows=2:
a c e g i
b d f h
Vertical -maxcols=2, -maxrows=2:
a c
b d
Visit http://tagswap.net/lp_array_columns for more information and download links
Author: Detlef Hebbel
Created: 19 Feb 2008
Last Modified: 3 Mar 2011
Please note that periodically LassoSoft will go through the notes and may incorporate information from them into the documentation. Any submission here gives LassoSoft a non-exclusive license and will be made available in various formats to the Lasso community.
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